Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 448 Finale My name is Liu Bai

Chapter 448 Finale-My name is Liu Bai
My name is Tu Liubai.

Of course, everyone who sees this should also know my name.

But you must not know that when I wrote the previous diary of more than 900,000 words, I was actually ninety-one years old.

All that happened in the past is just nonsense written down by me, an old man, when I looked back before my death and finally remembered some things from the first half of my life.

Gong Shuji and I, of course, did not find a place without people and lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

We didn't even go to Kunlun, but got off the bus halfway.

Not far away is the beautiful sacred mountain.

After I said, "Give it a try," Gong Shuji hurriedly took me off the train.

With his back against the majestic sacred mountain that was clearly within sight, he said to me the cruelest words I have ever heard in my life.

他 说:

"Xiaobai, I'm sorry."

"We can't make this mistake any longer."

"Actually, it was me who killed your second uncle."

Sounds funny.

But Gong Shuji really told me what happened next.

He said that I know how to make a paper substitute for death, and my second uncle can also do it.

Back then, Gongshu Qiu cut his second uncle's throat, put him in a coffin, and transported him back to Wangcheng overnight.
However, the second uncle did not die.

The second uncle cried for help in the coffin, but he, fearing that his father would be punished for this, nailed the coffin completely.

This was the source of all his guilt.

The rosary he carried in his hand when we reunited, and the overwhelming regret when he faced me all came from this.

It was my fault.

No matter what you say about Gongshuji, you are still the child of Gongshuji.

After being a famous person, it is impossible that he has not seen blood and blood since he was a child.

I originally thought he was guilty, and he was indeed guilty, but he was not guilty of being an accomplice, but of being the real culprit.

As for his father, Gongshu Qiu, the reason why he didn't take any action when I threatened him to take back his second uncle's bones was because, as I thought, he wanted to cover the old blood with new blood.

This is more right, and more reasonable than my original thought of 'killing one person to cover up the guilt of being another person's accomplice'.

Tooth for tooth, blood for blood.

If he was just an accomplice, atonement would be simpler, instead of thinking about 'covering up' and 'getting used to blood'.

And Gong Shuji felt extremely guilty in front of me, and there was another even more ridiculous reason.

That is, he might actually be somewhat sincere towards me.

it is ridiculous.

it is ridiculous.

Just thinking about it makes me vomit three liters of blood and lose my memory for a long time.
Oh yes, amnesia.

I'm going to have amnesia now.

In other words, I never stopped losing my memory at all.

It's not that I don't want to tell you what happened after that day
But, I also forgot about it.

I really don’t remember what I did after listening to Gong Shuji’s words. I only vaguely remember that by the time I came to my senses, a few days, dozens of days, or years had passed.
Not sure.

There is only one thing I can be sure of, and that is, hanging from the other end of Mu Lianli is an arm that has turned into bones.

Gong Shuji's arm.

We still managed to separate.

I don’t remember whether I killed Gong Shuji, my enemy.

I don't even remember how I survived for so long.

I lay on the rocking chair and kept thinking and thinking, but I couldn't recall what I had done all these years.

It wasn't until a naughty child accidentally broke into my courtyard door. The group of seven or eight-year-old children surrounded me chattering, calling me "grandma" and waking me up from my dazed state. I suddenly came back to my senses and recalled——

It's so long, seventy years have passed since that kiss and that conversation.

A whole seventy years.

My sudden movement seemed to frighten the group of children.

The timid ones left the courtyard crying, but there was only one slightly older child, about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a quirkier spirit, who boldly came closer to look at me: "Grandma, why are you here?"

I said to her:

"I do not know either."

I thought she would be put off by my now aging and ugly body, but she didn't.

She smiled and continued to ask:
"How old are you?"

I said, "Ninety-one."

The number of ninety years old really seemed to make this little girl a little embarrassed. She counted the numbers on her fingers for a long time, and then said doubtfully:
“How old is ninety-one?”

How big is it?
I don’t know too much, but I have a lot of free time now, so I patiently explained to her:
"Probably older than your parents combined."

The little girl was thoughtful and continued to smile:

"But I don't have parents."

It's hard for me to reply.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep, but the little girl didn't give up. She asked me:
"Grandma, why do you have a big piece of wood and a piece of bone in your hand?"

That’s right.

This little girl is indeed very courageous.

I opened my eyes, shook Mulianli who was resting on the edge of the rocking chair a few times, and replied:

"The wood is named Lianli, and the bone is my husband."

I don’t know why I answered like this, but I have an intuition——

I must have rehearsed this answer in my mind countless times, waiting for someone to ask me, but in my memory, no one has ever asked me this question.

I am very happy that the little girl can ask this.

The little girl also seemed very happy. She was not too surprised by the answer and just said:
"Would you like to tell me about your husband?"

I thought about it and was willing to talk to her:

"His name is Gong Shuji."

"He is from Wangcheng. He has good looks and a good temper."

It's just that I did something wrong that I can never forgive.

The little girl waited patiently. Seeing that I didn't want to continue talking, she asked again:

"Which taboo word is it?"

I was silent for a moment, stretched out my hand and wrote on the little girl's palm:
"The taboo of one's own heart."

"There are multiple interpretations, one is jealousy, the other is fear, the third is inappropriate and avoidance, and the fourth is abstention."

I want to continue talking, but I seem to remember something again——

The name "Public Loser" comes from the fact that the answer lies in the mystery.

Gong Shuqiu was trapped for half his life because of his revenge for taking his wife.

Gong Shuji, on the other hand, was jealous of others being able to live a normal life. For a long time, he was also afraid of having his lies exposed in front of me. Finally, because he couldn't get rid of his passion, he finally told me the truth under the snow-capped mountains.

Everything was actually foreshadowed.

"Master? Master?"

"Why did you go to bed without finishing playing the quiz game today?"

The little girl shook my hand to wake me up.

When I came back to my senses, I felt strange about the name she called me, and looked at her faintly:
"Who are you calling?"

The little girl muttered something softly, but I didn't hear it, but I don't really care about it now.

I was a little tired and wanted to close my eyes, but the little girl's words still lingered in my ears:

"Grandma, it's the same as usual, no, it's the last two questions. After you answer them, I can go to sleep."

"What's your name?"

I closed my eyes slightly, answered her question one last time, and said another answer that I might have told her countless times:

"Leave it blank."

"My name is, I have been in vain for seventy years of wind and rain, a disciple who has worked in vain."

The ending was destined long ago.
All the details and clues are in the previous article, but it’s actually not surprising at all!

It was said before that there is no cp, but the reason why Gong Shuji has a special identity is because Gong Shuji is not the heroine’s man but the heroine’s enemy~
By the way, there will be more later, there is also a side story from the perspective of the apprentice (Gong Shuji has a little appearance), and there is a side story of the second uncle when he was young. Then I will think about whether there are other side stories. You can also name them. Want a side story (leave a message before the end of the book is valid)

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