Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 425 Hope, expectation

Chapter 425 Hope, expectation


They actually don't think the things in Long Lake are immortals?

A large turbulent wave rolled up in my heart, and almost instantly, I understood why the lake was filled with gravel.

If the thing in the lake is still confusing people
If the villagers were still under the control of the thing in the lake
They will not fill up the lake and sea, nor will they easily use the word "monster" to call the "thing" that can exchange meat for gold.
Venerable White came late.

I only had this sentence in my mind, and then I saw the bespectacled man, whom the middle-aged man called 'Teacher Chen', holding his chopsticks like the Hokage seal and starting to gesture like crazy.

The middle-aged man, who had just become irritable because I wrote four words, actually watched Teacher Chen finish all the gestures, dropped the stone in his hand, and turned around to leave.
Wait, gone?

I looked at the back of the middle-aged man leaving, and heard Teacher Chen's clear but obviously strange voice in my ears:


The teacher named Chen seemed to have been silent for a long time and was trying to regain his ability.

He is obviously no longer very proficient in controlling speech, so he has been subconsciously using sign language to match his words to express his meaning to us:

"My name is Chen Dongchun, and I am a supporting teacher in this village."

"The man just now was the village guard in the village. He has a bad temper and is often startled."

"If I scared you, let me say sorry on his behalf."

Chen Dongchun paused for a moment, and then pointed his busy fingers at his ears:

"My ears can't hear, and I can only read my lips a little, but I can speak. If you want to talk to me, please use paper to write down what you want to say to me, and I will answer you."

Chen Dongchun.

An unpretentious name.

A kind and gentle teaching teacher.

Logically speaking, it should be the most common image of a rural teacher.

But something was obviously not right about him.

As we all know, a dumb person is not necessarily deaf, but a deaf person must be dumb.

Because once a person's ears cannot hear the sound, it will be difficult to produce the sound correctly.

This is a very simple truth.

But converted to today's scene, it is an intriguing thing.

Chen Dongchun can speak, and what he speaks is pretty good. His sentences are clear, but his vocalization is not very proficient.

Therefore, he must have been a normal person who could speak normally and hear sounds normally.

So, what can make a person who can be a teacher become deaf?

What could make all the people in a village deaf?

I took out the white paper on my body, and Gong Shuji lowered his arm to put the paper on me as usual.

I leaned on Gong Shuji's strong arms and wrote a few words casually, but somehow I felt that if I wrote too straightforwardly, there was no guarantee that the gentle-looking teacher opposite would not tear open the 'human skin' like Xie Jinhua did before. Sudden rage.

After a lot of troubleshooting, I changed the question.

A line of words was written quickly. Chen Dongchun had already put the chopsticks into his pocket and took the note with both hands.

I kept a close eye on the other person's actions, and naturally noticed his subtle frown when he saw the large smear on the paper.

It seems, as if, maybe
If I read it correctly, is it distressing?

This thought flashed through my mind, and the next second, Chen Dongchun's eyes suddenly opened wide, staring at the paper, and started to read.

He looked at the paper, at me, and at Gong Shuji.

His eyes kept wandering between the three.

He looked very excited, but not at all as excited as the village guard just now.

The village guard is excited by rage, while Chen Dongchun is excited, happy, and excited. It encompasses all positive words. But obviously, I only wrote a few words on that piece of paper:

'Teacher Chen, do you know Qingzhu and Qingsong? '

That's it.

But just such a sentence made the middle-aged man who was very polite and elegant just now suddenly have red eyes.

Chen Dongchun looked at Gongshuji and I and was speechless for a moment.

There were some waves and red threads in his slightly aged eyes, but he quickly turned his back and wiped everything away.

Chen Dongchun turned around and put on his glasses again. His voice no longer had the original deliberately modified rules, but had a higher and lower pitch, which made it more authentic as the "voice of the hearing-impaired":
"Qingzhu, I know Qingsong."

"They are all my students. They are very hard-working students. They are very smart and smart, and they are also well-behaved in their dealings with others."

Chen Dongchun tried his best to praise his two students for all their good qualities. He was a little excited and his voice was trembling:
"You...the one of you who 'doesn't want to be named, but wants to be anonymous'?"

"Do you want to meet them? I can call them here immediately. They have always told me that they want to meet the kind people who sponsor them."

Good Samaritan who sponsored?

Directly penetrate the phenomenon to see the essence——

The main premise is that there are two people, Qingzhu and Qingsong.

This time we thought we were all confused, but we didn't expect that by mistake, we met someone who obviously knew about Gong Shuji's sponsorship of the two siblings!
I was stunned and subconsciously looked at Gong Shuji.

Gong Shuji obviously did not expect the current scene. He opened and closed his thin lips several times before slowly showing a relieved smile:
"None of us are."

"But if it doesn't bother you, I still want to see them."

Mu Lianli conveyed all the waves in his heart to me.

Not to mention Gongshuji, even me, a bystander, understands how tortuous this matter is.

The first encounter between these people started with a kind-hearted donation. Gongshuji did not ask for anything in return, but later it was revealed that the letter was fake.
We are actually all depressed.

To me, this is definitely another trick of fate.

For Gong Shuji, it is tantamount to a wake-up call.

But now, these two siblings actually exist here.

And according to Chen Dongchun, as long as we want, we can meet at any time
What is this called?
A bright future?

Lost and found?
I don't know, I only know that my heartbeat is speeding up.

It's beating, it's waiting.

It seems to be trying to tell me one thing -

'Please have expectations. '

'Please don't give up, still have hope and expectation. '

Chen Dongchun was still looking at us expectantly, but naturally he couldn't hear Gong Shuji's words.

I thought about it, took out a piece of paper again, and without wasting as much paper as possible, wrote:
"It's this kind man next to me, but he doesn't want to leave his name. Please just treat us as normal."

"By the way, if possible, we would like to meet the two siblings."

After I finished writing, I folded the paper in half, avoiding Gong Shuji's eyes, and handed the paper to Chen Dongchun.

Chen Dongchun took the paper and said "ok" seven or eight times.

Then he led us into the wooden house where he came from, got us stools, told us to wait for a while, and left without looking back.

Everything returned to silence.

Gong Shuji asked softly from the side:
"You just told the other party that I was the sponsor, right?"

Asking for votes, votes, votes, votes, votes, votes, QAQ

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