Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 453: Special Extra: How can I die without success

Chapter 453: Special Extra: How can I die if I get enough money ()

The handsome and handsome young man stretched out his hand towards me, with a gentle smile on his face:
"My name is Gong Shuji."

I stretched out my hand and shook the other person's hand briefly, and the cold fingertips of the other person touched each other and separated:
"Li Liubai."

Two years is enough time for me to become familiar with everything in the new environment, including a brand new name.

The years in Wanyao Village were gradually stretched away, and sometimes, I subconsciously thought that I was originally named that way.

The other party seemed to know who I was and didn't intend to dwell on it. Instead, he said:
"Sister Xiaobai, your second uncle is talking to my father. It may be later. Should we wait somewhere else?"

It turned out that there were still people in the room, but the sound of the conversation inside had disappeared. I stood there and waited for a moment, and after confirming that there were two breathing sounds in the study room across the door, I took a step back:
"Then let's take a walk together."

There were two breaths inside, but the second uncle didn't say anything about letting me in, and remained silent during our conversation, which was obviously a tacit approval of Gong Shuji's proposal.

Beings like adults, they may always feel that their children will never grow up, and they always feel that they cannot listen to anything they say.

I nodded and followed Gong Shuji downstairs. The young man half a step ahead of me seemed to be very worried about me. He almost stopped after two steps to see if I was falling behind.

The two of us passed through the afterglow in front of the cloister, through the vine lawn, through the paths in the villa area, and through the creek outside the manor. Finally, we stopped under the shadow of a vine.

Gong Shuji stood firm, took a deep breath, and said:

"I don't think we are walking, we are out training."

Who is a good person who can walk ten kilometers in one breath? !

I clearly saw this sentence on his face.

A trace of sadness flashed across Gong Shuji's exceptionally blessed face, and there were some beads of sweat on his forehead.

Pleasant to the eye.

Only these four words can describe this situation.

My eyes moved down along the fine beads of sweat on the other person's forehead, across his high eyebrows, amber eyes, upright bridge of nose, and finally settled on his plump lips.
[Today’s lesson is about etiquette common sense, please be sure to remember——

When talking to a casual friend, please keep your gaze on the other person's eyes and try your best to make the other person feel that you are being listened to. This can also appropriately express the importance you attach to the conversation.

If you look at familiar friends, you can look at the nose, cheekbones and other triangular areas to relax and talk without giving people a sense of oppression.

Finally, there is something about the mouth and throat.
Please be sure to wait until you have someone with whom you have a very heartbeat before you set your sights on these parts of the other person. Remember, remember. 】

The first thing I recalled in my mind was what the psychology teacher said to me, followed by a second sentence:

[You were born with some emotional deficits, and your father must have spent a long time establishing an inseparable connection with you.

For patients like you. No, I mean, for people like you, being slow is very normal. If you don’t understand emotions and propriety, please remember what I say and treat the other person politely first.

If anything happens, please speak out as soon as possible and according to your first thought. 】

Say it first?
I pondered for a moment under Gong Shuji’s slightly puzzled eyes, and finally decided to follow the advice of professionals:

"Gong Shuji, can you give me a kiss?"

I pointed to my mouth, signaling to the other person who suddenly became stunned:

"Your mouth looks really kissable."

No one answered me.

All that was waiting for me was the sound of Gong Shuji retreating repeatedly until he fell into the creek behind him.

He fell into the clear stream water that was only ankle deep, and the blush on his face was more intense than the autumn maple leaves.

I reached out to him, but he didn't come up. He stayed in the stream and drank with me.

It wasn't until someone came to look for us later that Gong Shuji stood in the stream, visibly relieved.

The second uncle who arrived late had a lot of anger on his face, and he said to Gong Shuji who was still in the stream:
"What do you want to do by bringing my daughter here?!"

"I just said a few words to your father and asked you to go far away with Liu Bai. I didn't let you go this far!"

"Can't you coax the little girl to take her to the swing, buy a dress, and play with her?"

"Fortunately, it was you who fell in. If it was left blank, you have to watch your skin carefully!"

This is not to say that there is no distinction between black and white, but at least it is topsy-turvy.

But I still took the opportunity to nod and complain:
"Yes, why can't you coax me into following my wishes and give me a kiss?"


The second uncle nodded fiercely: "I didn't expect it. I thought it was a benefit for me to wake up early, but I forgot that people's personalities may be different!"

"You kid, you are so stingy. Let my sweet baby kiss you. Uh-huh?"

The second uncle let out a donkey bray and was stunned:

"What a kiss? Who kissed whom? Who?!"

Another middle-aged man in black, who arrived late, seemed to be preparing to rescue Gong Shuji in the stream. But after hearing these words, he not only stopped, but even turned around and walked away.
It was very noisy that day, and I remember the sound of my second uncle’s angry roars all outside the manor.

Of course I didn't get close enough to Gongshuji.

My second uncle grabbed me under my arms and carried me back to my villa as if I was dying.

It was a pity that the father and son of the public loser said goodbye.

The second uncle scratched his head and looked haggard. Finally, when he passed by me reading a book for the thirtieth time, I asked the second uncle:

"I can't say that, right? Second uncle."

"Is what the teacher taught me wrong?"

I wanted to get the answer from my second uncle, but he didn't seem to know the answer either.

The second uncle looked like he was about to speak but hesitated. His face was filled with sadness and confusion.

He once again looked through the 'Wordless Book' that he had read countless times in the past two years.

It wasn't until the moon set that I slowly walked over and held down the book he was flipping like crazy, and then he sighed slowly:

"Leave it blank, you can't go wrong."

"It's Gong Shuji's fault for not kissing you."

"You're only fourteen, what do you know? It's okay to make mistakes. He suffered a big loss."

The second uncle slowly recited these words and touched my head:
"You can't be wrong, as long as you follow your heart, no matter what, my second uncle will definitely take care of your worries."

"No matter what kind of mistakes you make, my second uncle will definitely be your backing this time."

“You don’t have to be too rational, and you don’t have to do only the right things your whole life.”

It's so stiff, and I actually saw with my own eyes that my second uncle secretly glanced at the book when he said the last sentence.

My second uncle has always said these inexplicable things in the past two years.

There were endless words of encouragement and gentleness, which this rough guy like him had never said before.

I don’t understand, but my second uncle is my father, so I will definitely listen and believe what he says.

So I touched my second uncle’s face, which was suddenly crying, and asked:
"Then I didn't make a mistake, why is the second uncle crying?"

I don’t understand, I still don’t understand.

I felt a little panicked, and I still felt that I had done something wrong.

The second uncle said:

"It's not your fault, leave it blank."

"It's my second uncle's fault. The past two years have gone smoothly, which made me forget that there really is a destiny in this world. I thought that I could replace everyone."

"What if we didn't meet for the first time in Wanyao? There will always be the next Wanyao, and there will always be that heartbeat, that Mulianli, that train to the snow country."

"Do things always happen? It's so painful, but it just happens."

"Second uncle is wrong, maybe second uncle is really wrong."

The second uncle thought about it for a long time, finally raised his head and said to me:
"Leave blank, how about my second uncle taking you to see the world?"

“What happened in the past may not happen again, and what has been done may not happen again.”

"You will understand that the world is kind and warm."

"Second uncle will take you to Changzhou, take you to Yunmeng, and take you to many, many places. This time I will definitely not make you feel scared."

Leave blank: Kiss me! (Forcibly pulled.jpg)

Gongshuji: No, no, no, no, yes! (Cover your tight clothes.jpg)

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