Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 198 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 198 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (50)

"Let me see who dares!"

Shen Tingsi flew in front of Jiang Li and knocked the long whip in Hong Qu's hand to the ground with his sleeve!
Everyone was stunned by the sudden situation, and froze in place with their mouths wide open. The green-clothed guard who was about to appear secretly shrank back when he saw this.

Jiang Li looked at Shen Tingsi who was standing in front of him in disbelief. If she heard correctly just now, he called himself me, right? Is this a direct showdown? ?

Jiang Li thought about many scenarios in which Shen Tingsi would reveal his identity to her, but she never thought that it would be in this situation.

Hongqu's eyes almost popped out of her head. She looked at the whip being thrown to the ground in shock. She didn't come back to her senses until she felt pain in her palm.

Hongqu suddenly raised his head to look at Shen Tingsi who had ruined her good deeds. The moment he saw Shen Tingsi, he swallowed back all the words that came to his lips!
After feeling the nobility emanating from Shen Tingsi's body from the inside out, Hongqu shrank his neck in fear, not even daring to take a breath. He was so arrogant just now, but now he is so cowardly!

It seems that she has provoked someone she shouldn't have!
Hongqu swallowed his saliva and lowered his head in horror, not daring to look into Shen Tingsi's eyes again.

Shen Tingsi's appearance was so sudden that everyone was shocked by the pressure on him and did not hear what he had just said.

Everyone was shocked by Shen Tingsi's pressure and did not dare to make a mistake in front of him, but Zhou was different.

Zhou is now a crazy woman who is sometimes sober and sometimes crazy. She doesn't care so much and dares to cuckold her son. Today, even if the King of Heaven comes, she will peel off the skin of this little bitch Jiang Li! !
After coming back to her senses, Mrs. Zhou slammed the table and yelled at Shen Tingsi: "How outrageous! You adulterer, you dare to come to our ancestral hall of the General's Mansion? Someone, please tie up this adulterous couple." stand up!"

How dare everyone.

Under Shen Tingsi's pressure, they simply couldn't hold their heads up!
Seeing this, Mrs. Zhou yelled again: "What are you doing standing still? You didn't hear what I said, did you?!"

The servant and the guards stood there bravely and continued to pretend to be deaf.

Seeing everyone making Zhou so angry, Zhou, who finally regained consciousness, was almost driven mad by everyone again!
"Okay, okay, now that your wings are hardened, you don't even listen to my wife's words, right?"

Mrs. Zhou said and suddenly stood up from the Taishi chair. As she stood up, the fat all over her body trembled!

"Don't you dare teach these adulterers and adulterers a lesson, I will do it myself!"

Mrs. Zhou angrily walked towards Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li in the yard. With his sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, he seemed to want to eat them alive!
"Okay, you two adulterers, you sneaked into the general's mansion for an affair, you just wait for me! If I don't break your legs today, I won't be called Shen Cuihua in the future!"

Mrs. Zhou glared at Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li while speaking harshly to them.

She angrily came to Hongqu's side and ordered: "Give me the whip! Today I will teach this adulterer and adulterer a lesson with my own hands!"

Zhou opened her mouth and kept talking about raping her husband and adulteress. Shen Tingsi's face darkened to the extreme when he heard this.

Hongqu resisted the bone-gnawing chill all over his body and bent down to pick up the whip on the ground and put it in Zhou's hand, hoping to use Zhou's hand to get rid of Jiang Li.

Mrs. Zhou tightened her grip on the whip and flicked it twice, and then whipped Shen Tingsi mercilessly!

Almost at the same moment, a horrified and angry voice sounded at the door.

But it was too late.


The whip shot out of the air, followed by the sound of hitting someone.

The servants who lowered their heads shrank their necks and closed their eyes, not daring to look at the tragic scene in front of them.


A shrill scream reached everyone's ears, frightening all the birds perched on the tree to fly away! However, this scream did not come from either Shen Tingsi or Jiang Li, but——

Everyone with their eyes closed quietly narrowed their eyes and looked towards the source of the screams.

Then Zhou's huge body fell heavily to the ground, causing a cloud of mud and dust!

Everyone was full of questions.

what's the situation?
The one holding the whip was Madam, why was it she who fell to the ground? !
"My escort is late, please punish me!!"

Zhou Qingyuan came to Shen Tingsi with his heart almost jumping out of his throat, and knelt down in front of him with a bang.

Just now, everyone was shocked by the coercion on Shen Tingsi's body, their minds went blank and they did not hear what he said, but now they heard clearly what Zhou Qingyuan said.

Your Majesty, Your Majesty?
Could it be that the person in front of me is...

"Common people see you, Your Majesty!"

Everyone knelt down and knocked their foreheads heavily on the ground.

Cold sweat.

I tried my best to recall whether I had offended His Majesty unintentionally in the past few days.

Hongqu, who was in a daze, fell to his knees on the ground with his legs weak, his head buzzing.

His Majesty?

The person in front of me is actually His Majesty?
How can it be? How can this be? !
How could Jiang Li fall into His Majesty's eyes? !

Hongqu knocked his head to the ground and clenched his hands into fists, not even noticing that his nails were digging into his flesh!
Jiang Li, who was standing behind Shen Tingsi, looked around, then followed the example of others and knelt down on the ground with his butt raised.

"The upbringing in the General's Mansion really opened my eyes."

Shen Tingsi stood with his hands behind his hands, wearing a purple robe that showed his dignity. At this time, his thin lips were pursed tightly, and a soul-stirring chill was exuding all over his body!
"Your Majesty, please calm down! Your Majesty, please calm down! My mother just suffered from madness a while ago, and she did something offensive while unconscious. I was busy with military affairs and failed to take good care of my mother. I hope your Majesty will have mercy on you!"

Zhou Qingyuan's back stiffened and blood flowed backwards all over his body!

He knocked his head on the ground with a look of fear on his face, and his voice was trembling when he spoke!
At this point, he could only bring out the fact that Ms. Zhou was suffering from mental madness, hoping that Shen Tingsi would spare her life for the sake of Ms. Zhou's madness.

"Has she lost her mind? Oh, I see that she is very clear-headed!"

Shen Tingsi sneered, and he could clearly see how sharp-tongued Mr. Zhou was just now!
Zhou Qingyuan's heart suddenly tightened, and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat. He moved his eyes left and right, trying hard to think of a way to excuse Zhou.

"Your Majesty, even if my mother is usually rude and perverse, she would not have done such an offensive thing without any reason. Someone must be behind it. I sincerely ask your Majesty to give me a chance to find out the truth of the matter!"

An idea flashed in Zhou Qingyuan's mind, and his body lying on the ground sank again, waiting for Shen Tingsi's answer.

As long as Shen Tingsi agrees to let Zhou Qingyuan find out the truth of the matter, and Zhou points out the people who are dragging her behind, and finally apologizes to Shen Tingsi on the grounds that she suffers from mental illness and has unclear mind, the matter may still be rectified. One round.

It's a pity that Zhou Qingyuan's wishful thinking turned out to be wrong...

Zhou, who was lying on the ground, endured the pain all over his body and raised his head, pointing with trembling fingers at Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li opposite.

"Qingyuan, hurry up, catch these adulterers and adulterers!"

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