Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 209 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 209 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (61)

After hearing the sound, Zhou Qingyuan suddenly raised his head and looked towards the door from under the table. His pupils suddenly shrank when he saw the wooden box held in Feng Jue's hand!
How come this box is in the hands of Guard Feng? !

Feng Jue saw Zhou Qingyuan's shock in his eyes, and raised his lips with a mocking look on his face: "General Zhou hid this treasure quite deep. It took him a long time to dig it out."

Looking at the box in Feng Jue's hand, Zhou Qingyuan swallowed and forced himself to calm down first.

"Feng, Feng Guard, what does this mean?"

Zhou Qingyuan stood up from the ground pretending to be calm, ignoring the dirt on his body and looking at Feng Jue at the door through the desk.

"what for?"

Seeing that Zhou Qingyuan was still pretending to be stupid, Feng Jue sneered: "General Zhou, I don't think I need to say more about these two businesses, Jinse Tower and Gambling House, right?"

Feng Jue carried the box and walked toward the accounting room, looking straight at Zhou Qingyuan, who looked a little pale.

"General Zhou used the name of serving the people wholeheartedly, but secretly he was like a blood-sucking worm collecting money from the people. How many people had their families separated and their families destroyed because of General Zhou? When I dreamed about it at midnight, did General Zhou ever treat them... Feeling even half guilty?"

Faced with Feng Jue's questioning, Zhou Qingyuan's hands under his sleeves clenched into fists: "Is there any misunderstanding by Guard Feng? I don't understand what Guard Feng said."

Seeing that Zhou Qingyuan was still stubborn even now, Feng Jue slammed the box in his hand onto the table and easily opened the locked box in front of Zhou Qingyuan.

A box full of account books was instantly exposed in front of the two of them.

"General Zhou, what else do you have to say now?"

"Guard Feng, what are these?"

Zhou Qingyuan said that he was about to reach out for the box in front of him, but Feng Jue beat him to it.

Feng Jue closed the box and placed his big hands on the box. His eyes looked at Zhou Qingyuan without any warmth.

"Come here, Zhou Qingyuan is suspected of murdering four Jiangnan magistrates. Take him down for rigorous interrogation!"


As soon as he finished speaking, two guards descended from the sky, stepped forward and held Zhou Qingyuan's arms.

"Let me go! Guard Feng, there must be some misunderstanding!"

Zhou Qingyuan struggled subconsciously, but this time, besides Feng Jue, there were five secret guards following Shen Tingsi, all of whom were peerless masters. Even though Zhou Qingyuan had been fighting on the battlefield for many years, he was no match for the two secret guards.

The two secret guards didn't know the importance of their actions. They took Zhou Qingyuan's arms and walked towards the door. Zhou Qingyuan, who had not shed tears when he saw the coffin just now, panicked instantly.

"Your Majesty, I want to see Your Majesty! I have something to say to Your Majesty!"

"What are you shouting about? If you have anything to say, tell the young minister of Dali Temple!"

Feng Jue raised his foot and kicked Zhou Qingyuan mercilessly on the butt, knocking him out of the threshold!

Just as Feng Jue and two secret guards were escorting Zhou Qingyuan towards the gate of the General's Mansion, the accountant who had rushed back from the gambling house came back.

Mr. Accountant knew that Zhou Qingyuan was going to the military training field today, so he rushed to the accountant's office as soon as he returned to the General's Mansion.

There was not a single servant on the road, and the entire general's residence was eerily quiet.

Mr. Accountant's heart gradually sank, he pursed his lips and quickened his pace.

When he reached the corner, he happened to meet Zhou Qingyuan who was being escorted by two secret guards.

Mr. Accountant and Mr. Zhou Qingyuan were stunned for a moment. After Zhou Qingyuan came to his senses, he quickly glanced at Mr. Accountant. The latter signaled, turned around and ran away!

Feng Jue turned around and stood in front of the accountant. He crossed his arms and looked at him who was putting the hunchback on again.

