Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 401 Corpse Walking on the Roof of the Car

Almost at the same time that the male voice on the radio entered my ears, there was a small friction sound in the originally crackling rain curtain on the roof of the car.

Very fine and broken.

It was like the sound of something gently rubbing against the iron sheet.

And the sound did not always exist, but only a few seconds after each sound, there was a second sound.



Every sound is infinitely amplified in my ears.

what is it then?

Ah, it turns out that after a person was hanged, the corpse was dangling in the air, and the straightened toes made every move across the roof of the car.

That ghost, or rather that corpse, was separated from us by a thin layer of iron.

It's coming.

It's on the roof of the car.

"Wha, what the hell?"

The driver, who had been listening carefully for a long time, returned in vain:

"There are raindrops outside, but there is no sound?"

"Isn't this radio sound making noise! ​​Ah!"

Of course the nagging driver didn't stop on his own, but the last brief cry of pain wasn't caused by a ghost either.

But, me.

I hit the driver's hand with the bamboo pole in my hand to stop him from continuing.

The ghost on the radio kept asking if he heard the sound, which meant that the other party was not sure whether he could hear the sound.

If you can’t hear the answer at this time
There is no doubt that the other party will get worse!

I raised my eyes and looked at the roof of the car——

Sure enough, soon after the driver finished speaking, the slight friction sound of the car roof disappeared.

What came instead was the sound of footsteps in the true sense.

The moment footsteps stepped on the roof of the taxi, the whole car even trembled for a moment. Then the footsteps dragged all the way from the trunk of the parking space to the front cab. The footsteps deepened step by step, just in time.
Just above us.

It was as if there was a "person" who was not close to me, dragging the stiff body and moving with difficulty.

"This time, did you hear me?"

The driver's face was ashen as dust, and I couldn't imagine how bad I looked.

The male voice on the radio laughed and said softly in a sneaky tone:

"Apparently, I heard it."

"Then let us tell the story."

"Where to begin?"

"Okay, let's start with the men and women who got on the bus tonight."

"This man and woman are a couple. Their relationship is quite good. Although there are some minor misunderstandings, they are definitely a couple who can grow old together. Oh, I just said this, right?"

"Let's start from when they came out of the hotel. Something happened to them in the hotel, which made them not ready to continue living and prepared to take a taxi to leave."

"But they didn't know that the storm was coming, so when the first drop of rain fell on the girl's face tonight, they both regretted leaving the hotel."

My eyebrows furrowed slightly, and I subconsciously glanced at the pale Gong Shuji in the back seat through the rearview mirror. The male voice on the radio did not stop, but became more enthusiastic:
"But fortunately, a taxi stopped in front of them and asked them where they were going."

"The young couple got into the car without much hesitation."

"The driver enthusiastically prepared towels for them and asked them to wipe the water on their faces, saying that they would catch a cold if they were caught in the rain."

"The young man and woman thanked the driver, then took the towel and began to carefully wipe the water stains on their face, hands, and body."

"'What a considerate driver!' - the young man thought in his heart."

"'I'll give the driver more money later.' - This is what young girls think in their minds."

"This is a young couple with good hearts."

"But their good intentions were not well rewarded."

"Maybe it's also because it's a long journey and it's late at night. Not long after they got in the car, they fell asleep."

"Young men have better resistance. When he woke up in a drowsy state after sleeping half-way through the car, the rain outside the car window had stopped. Before he could be happy, he discovered another shocking thing -

The originally amiable driver had stopped the car at some point, opened the back seat door, and was groping his girlfriend next to him! "

"'What the hell! What the hell is this driver doing?!'"

"The young man subconsciously reached out to stop the driver, but when he raised his hand, he found that his hand was weak and his vision was blurry and overlapping."

"This time, both of them were shocked."

"The driver took back his hand touching his pocket, his face suddenly changed, and he cursed:
'How did that woman work today? Why isn't there enough medicine in the towel? ! Now I woke up halfway, what should I do? ! '"

"The driver was furious, and the young man finally understood what happened -

This taxi turned out to be a black taxi! "

The last sound of 'Ah' was deliberately prolonged by the male voice on the radio. There was dead silence in the taxi, and no one made any sound.

The male voice on the radio paused for a few seconds. Xu didn't react when he saw it. He chirped twice and continued:
"It's a bit regretful that something went wrong."

"This taxi driver surnamed Wu likes to go out on rainy nights to haul goods. He uses drugged towels to stun long-distance customers, then takes money from them and dumps them on the roadside."

"When those customers woke up, most of them couldn't tell what happened because of the drugs. They only knew that they got into a taxi and then fainted on the side of the road."

"When the police start checking along this line, they will find that the cunning driver not only knows how to avoid surveillance, but also keeps changing fake license plates."

"This is one of the reasons why drivers can succeed so often."

"In the past, he only took money and acted more safely. But tonight, he is destined to make a mistake."

"His wife didn't take enough tonight. Among the young lovers, the man woke up and thought the driver was a female offender. In order to survive and protect him, he had a fierce conflict with the driver."

"This kind of conflict is obviously irrational and unwise."

"Isn't it?"

The male voice on the radio felt a little regretful and sighed slowly, obviously lamenting the passage of young life:
"So, they died."

"This young couple is dead."

"One person was strangled to death by a towel, and the other girl was already weak. She only struggled briefly when she was strangled to death, and she tore off the third button of the driver's shirt. Then she also died."

"Two young lives were lost."

"The shocked driver took away everything they had on them and put them in the trunk, ready to go home to find his wife and daughter."

"But at this moment, he saw another man and woman waving on the road ahead."

“The raindrops are getting heavier and heavier.”

"In the haze, the driver seemed to see the girl holding a child in her arms?" (End of Chapter)

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