Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 197 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 197 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (49)

It’s the Hongqu that I haven’t seen for a long time!
Hongqu has been taking care of her since Zhou got mad. After hearing that Zhou Qingyuan had handed over the power of the General Mansion to Jiang Li, Hongqu didn't dare to act like before.

Hongqu has been keeping his tail between his legs these days, fearing that Jiang Li would settle the score with her because of the previous incident.

In the past, she relied on the Zhou family's influence to dare to dominate the family, but now the people who support her are crazy. Hongqu is just like everyone else. In the final analysis, she is just a servant.

Now that Jiang Li has sole power in the General's Mansion, Hongqu is not stupid enough to provoke her as a maid.

These years of serving the Zhou family have already fed Hongqu's appetite. Now that his backer has fallen, Hongqu is no longer satisfied with being just a maid all his life.

These days, she thought of a way to fly up a branch and become a phoenix, which was to get close to the two young masters, Zhou Zhiheng and Zhou Zhiyao, and first gain the love of the young masters, and then go to find a sense of presence in front of the general.

Knowing that siblings Zhou Zhiheng and Zhou Zhiyao hate Jiang Li, Hongqu has been using various methods to say bad things about Jiang Li in front of them these days, increasing their disgust and hatred for Jiang Li.

Since she is a stepmother, who should take her as her?

As long as the two young masters hate Jiang Li enough and she tries some tricks, the general will abandon Jiang Li sooner or later. Then she, who is deeply loved by the two young masters, will be able to get close to the general naturally.

Others can take the position of the general's wife, so why can't she?
After Hong Qu's unremitting efforts, Zhou Zhiheng and Zhou Zhiyao became more and more disgusted with Jiang Li. The reason why Zhou Zhiheng put poisonous snakes into Jiang Li's yard that day to bite her to death was because Hong Qu was dragging her behind.

After learning that Zhou Qingyuan had handed over the power of the family to Jiang Li, Hongqu was so jealous that she almost went crazy. These days, she had been thinking about how to expel Jiang Li from the general's mansion. She didn't expect that God would open his eyes and give this opportunity. Delivered to her! !
After seeing Jiang Li and Shen Tingsi behaving intimately and ambiguously, Hongqu hurried back to Furong Garden.

Although Mr. Zhou suffered from madness, he was not completely mad. He was sometimes mad and sometimes clear.

It happened that Ms. Zhou was awake when she woke up this morning. Hongqu rushed back to Furong Garden and told Ms. Zhou the scene she had just seen with added detail.

"What?!" Ms. Zhou's eyes widened and she slammed the table: "Jiang Li's little hooves actually dares to steal someone behind Qingyuan's back?!"

Hongqu nodded heavily and said seriously: "It's absolutely true! I saw all this with my own eyes. Young Madam, not only did she behave ambiguously with Mr. Shen, but they also couldn't understand each other. Just now, just now..."

Hongqu was hesitant in the middle of the sentence, as if he had something to hide.

"What happened just now? Tell me quickly!"

Mrs. Zhou angrily scolded Hongqu and waited for her to say the next thing.

Hongqu bit her lower lip and said, "Mr. Shen just kissed the young lady... He also said that he asked the young lady to wait for him to come back, and that he would reward the young lady well in the evening..."

In order to label Jiang Li as a shit, Hongqu just opened his mouth and made up some imaginative words.

"It's unreasonable, it's simply unreasonable! This little bastard dares to behave with others in the general's mansion. Do you really think that no one can control her?!"

"Madam, madam, please calm down first. Nanyuan and Zhuyuan are so close, and the young lady is not favored by the general. As time goes by, she will inevitably become unbearable and lonely, so..."

Hongqu continued to add insult to injury in front of Mr. Zhou, alluding both inside and outside his words that Jiang Li couldn't bear the loneliness and had hooked up with Shen Tingsi a long time ago, cuckolding Zhou Qingyuan.

"Come here, catch this little bitch Jiang Li and take her to the ancestral hall. If you dare to cuckold Qingyuan, see if I don't skin her today!"

Zhou roared loudly, and his anger almost burst out of the Tianling Gai!
After hearing Zhou's words, Hongqu clenched his clothes tightly in excitement. He heard that the last person who was dragged to the ancestral hall to use family methods lost his life on the spot. It's great that Jiang Li's roadblock is finally gone!
Hongqu suppressed the excitement in his heart and stepped forward to support Zhou, and followed her towards the ancestral hall of the General's Mansion. Jiang Li was taken away by the waiter not long after she arrived at the counting house. Jiang Li didn't struggle after hearing that it was Zhou's order. She wanted to see what kind of medicine Zhou was selling in this gourd!

Since the last time Jiang Mansion's Tsing Yi Guards were summoned, Jiang Li kept two of them for convenience. Now the two Tsing Yi Guards are hiding in the dark, waiting for Jiang Li to summon him at any time.

Mr. Zhou wants to hurt Jiang Li?

Haha, I'm afraid I was slapped down by the Qingyi Guard without even touching a hair!

When Jiang Li followed the boy to the ancestral hall, Mrs. Zhou was already sitting in front of the ancestral hall waiting.

In addition to Zhou, there were more than a dozen boys standing in the courtyard of the ancestral hall. The moment Jiang Li appeared in the ancestral hall, the boys immediately surrounded her.

Jiang Li's lips curved into a hint of sarcasm: "What's the fuss about?"

"You actually dare to mess around with people in the General's Mansion. You are so brave, little bitch!"

Mrs. Zhou slammed the table and stared at Jiang Li with her sinister eyes like poisonous snakes.

"You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. Oh, I almost forgot, my mother-in-law is suffering from madness, doesn't this just come out of her mouth?"

Jiang Li's change of voice brought out the fact that Zhou was suffering from mental illness. As she spoke, she looked at the boys surrounding her, her eyes gradually becoming colder.

"The old lady has lost her mind and her mind is out of control. Why, you are also crazy and follow her?"

When they met Jiang Li's cold eyes, the servants swallowed unconsciously and subconsciously stepped aside.

Mrs. Zhou's face was full of anger: "You are outrageous! Hongqu saw this with his own eyes, you little bitch, don't even think about making excuses!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Li's eyes fell on Hongqu, who was looking at her with a proud expression.

"Young Madam, I just saw with my own eyes how you and Mr. Shen behaved in an intimate and ambiguous manner. Now that the incident has come to light, Young Madam, please stop being harsh and deal with it honestly."

Hongqu pinched his waist arrogantly, as if he had already seen how tragic Jiang Li's fate would be today.

"Come on, beat me, beat me hard, until this little bitch admits that she stole someone!"

Zhou ordered angrily, and then Hongqu took the whip from the side and came to Jiang Li with a proud look on his face.

"Young madam, I'm sorry."

Hongqu grasped the whip tightly, a sinister look appeared in his eyes!
"Beat! Beat this shameless little whore to death!"


Hongqu did not hesitate to raise his whip and swung it towards Jiang Li on the opposite side. Seeing that the spiked whip was about to fall on Jiang Li, at the critical moment, an angry roar sounded from behind everyone——

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