Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 210 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 210 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (62)

Jiang Li was standing in the crowd, looking calmly at Zhou Qingyuan, who deserved his punishment.

After all, paper can't cover up the fire. Now that all the scandalous things Zhou Qingyuan did have come to light, it's all his own fault!

Although Zhou Qingyuan also got the punishment he deserved in his previous life, that was all after the original person's family died in vain. Now that he has to do it all over again for the original person, Jiang Li has to watch Zhou Qingyuan, a thief, pay the price with his own eyes!
Shen Tingsi had felt hatred from Jiang Li more than once. Although Jiang Li said that the reason why she secretly investigated the general's mansion was due to a nightmare, Shen Tingsi knew that the matter was by no means that simple.

As for the truth of the matter, it doesn't matter.

If she didn't tell him, he wouldn't ask any more questions.

Zhou Qingyuan was burdened with several lives. In order to make huge profits, he pretended to be a ghost and fabricated rumors to create panic among the people. Now that there are both witnesses and physical evidence, even if he had wings, he would not be able to escape death!
Today is the day that Zhou Qingyuan will be arrested and brought to justice. In order to eliminate the hatred in Jiang Li's heart, Shen Tingsi specially informed her of the matter and let her see with her own eyes what happened to Zhou Qingyuan!
Jiang Li's face was so attractive that Zhou Qingyuan could still see her at a glance even among the crowd.

When Zhou Qingyuan saw the portrait just now, he felt that the person in the portrait was very familiar. Now after seeing the face in the crowd, he finally remembered who that person was.

Ginger pear! !
Zhou Qingyuan fell into self-doubt again.

Jiang Li clearly had a deep affection for him, so how could she plot against him behind his back?

Could it be that everything before was false, and she had other motives for marrying into the general's mansion?
Zhou Qingyuan looked straight at Jiang Li, trying to find the answer on her face. Jiang Li looked at him calmly and allowed Zhou Qingyuan to look at her.

In order to frustrate Zhou Qingyuan, Jiang Li raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and looked at Zhou Qingyuan with a touch of mockery in her eyes.

Zhou Qingyuan: "!"

The look in Jiang Li's eyes instantly became fierce, as if he wanted to eat her alive!
At this moment, another tall figure came from one side and stood beside Jiang Li like a patron saint.

"Master Shen?"

Jiang Li noticed that there was a tall figure on her body and looked up at the person.

Shen Tingsi lowered his eyes and looked at her, the soft color in his eyes almost overflowing.

The two looked at each other, with only room for each other in their eyes.

Zhou Qingyuan's breath stopped and he looked at Jiang Li and Shen Tingsi in the crowd in disbelief.

Your Majesty and Jiang Li, they...

The words Zhou said before he died instantly rushed into Zhou Qingyuan's mind, and Zhou Qingyuan staggered and almost fell to the ground!
He stared at the two people in the crowd with wide eyes, and it took him a long time to find his voice.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"Shut up, you!"

As soon as Zhou Qingyuan shouted the word "Feng Jue", he stuffed an unknown object into his mouth with quick eyes and hands, blocking his words in an instant!

The moment his mouth was blocked, an unpleasant smell suddenly spread in Zhou Qingyuan's mouth, causing him to instantly put on a mask of pain.

"Uh, uh!"

Zhou Qingyuan kept struggling to spit out what was in his mouth. Feng Jue curled his lips after noticing his intention.

"Why, do you still dislike your own things?"

Feng Jue lowered his eyes and glanced at Zhou Qingyuan. Zhou Qingyuan subconsciously followed his line of sight and found that his robe was open and his belt was missing!

Since returning to the General's Mansion, Zhou Qingyuan's mood has been changing again and again. His whole body has been wet with cold sweat, and the smell of sweat plus the mud stained on his body just now, the taste in his mouth is... it's hard to describe!

