Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 426 Short wood substitutes

Chapter 426 Short wood substitutes

"Isn't it great?"

I looked around at the slightly crowded, but very life-like house.

The only table in the room was missing half a leg.

Half a sturdy short piece of wood replaced the missing part, re-supporting the desk that was originally shaky.

Rows of old books are stacked neatly together, and a thick notebook is spread out on the table. The corners of the book are neat and the handwriting is beautiful, which is pleasing to the eye.

There is still a small half bowl of unfinished rice on the edge of the desk. There is more yellowed old rice, less pickles, and no trace of meat.

Obviously, before we came, someone was sitting at the desk, eating and copying books.

I looked away:
"You have donated your time to the two Qing siblings for more than six years. You must let them know that you are their benefactor, right?"

"Otherwise, if you come over and kowtow to me later, what will it be?"

Gong Shuji had been restless since he entered the house. Now after hearing what I said, his shoulders relaxed a little, and a little smile appeared in his eyes:

"But, I didn't help them just because they bowed and kowtowed."

"Actually, as long as we know that there are indeed these two people, we'll be fine."

You can leave.

This is what Gong Shuji wants to say.

For him, as long as there are these two people, as long as he really helps two strangers thousands of miles away, this is enough.

There is no need to pray three times and nine times to kowtow, and there is no need for anything in return.

I understand where he's coming from.

But at this moment, I suddenly thought of another possibility:

We were having a good conversation, but the suddenness of these two words obviously surprised Gong Shuji. The original smile on his face disappeared, and he subconsciously looked around:

"what happened?"

Now I have some mixed feelings in my heart:
"I really shouldn't have said your name to that teacher."

"What if everything is fake?"

Gong Shuji was stunned for a moment, and I was full of doubts at this time. I analyzed it word for word to the other party:
"I've seen a lot of things like this."

"Many people who didn't have a good first impression of me often gave me unexpected help at the last moment. For example, the Tzu Ching girls."

"Similarly, there are also many people who have expressed good intentions to me, but in fact they are bad people and rotten people at heart."

I didn’t give any examples here, but several names crossed my mind, including Yang Jinhua and Yu Jiajia.
I shook my head, trying to clear their bad deeds from my mind:

"According to Venerable Bai, this place used to be a village where evil spirits were prevalent."

"Although the lake has been filled in now, and there are obviously some weird things in the village, we can't conclude that the 'fairy/monster' who originally traded gold for meat here is no longer here."


I thought about it again and again:
"Perhaps that teacher is just like the people I once met."

"Perhaps, there are no immortals, it is always human desires that are at work. The villagers created a god that only they know."

"We originally guessed that people in the village did not have that many sources of money, but now it seems that if they can deceive just one person, they can defraud many donors online."

"One you may not have enough money, but a hundred you, a thousand you. The combined money will definitely be enough to exchange for gold that is heavy enough."

Of course, there are still many details that don’t match up.

I also know that what I experienced in the village is very different from what I say now.
In other words, it's more like I'm speculating now.

But I can't stop thinking.

My mouth starts opening and closing without even thinking about it:
"Perhaps, they used this method to defraud many people of their money, and then used it to create gods and attract people to bring flesh and blood to Longhu."

"In this case, they bought those children with money, and the traffickers obtained the money, which can also make Longhu famous and enjoy the worship of the world."

"And this village has always existed as a transit point for human trafficking."

"That teacher Chen showed up at the right time just to find out why we came to this village. We told him and he took us into a house with only one exit."

"We have no way to leave, and he can just call people here and kill us here."

I think, I state.

I was racking my brains, trying my best to get Gong Shuji to escape with me before facing the end.

Yes, run away.

That's right, escape.

I pulled the ramen noodles and Gong Shuji was surprised:
"We should go." "I just told the teacher that it is the Qing family sister and brother you sponsored. Maybe there is no such person. Many people will come to you and me later."

"Then make us a piece of skeleton under the Dragon Lake."

And only ghosts will know how many skeletons there are under Long Lake.

I am a little scared.

But I don't know what I'm afraid of.

My heart is beating faster than ever.

I feel a little unsteady on my feet.

The heavy rainy night left me with a lot of sequelae, unusually big.

I can realize that the tower named "Three Views" is gradually crumbling.

The tower is falling, and my body is collapsing.

Until one day, I will die in the tower.


A gentle male voice sounded in my ears.

Someone reached out and hugged me at the moment when my body was falling along with my soul.

he ask me:
"Xiao Bai, did you really mean what you just said?"

Xiaobai, Tu Liubai.

Ask yourself, did you really mean what you just said?

Not really.


I can see that the teacher is very poor.

If Teacher Chen was really involved in abducting and trafficking outsiders, he shouldn't be living like this, and the collective deafness of the whole village was too much of a 'coincidence'.

And most people are not surprised by this.

It's like facing a conventional 'rule'.

This situation is very unusual.

A more reasonable guess is that they don't want to hear sounds and avoid certain sounds, so they voluntarily give up their hearing.

but I
But now, I can't believe the judgment I made.

In other words, the expectation of 'good things'.

Because I can no longer accept the collapse of the world after shining.

That would be even more devastating than if the whole world was originally in ruins.

I want to build a world that cannot be worse than what I know.

In this way, all the bad things that come to me, I can curl my lips and say to it——

"Look, it's true."

"Look. It couldn't get any worse."

Gong Shuji was patting my shoulder slowly, and his voice was still so gentle:
"Xiao Bai, I know you have experienced a lot before, but not all people are bad people."

"There are good people in this world."

“You can’t not face it just because you’re afraid.”

"Just like the end point of human beings must be death, death will not come because of human fear."

"On the contrary, the more you fear it, the more it will torture you."

"We'll have answers soon."

Gong Shuji slowly let go of my shoulders and pointed to the only door in the house:

"I want to trust that teacher for once."

"That door will open in a moment. If the person who walks in is not the Qing family, you can cut off my hand and run away."

I turned to look at the featureless wooden door.

Just at this moment, footsteps sounded outside the door.

It's late, but it doesn't matter, no one will always see it

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