Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 413 9% sure

Chapter 413 Ninety percent sure
The back is gone?

Where is this sun-obsessed old liar? !

My heart gradually sank, and I began to carefully piece together the whole story following the words that the middle-aged man had inadvertently uttered.

It is absolutely impossible for the middle-aged man to go to Longhu 'accidentally', and it is impossible for his wife to have an accidental miscarriage.

The first major premise is wrong!
After all, who is a good person who travels with his wife who is nine months pregnant?

Besides, going to Longhu, which has no reputation?

This major premise simply cannot exist.

The most important thing is that the middle-aged man himself unconsciously mentioned during chatting that the last time he went to exchange for gold, he lived outside a pig pen in Longhu Village for several days.
If he brought his wife here, would he let her live in the pigsty with him?

And she’s still a daughter-in-law who’s nine months pregnant?
How can it be!

Everything, everything is wrong.

The middle-aged man is lying.

No, I should say, beautify yourself.

As long as we are human, we will beautify ourselves. It is not difficult to understand why what I heard is a story that is completely contradictory and completely inconsistent with common sense.

I once saw such a story in a book——

One day, a woman walking on a mountain road encountered bandits. The woman's husband came and fought with the bandits, and eventually a murder occurred.

It happened that the county magistrate at that time was Judge Xu, who accidentally returned to Yang to visit his children and grandchildren, so he brought up the soul of his dead husband from the underworld, and asked the husband's ghost and the woman to identify the murderer of the bandit and clear up the grievances.

Under the plaque hanging high in the mirror, the two ghosts actually said that they were not wronged.

The bandit said that the woman had walked this mountain trail more than once, and the two of them had a tacit understanding. The woman would obey every time and would not change her route next time, just waiting to be raped by him alive.

On that day, the two of them had a connection and were committing adultery. Unexpectedly, the woman's husband came to find her. This husband was a weakling and a showman, and he accidentally stoned him to death three times.

The bandit slept with the woman and beat her husband to death. He felt that his life was worth it, so he said that he was not wronged.

The woman said that she had never been touched by bandits and had only had physical contact with her husband.

That day, her husband encountered the bandit first. During the fight between the two, she was pushed aside and fainted. When she woke up, her husband was killed.

The woman said that she was not raped and did not know why her husband was killed, so she was not wronged.

But the husband who turned into a ghost said that that day his wife was caught and molested by bandits. He bravely stepped forward and fought the bandits dozens of times. Seeing that he was defeated, the bandits turned around and ran away. He was chasing the bandits. When he was in a hurry, he fell down on a stone and died from the collision.

He fell to his death accidentally, so he had no wrongdoing.

This incident is a wonder in the world.

Three people experienced the same thing, but what they said, from the perspective of protecting themselves, turned a matter that had long been revealed into an unsolved case.

Since they all say that they have no grievances, how come the unjust, false and wrongful convictions come about?
Why did that living life die?
Yes, this is a lie.

All lies.

The middle-aged man opposite might not have done it intentionally when he traded his child for Immortal Mirou.

The fact that he brought his wife to Longhu Village may not have been intentional.

It is even very possible that he did not bring his wife at all.

Because the weight of "eight pounds and six taels" is far more than the weight of many newborn babies.

There is another possibility, that is, he took his child away from his wife and came to Longhu Village.

After all, a normal mother would not watch her child being sent away.

Especially, the child was given to such a terrifying and unknown 'immortal'. Judging from the current situation, no matter whether the middle-aged man opposite him deliberately lied or beautified himself, he lied to the extent that he believed it.
In fact, there is a high probability that you will not be able to ask for any details about the 'equal weight transaction'.

I sighed softly in my heart, scratched Gong Shuji's palm again, and gave him a look.

Gong Shuji raised his eyebrows unconsciously, and then cast a doubtful look again.

Ever since I figured out that meat was exchanged for gold, his eyebrows have never softened.

I typed a lot and told him everything I analyzed, adding a few words at the end:

"Now the general situation is very clear. Thirty years ago, the man across the street exchanged his children for gold. Now after spending the money, he is ready to exchange meat for money again."

"Although there are still some questions, such as 'where did the other party spend the money, who is in the suitcase', etc., etc. are not clear."

"But I'm 90% sure that there must be someone inside the suitcase."

"We can think of a way to call the police and let professionals investigate."

Gongshuji read it carefully and naturally had no objections:
"It's not easy to call the police on the train, and it's easy to alert the police. If I remember correctly, there are police officers on the train. We just find a reason to stand up and go directly to the police officers."

I turned off my phone and drew a circle on Gong Shuji's palm with a normal expression:

"Honey, are you hungry?"

Gong Shuji hadn't recovered from the 'conspiracy' just now. He was stunned for a moment, and then said 'hmm' as thinly as a mosquito:
".A little bit, are you hungry?"

I mentally skipped several common foods, and then denied them one by one:

"Want to eat popcorn, egg waffles, mango sago"

It’s not about naming the dishes, it’s just that I really want to eat something sweet.

Eat sweets, secrete dopamine, and get cheap and simple happiness.

This is a way of regulating myself that I just thought of.

"There's not that much variety of food on the train."

Gong Shuji was a little helpless, but the blush that suddenly rose in his ears did not subside:

"I'll take you to the dining car, and we'll bring a lunch box for this big brother."

We stood up and the middle-aged man whose name was called looked beaming:
"I'm not in the way. I just want the most ordinary meal. I'm sorry you still remember me."

"You two have such a good relationship. You want to go together to buy a meal. Are you planning to leave? Then let me help you with your psychology."

Are you worried about us leaving?
I casually pointed to the backpack above my head that was now empty of anything:

"Don't look at it, just leave your luggage on it. We'll be back later."

Gong Shuji held my hand and walked through the laughing and joking crowd, passing through several carriages that were either quiet or quiet, and sure enough I saw a flight attendant wearing a green uniform.

It's very close.

Gong Shuji seemed to want to speak directly, but...
I pushed him, and Gong Shuji didn't watch what was behind him. He took a few steps forward in the direction of the force and completely passed the obese flight attendant.

Gong Shuji seemed a little confused, so I pulled him forward and continued until we reached the empty dining car compartment. Then I raised my head and whispered to him:


"There were several people in that carriage with suitcases similar to that middle-aged man's."

"They came together, they know each other, and they all want to go to Longhu."

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