"Tsk, now that we're here, let's go together."

Mr. Accountant lowered his head and shook his eyes. He was about to catch the right opportunity and escape from under Feng Jue's nose. However, Feng Jue grabbed him by the back of his collar as soon as he used his Qing Kung Fu. "You old fox, you still want to escape when you are in my hands?"

Feng Jue grabbed the accountant's collar with one hand and hit his arched back with the other hand.


The accountant cried out in pain and straightened up instantly.

"let me go!"

Mr. Accountant turned his head with bared teeth and looked at Feng Jue, who was holding his collar behind him, with a hint of anger in his hoarse voice.

"Let you go? Why, do you want to transfer the money to that ruined temple in the south of the city?"

As soon as the words "broken temple in the south of the city" came out, the hearts of Zhou Qingyuan and Mr. Accountant instantly fell to the bottom!
Zhou Qingyuan stared at Feng Jue in front of him with wide eyes, how could this be possible?

How could Guard Feng know the secret of the ruined temple in the south of the city? !
Now that Guard Feng knows about it, His Majesty...

Zhou Qingyuan's back was instantly wet with cold sweat. He originally wanted to defend himself with his calm tongue, but now he was completely confused.

Ever since he learned that His Majesty was coming to Jiangnan for an incognito patrol, he had been cautious about his whereabouts, for fear of being noticed by Your Majesty. How did Your Majesty know about Jinse Tower and Gambling House? How did you learn about the ruined temple in the south of the city? !

Is it...

A bold idea came out of Zhou Qingyuan's heart.

Could it be that His Majesty was here for him from the very beginning, and that going on patrol incognito and observing the public sentiment were all excuses? !
Zhou Qingyuan was horrified when he thought about it carefully. He was still struggling and his eyes suddenly became dull, and he couldn't say a word for a long time!
Feng Jue's sharp eyes discovered that there was something hidden in Mr. Accountant's sleeve. He twisted the Mr. Accountant's wrist twice with two clicks, and then took out the portrait rolled into a cylinder from his sleeve.

When he opened it, he saw that it was his master and Miss Jiang.

Feng Jue's eyes dimmed and he rolled up the portrait again.

Fortunately, the news from Jinse Tower came in time, otherwise if these two portraits fell into the hands of Zhou Qingyuan, this treacherous villain might have some backup plans!

When Feng Jue opened the portrait, Zhou Qingyuan took a quick glance. With just one glance, he recognized that the person in the portrait was His Majesty. The other person also looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for the moment.

Thinking about the time Mr. Accountant mentioned, and thinking about the fact that he was sent by His Majesty to suppress bandits in southern Fujian in those few days, Zhou Qingyuan was almost certain that His Majesty was here for him!
"take away!"

Feng Jue waved his hand, and he and the secret guards escorted Zhou Qingyuan and Mr. Accountant towards the outside of the General's Mansion.

At that time, Li Huaian, the number one scholar, also came to the city with his officers and soldiers. Under the watchful eyes of the people, he rushed towards the general's palace and surrounded the general's palace in the blink of an eye!

The common people were startled. They looked at me and I looked at you, and started talking to the officers and soldiers who were surrounding the general's mansion.

"What happened? Why did the officers and soldiers surround the general's mansion?"

"I don't know. What happened to the General's Mansion?"

Amid everyone's discussion, Qingyuan and Mr. Accountant were escorted out by Feng Jue and the secret guards next week.

"General Zhou, Zhou?!"

The people's eyes almost popped out of their heads after seeing Zhou Qingyuan!

"What's going on, General Zhou?"

"Did you arrest the wrong person? General Zhou is our great hero!"

"General, is there any misunderstanding here? Please say something quickly, General!"

The people who were kept in the dark until now were still talking to Zhou Qingyuan.

Zhou Qingyuan, who was stunned after hearing the voices of the people, slowly raised his head. The moment he raised his head, his pupils suddenly shrank! !

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