Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 449 Extra 1 My name is Tu Qingnu

Chapter 449 Extra 1 My name is Tu Qingnu (3/)

My name is Tu Qingnu.

This year is ten.
Wait, what?
Have you never heard of this name?
Damn it, it seems I'm not famous enough.

Let me think about it. Then you must have heard of 'Beiyan Nanzhi', two powerful men with great names in the world, right?

'Beiyan' refers to the Hu clan who light up cigarettes to defend their grievances.

And 'Southern Paper' refers to the life-threatening flying paper 'Zu Liubai' which has been famous in the South for seventy years and has made countless rats afraid of it.

She is my master, a master who treats me the best, and all the praises in the world cannot be overstated.

When I met Master, she was already very old. How did that sentence in the book come about?

Oh, my hair is gray and haggard.

But she is different from ordinary old people. She can run and jump. With five or six pieces of flying paper, she can kill seven or eight men who want to drag me to sell me.

It’s so amazing. I admire Master so much.

I often wonder why Master is not my mother or my grandma. Forget it, I still don’t think about it. I can’t confuse Master with those disgusting people, otherwise it will stain the title of Master.

Oh, and did I not mention the disgusting people who share my blood and the disgusting things they do?

Don't worry about these little details, they're not particularly worth hearing.

The story is also very simple. In fact, my parents had an affair and gave birth to me. However, due to the trivial nature of their family and their expenses, they lived a miserable life.
Hehe, you guessed wrong.

The following story is not about my parents selling me for money.

I said the story is simple, but it's not that simple.

They were separated. My father didn't want me, and my mother didn't want me. I was begging on the street for two years at an age when I didn't know how to speak.

No need to pity me.

I'm actually not pitiful either.

I've known my strengths since I was a kid.

When someone passes by me, I will cry at the right moment and say "I'm hungry". In this way, I can get one or even several meals of food and some warm clothes.

Those two years on the street were the happiest two years after I was born five years ago.

I stayed on the street until a group of people who looked disgusting and caring on their faces but actually had ten thousand needles swallowing in their hearts found me.

They wore the same clothes, wore the same armbands, said good things to me, but sent me back to my mother again and again.

It's all like being cooked by a dung beetle - absolutely disgusting.

In the end, a six-year-old child couldn't defeat many people.

I followed my mother back home, but she already had a child who could only cry to sleep, and a husband who now loves her very much.

Don't ask why it's not my father. He hid faster. It was three years after the divorce and the child was five years old.

And I am the most redundant.

I am an umbrella handle without an umbrella. I am an abandoned bottle cap that always says "Thank you for your patronage." I am a garbage bag that has been hastily opened by others, torn and damaged, and then thrown away.

I'm a cockroach who only deserves to sleep on the leaky kitchen floor.

I, too, wash diapers, wash clothes, work hard to cook, make milk, and have to be pinned to the ground and beaten by men.

I am Chen Zhaodi, who yelled for my mother to save me, but was ignored. My biological mother said, "Why don't you die? You waste my money on eating."

But now, I am a young girl who was reborn from the ashes after meeting my master.

So, when they wanted to sell me and Master suddenly appeared and killed them, how could I not love Master?

She is a hero.

A unique hero.

If everyone says that she is bloodthirsty and murderous, then these so-called 'everyone' is wrong.

If the world says she has done all kinds of bad things, then the world is wrong.

I will not let these voices reach Master's ears. I will clear the way for Master.

My heart will not curl up, I will move forward towards my goal. I must become a person like Master.

I want everyone to fear me, look up to me, fear me, and keep working hard in this direction
Today, you can still slow down your efforts a little bit, hehe.

Because today is Master’s birthday, and I am thinking about what gift to prepare for Master.

Master has always looked down upon gold and silver treasures.

Delicacies from mountains and seas, not to mention silks and satins.

I stood outside Master's small courtyard and thought about it for a long time, and finally came up with a solution -

Recently, several people have been saying things like, 'If the flying paper flying here is left here, it will cause trouble.' They want to force Master to leave here.

I might be able to bring their children, and when those people come, I will break their necks one by one.

Not only can I vent my anger on Master, but it’s also fun just to think about it!
I went happily, but returned with soreness all over. No one told me that children are such naughty species.

I may know why I was so unlovable in the past.

But it's not a big deal, after all, I'm quite unpleasant now.

As long as I have a master who loves me in this world.

I drove the children to Master's yard. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Master taking a nap on the couch under the acacia tree again.
made, it’s that acacia tree again.

Master must be thinking about that damn Gong Shu Ji again.

I cut down the acacia tree sooner or later and found Gong Shuji's skeleton and whipped the corpse three hundred times.

I was a little annoyed, so I pushed the children a little harder. A group of children felt pain and started to make noises.

I want them to keep their voices down. After all, during the period when the master was 'wushen', if anyone came close to her, she would pinch her by the neck.

If he couldn't wake her up before she suffocated, that person would probably play mahjong with the King of Hell soon.

I'm not afraid of being pinched. Master always loves me and she won't hurt me.

However, it would be too boring to let the master choke these children who claim to be "reputable and upright" and not torture them in front of those people.

I wanted to stop him, but I only had two hands and couldn't hold down seven or eight mouths. Those children finally woke up the master.

Fortunately, the master was not in a state of 'Godlessness' today, and she did not pinch anyone's neck.

I took a peek at Master's diary.

I knew she was about to start telling that story again.

The story that Master has told me countless times.

She doesn't recognize people, doesn't remember where she is, or what she has done, but she can say this sentence so clearly, which shows how deeply she is addicted to that story.

I was so addicted that when I followed her step by step, swore allegiance to her, and was willing to do anything for her.
She was still in the story of a dream that lasted for many years and had not come back to her senses.

The first thing she said to me was:
"Tzu Ching girl, are you reincarnated?"

"Your ambitious eyes are indeed so easy to recognize."

So from that day on, I became Master’s disciple, took Master’s surname, and had the name given by Master——

A young girl.

And the reason why he is a disciple is not a butcher——

Because at the beginning of the story, Master always said her name was Tu Liubai.

And at the end of the story, she always says her name is Tu Liubai.

This extra story is about the next generation of papermakers, Tu Qingnv.

A person who is born black and evil, extremely self-interested, has no limits, and is afraid of the world being in chaos.

She does not appear in the main text. However, she is a very ambitious and talented person, completely different from Bai Bai.

Her perspective is used because she can sort out everyone's endings from the perspective of a latecomer.

This person has an official spouse, who is the descendant of this generation's "Beiyan". In order to stir up the current situation, she once went to seduce a certain smoker who blushed for a long time after touching her hand and couldn't get a good word from her. Their story is very long. , but I probably can’t write it down here. No one has read the main text, let alone the extras and sequels, alas ε=(ο`*)))

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