Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 454: Special Extra: How can I die without success

Chapter 454: Special Extra: How can I die without success ()
The world is so big.

Why single out Changzhou and Yunmeng?
I do not know.

However, my second uncle quickly packed up all my luggage and took me to the next scene.

"Second uncle, are the father and son of the loser couple your old friends?"

"Is the relationship really good?"

The journey is long, I asked softly.

The second uncle's face was as ugly as if he had eaten a fly. I could tell that he seemed to dislike the father and son of the loser. But if that was the case, why would he let him come to the house?

The second uncle looked at me carefully:

"Liu Bai, do you care about Gong Shu Ji?"

My ears are very good, and I heard my second uncle mutter again, 'I've said everything that brat said, why is it useless, and it still happens like this?' My daughter, it's over, everything is over.' Something like that.

I tried to analyze some things from the words and behavior of my second uncle who is now crazy, but the reality is that his change of attitude is too abnormal.

Apart from the vague awareness that the 'Wordless Heavenly Book' should be the source of everything, there are no traces of other traces.

I tried to break up the truth with my second uncle and feed it to him:
"It's not that you care about losing public relations, second uncle."

"Although Gong Shuji is beautiful, I really just want to kiss him and have no other thoughts. I want to get in touch with him more to know what the psychology teacher said about 'liking', 'love' and 'kissing'." "

"The person I really care about is my second uncle."

"My second uncle has never met any friends before, and he will never bring those rich people who come to look for papermakers to my home. But the father and son of the public loser can see my second uncle as soon as they come. It's obvious that they are Your old friend."

"Second uncle only told me about his old friend once. When we changed our name two years ago, he told me, 'Someone wrote a poem for you, and then you changed your name from Fangcheng to Fangcheng based on the poem.' friend."

But at the beginning of this series of madness, the second uncle decided to change his name.

'Crazy Second Uncle' does not agree with the name 'Fangcheng'.

There is a detail that cannot be ignored here.

That is, in the small matter of changing one's name, it may mean that one does not agree with one's former self, or it may mean that one does not agree with one's former self, or one suddenly realizes that one is eager to get rid of the person one once knew.
I don't understand these twists and turns, but there is a word that appears in my heart for some reason, 'enemy'.

The word appeared very suddenly, like a flash of thunder in my head.

This makes me very uneasy.

I never expected to grow up as much as I do now.

The psychology teacher said that my situation may be supplemented by age or experience. I am looking forward to the day when I will fully understand or become my second uncle.

I think I should grow up and understand more.

In this way, I can help my second uncle, and my second uncle will no longer be so worried and suppressing himself.

Although the second uncle is not the same as before, when he heard me say these words, he instinctively grinned:
"Sure enough, my daughter still misses her father."

The second uncle scratched his head, feeling silly for a while, and suddenly slowly lowered the corners of his lips:

"Leave it blank. Second uncle will tell you about his past grudges. Do you want to hear it?"

How could you not listen!

The second uncle told everything about his past feud with Gongshu and his wife, and at the end, he felt a little embarrassed. He touched his nose and didn't dare to look at me:
"Probably because of these things, I changed my name, and in the past two years I have become somewhat famous. Gongshu and his son passed by Xijing on business, so they came to pay me a temporary visit."

"It's impossible for me not to see him. I also want to apologize to the public to show that I no longer have any worries about the past."

I listened quietly, recalling the noise I heard outside the study a few days ago, thinking for a few seconds, and pieced together the whole story:
"You knelt down in the study to avenge me, and even cried."

The door couldn't cover the sound of breathing, and it was obvious that she was crying quite loudly.

The second uncle touched his nose again and again, feeling terribly embarrassed:
"After so many years of misunderstanding, I have to explain it properly. I will explain carefully what happened in the past two years."

"I feel more regretful." The second uncle lowered his head and said:
"They've had a good life these past few years."

"I'm too self-righteous. Gong Shuqiu doesn't have that much hatred for me. Although he was angry that I caused the death of one of his unborn children, there was actually a faint part of him that was grateful in his heart."

"My stay away from Wangcheng allowed him and Qingqing to share weal and woe and spend a long time together after I left."

"The longer they have been together over the years, like rice making wine, the stronger their relationship becomes like wine."

"I can feel that after so many years, Gong Shuqiu still has a light in his eyes when he talks about Qingqing."

"He showed me a lot of pictures and everything was fine."

"It turns out that I am the only one who has been stuck in the past. It is not false that time will heal everything."

The second uncle said in a trembling voice:
".I did something wrong."

"If I hadn't gone to find her, I wouldn't have hurt you, blank."

"But it won't happen now. I will definitely do it in the future."

The second uncle started to say some strange things again, but I finally understood what was going on——

The second uncle's first love was Gong Shuji's mother.

The second uncle was originally a little concerned about Gong Shuji's mother, but for some unknown reason, after getting the book, he boldly cut off the constant involvement with the past and changed the 'Fangcheng' that was originally added to his name back to his own name.

I was silent and followed my second uncle all the way, and then

I looked at the familiar village:
"Second uncle, didn't you say you wanted to go somewhere else to see the world?"

The second uncle nodded firmly:
"The first stop is here. There are two things here in Wanyao. One is the abduction and trafficking of women that may not have happened yet, and the other is the ancient tomb in the mountain behind Wanyao."

Trafficking in women? Ancient tomb?
I walked thoughtfully with my second uncle, who made paper figures and objects while walking along the way, and then placed all the paper figures in the village the same day after arriving at Wanyao.

That night, all the shouts in the village were:

"Empress Guanyin has appeared!!!"

"Help, there is a female ghost in my house!"

"Ah! Great Immortal, there is an Great Immortal. The Great Immortal said that if I touch a woman in this life, I will die!!!"

My second uncle took me to stand on a hillside not far from Wanyao Village, listening to the frightened wailing of the villagers below.

he ask me:
"Leave it blank, do you think they will be afraid and never do anything related to abducting women for the rest of their lives?"

I thought seriously for a while and told my second uncle:
"Fear is more memorable than admiration. But it can't be said to last forever."

"If my second uncle thinks they are definitely abducting women, he can patrol them from time to time."

The second uncle was stunned for a moment, then smiled happily:

"Yes, patrolling. I can also patrol a certain place from time to time like brother Chen Dongchun and Chen to prevent possible accidents."

I don’t know who Chen Dongchun is, but my words obviously helped my second uncle. My second uncle was very happy, and I was happy.

However, the smile on the second uncle's face did not last long, because after the two of us reported the ancient tomb in the mountain behind Wanyao, we quickly met Gong Shuji and his son.

The Gongshu family and his son came riding on wooden oxen and flowing horses in the afterglow that day to help open the ancient tomb.

The second uncle seemed to be a little worried, and kept the corners of his mouth pursed, but he still said hello to Gongshu Qiu, his 'old friend' who had been away for a short time.

I also hid behind my second uncle and stuck my head out, slightly opening the corners of my lips, silently tracing the other person's name in my mouth, and said hello to my 'old friend':

'It's taboo for public to lose. '

I had to take leave because I was sick yesterday! ! ! I'm a new author, and I didn't know that there was no prompt from the backend to ask for leave orz, so I'll rush back to update when I feel better today. There will be another chapter later~

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