Seeing that the time was almost up, Li Huaian, who was standing at the end of the crowd, shouted angrily. "As an official of the imperial court, he secretly made huge profits and harmed the people. In order to hide the secret, he did not hesitate to murder four prefects. Now that there are witnesses and physical evidence, what else does General Zhou have to say?"

Li Huaian's voice was loud and clear, and his words reached the ears of everyone present clearly.

Everyone turned their heads and followed the sound, and when they saw that the person coming was Li Huaian, the new top scholar, they all moved back to make way for him to have an unobstructed path.

Li Huaian walked calmly towards Zhou Qingyuan in front of the General's Mansion. As he walked, he detailed the nasty things Zhou Qingyuan had done behind his back over the years.

"Forcing good people into prostitution, causing harm to the people who cheated, their families were separated, and their families were destroyed. For selfish reasons, you even cruelly killed four colleagues. General Zhou, as an official of the imperial court, how could you do such an unconscionable thing?! "

As soon as these words came out, the whole street fell into silence!

The people looked at Li Huaian with their mouths wide open, and their eyes followed his figure.

As soon as Li Huaian came to Zhou Qingyuan, another loud voice suddenly came from the other side.

"You dare to use the forbidden medicine of the Witch Clan to kill people. It's really hard for General Zhou to go to the trouble of finding the medicine!"

The common people who had followed Li Huaian's movement turned their heads and looked to the other side, and saw the miracle doctor Su walking towards this side with a cold face, followed by a group of beautiful women in their prime.

"Miracle doctor Su, Li Zhuangyuan, what is killing people? What secret medicine of the witch clan? What on earth is going on??"

A commoner in the crowd looked at Dr. Su and Li Huaian with a puzzled expression. Today's incident was too explosive and sudden, and now they want to find out the truth of the matter quickly.

"It's him, he's the one who captured us here and made us sell our lives to survive. If we don't listen to him, he will kill our families!"

A Hualou girl recognized the fierce-looking accountant at a glance. Although the accountant was wearing a mask, the scar at the corner of his eye could not deceive anyone!
"Yes, it's him! Please Lord Qingtian, please make the decision for us!"

The girls from Hualou held up their skirts and ran up to Li Huaian, who was wearing official uniform, and knelt down with a thud!
"Don't worry, I am here to investigate this matter thoroughly under His Majesty's orders. I will definitely give you justice and make the evildoers pay the price they deserve!"

Li Huaian spoke to comfort him, and his rich voice soon calmed everyone down.

I learned from one of the girls in Hualou that two prefects had noticed something was wrong with Hualou, so they came to investigate Hualou thoroughly. In order not to expose the secrets of Jinselou, Mr. Accountant first ordered them to bring the two prefects to Hualou. He was stunned, and then used the colorless and odorless secret medicine of the witch clan on the prefect to make it look like he died of indulgence.

This medicine is forbidden by the witch clan and has been lost for a long time. Even the imperial doctors in the palace could not find anything strange about it. In the end, they could only conclude that the two prefects were greedy for beauty and died without restraint.

Now that the situation is over, under the pressure of Li Huaian, Mr. Yu will figure out how to use conmen and how to poison the other two prefects.

Zhou Qingyuan's false mask was completely torn in front of the people, and he was finally taken away by the officers and soldiers under the beating and abuse of the people.

All the crimes he committed were serious crimes against the nine clans. Now that the Zhou family is dead, the remaining siblings Zhou Qingyun and Zhou Zhiheng were also implicated by Zhou Qingyuan, and the whole family was executed in the autumn.

After seeing with her own eyes the fate of Zhou Qingyuan's family, Jiang Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Tingsi turned to look at her, taking in all her expressions.

"Miss Jiang, be careful."

As Zhou Qingyuan and his family were taken to the prison, the people swarmed behind the officers and soldiers, and the scene instantly became chaotic.

Shen Tingsi held Jiang Li in his arms and looked around to prevent anyone from crowding him.

When the crowd left, he looked back and found Jiang Li looking up at him.

"It's better to ask Miss Jiang to see more people..."

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