Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 414: Dirty people

Chapter 414: Dirty people
Not quite right, nothing was quite right.

When we stood up, everything was still normal, but when we walked out of the carriage that was almost entirely filled with young people, we immediately received several glances.

Those lines of sight are not only present in one carriage, but are present in several carriages.

They may be young or old, male or female.
But they all have one thing in common -

All with suitcases.

The reason why it was so easy to find was naturally because, like the middle-aged man, they chose to place the suitcase within sight.

Some people who already have something under the table and cannot accommodate their suitcases will even choose to keep their hands pressed on the suitcase handles the entire time.

Even if I feel very sleepy, I won't let go.

It’s unimaginable, really unimaginable.

Now I don't dare to continue thinking along my original speculation. It's not that I don't believe in myself.

So many people, so many suitcases.

If they were all people, it would be too many.

This number is really too much.

What kind of group of people would book late-night train tickets in batches with a suitcase they regarded as a treasure, and rush to a strange and unknown village with an unknown future?

I don't know, it's really hard to guess.

I thought that the two questions I skipped, "Where did the money go?" and "Who is in the box?" were minor issues.

But looking at it now, it is clearly a very important clue.

Knowing these two questions, we can at least know what is going on with the middle-aged man sitting in front of us, and those men and women who have the same eyes as the middle-aged man, and why they want to run to Long Lake at night.

The original plan was completely unusable.

First of all, there are not that many flight attendants.

Secondly, there were nearly twenty people on the other side. Once a commotion broke out on the train, it would undoubtedly cost the lives of a whole group of people.

After Gong Shuji heard what I said, he subconsciously wanted to turn his head and look at the people I was talking about, but I held his face in time to stop him from making too abrupt movements:

"Don't turn around, someone is watching us."

"I have thought about it. We can send messages, and the middle-aged man can also send messages and pass them on."

"So don't look back."

Gongshuji was startled, and then nodded imperceptibly.

I took my hand back:

"They probably didn't get on the train in the same batch, and the tickets they bought were not together. There is only a small detail like the suitcases."

I pondered for a few seconds:
"The eyes are very red, the person is very thin, the hands are dirty, and the spirit does not seem to be very good."

His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his skin and flesh were so thin that his bones were visible. His eyes looked at people with vague hostility, but they were not sharp, as if they were in a dream.

After these people looked at me for two or three seconds, they would subconsciously look away. Obviously, they could not concentrate for a long time.

It feels like I have some kind of disease.

The disease destroyed their spirits and bodies at the same time, leaving them like wandering corpses. They moved in the middle of the night and rushed to Longhu.

But if it was just an illness, something felt wrong.

After all, these people move together and carry the same kind of boxes, so they must be organized and disciplined.

I have never seen such a person.

People who are more zombies than zombies, but they are conscious and can communicate.

"Red eyes, thin, not in good spirits, and, my hands are very dirty?" Gong Shuji was very close to me, and people passing by could only see the two of us standing in the corner of the dining car, rubbing our hair together.

But the words we spat out were tainted with seriousness, making it impossible for each other to feel even the slightest bit charming.

He listened to my words and did not look back, but he was also actively thinking about it.

Gong Shuji thought for a few moments, and his expression gradually became serious:

"Did you see it wrong?"

"People who have taken contraband for a long time will have abscesses and scars in black, gray, brown and other colors all over their body. At first glance, they look no different from 'dirty', but there is a big difference."

"But those wounds are actually all over the body. If you only see the hands, it may be the part of the body where only one hand is exposed."

"Do you understand what I'm saying? This is common sense."

"Have you ever seen the official promotional videos?"

"What you just said happens to be the disadvantages of that kind of thing."

Abscess scars?

There was a roar in my head, and I instantly understood what Gong Shuji meant. It was that kind of thing.

Gambling is definitely not the only thing that can destroy a family.

Gambling is not the only thing that can destroy a person's physical and mental strength.

There is a high probability that these people are a group of dirty people who communicate in private. They spent all their money, and at a certain gathering, someone shared the secret from Longhu, and then they chose to go to Longhu at night.

But now, with their mental strength, they cannot have the brains to make correct judgments.

As long as there is money, as long as there is money.

Everything can be given up. This is probably what they think.

So, they brought their families, friends, wives and even their children just like the middle-aged men did thirty years ago.

Gold, gold, lots and lots of gold.

A group of dirty people can create a lot of evil from this.

"Abscesses do exist."

I took a deep breath, turned my head without any trace, and glanced behind Gong Shuji:
"I saw it on two or three people, but I just thought it was a coincidence."

"The dirty hands I just mentioned are not abscesses or scars, but the dirt in the gaps between the nails."

"The dirt looks like these people were digging something with their hands."

According to the timeline I speculated, this group of people should have dug something with their hands, then each picked up their suitcases, returned to each house with 'things' that they thought could be exchanged for gold, and scattered them at different sites. They took the same train and tried to arrive at Longhu together before a certain time.

The middle-aged man we met is not an exception. Judging from the attire of those people, he is not very special. He has a good way of talking and has no aura around him. There is no way he can be the initiator of stopping this farce.

The only two special things about that middle-aged man are that he met us tonight, and the second is that he had been to Longhu thirty years ago and participated in the 'equal weight transaction'.

But what about the people behind the scenes?
Where to hide?

Why are these people digging up the soil again?
Gong Shuji and I held our breath and thought carefully for a moment, but found nothing:
"Don't worry about what things were dug up, just know that these people touched those things."

"Have you written down the seat numbers of those people? We write a note and give it to the flight attendant. After calling the police, someone will naturally come to check."

I nodded without hesitation:

"Remember it, we need to be quick."

"I've never heard of any monsters that like to eat dead human flesh, and I've seen so-called box girls."

"Anyway, the people in those boxes may have been heavily drugged before they could be locked in the boxes. We should be faster. They still have a way to survive."

I can only write it this way, do you understand? QAQ

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