Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 225 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 225 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (77)

Shen Tingsi wrote two imperial edicts in total, one was for Jiang Li, and the other was to be announced to the world.

After writing the edict, Shen Tingsi handed one of the edicts to Xiao Shunzi to tell the world, and put the other one on the side of his hand, thinking that he would hand it to Jiang Li later.

Shen Tingsi's trip to Jiangnan took a total of three months. During these three months, a lot of things happened in the DPRK and China. Although he had handed over all the affairs of the DPRK and China to the loyal minister before leaving, Now that I have returned, I have gone through all the affairs of the DPRK and China.

Jiang Li and the Queen Mother stayed in the Imperial Garden all afternoon, and did not return to Shoukang Palace until sunset.

The Queen Mother only had one child in her life, Shen Tingsi. Apart from Shen Tingsi, the only people who could talk to her were Aunt Gui and a few other palace officials.

Now that she and Jiang Li were happily chatting, the Queen Mother was reluctant to let Jiang Li go back at all, and took her to Shoukang Palace to have a meal together.

What Jiang Li didn't know was that during the afternoon when she accompanied the Queen Mother to visit the Imperial Garden, something happened that shocked the entire palace and even the entire imperial city.

Xiao Shunzi was ordered to announce to the world the imperial edict made by Shen Tingsi himself. Once the news came out, it spread throughout the entire imperial city like a flood that had opened its gates with lightning speed!

His Majesty, who hates women, actually issued an imperial edict to ennoble the queen in one day. This news can be said to have shocked the people in the city. Now the people are talking about this matter.

"Emperor, Empress? We have a Empress in Dongchu!"

"But isn't it true that Your Majesty cannot have contact with women?"

"Maybe the Queen is a strange woman that Your Majesty can get in touch with!"

"Which family does this queen belong to? How come there is no news about her before?"

The common people were talking to each other, and they were very curious about this sudden queen. If it wasn't inappropriate, they would have wanted to go to the palace now and ask for details!
There was no way around it. It was no secret in Eastern Chu and even the Four Kingdoms that Shen Tingsi suffered from a strange disease that prevented him from having contact with women. The disease was so weird and he had been ill for a long time without any treatment. All the imperial doctors and miraculous doctors in the palace were at a loss what to do.

Before they heard that His Majesty had recovered from his illness, there was suddenly an imperial edict to confer the title of Queen. Everyone felt like a cat had scratched their hearts, and they were itching very much!
In addition to being curious about the queen's identity, the people were more relieved and happy.

Although the imperial edict has clearly stated that Your Majesty will only marry the queen in this life and will never take a concubine, it is better than nothing!
The people are all so excited that their Eastern Chu country has a queen, and they don't care whether your majesty accepts a concubine or not!
Whether you accept it or not is His Majesty's business. Common people like them can't change anything, so naturally they won't point their heads at His Majesty's private affairs.

After the ministers learned of this decree, they were stunned for a long time and could not recover.

There is a queen, they finally have a queen!
The ministers were overjoyed to learn that His Majesty had brought back a queen from his tour incognito. Their faces were all flushed with excitement. Those who didn't know it thought they were getting married and having children!

There are two contents in the imperial edict, one is to seal the queen, and the other is to adopt a concubine.

The moods of the ministers also jumped up and down along with these two contents, from excitement and excitement at the beginning, to consternation and opposition later, to understanding and relief at the end.

There was no precedent in the Eastern Chu Kingdom for the Sixth Palace to only accommodate the Queen. At first, the ministers were strongly opposed to it. After all, concubines could help the royal family and maintain the stability of the Eastern Chu Kingdom.

But when they thought about the fact that His Majesty was suffering from a strange disease and could not have contact with any woman except the Queen Mother, after so many years, to be honest, they no longer had much hope, but now God has eyes and sent the Queen Mother to save him.

That would be great, why are there so many things? !
Thinking of this, the ministers instantly gave up the thought of admonishing His Majesty to withdraw his decree.

Your Majesty wants to establish a queen?
Your Majesty doesn’t accept a concubine?
After the successful self-brainwashing, no one in the whole country objected to Shen Tingsi's imperial edict of being a couple for life, which saved Shen Tingsi a lot of trouble.

After having dinner at the Queen Mother's place, Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li paid their respects and left Shoukang Palace.

At this time, Fengyi Palace has been properly arranged, and everything has been arranged according to Jiang Li's preferences.

Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li were walking on the way to Fengyi Palace, with only Xiao Shunzi following them. Shen Tingsi held Jiang Li with one hand, put the other hand behind his back and hooked his fingers at Xiao Shunzi. Xiao Shunzi, who had been staring at his hand, quickly took out the bright yellow imperial edict from his chest and put it on the Shen Tingsi held it in his hands, and then withdrew it with great discernment.

"Li'er, I have something to give you."

After receiving the imperial edict, Shen Tingsi stopped where he was and turned to face Jiang Li.

Jiang Li, who had already received the greeting gift from the Queen Mother, looked at him curiously: "What?"

Shen Tingsi brought the imperial decree behind him to Jiang Li. Jiang Li's eyes widened: "Is this...the imperial decree?"

"open to take a look."

Under Shen Tingsi's gaze, Jiang Li took the imperial edict and opened it. Then the sonorous and powerful handwriting came into her sight. Jiang Li lowered her head and read each word.

Shen Tingsi looked at her with affection in his eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "Li'er, be my queen and stay with me for the rest of your life, okay?"

Jiang Li lowered his head and looked at the contents of the imperial edict seriously. Although it was printed with the national jade seal and it was a genuine imperial edict, in Jiang Li's view, it was just a love letter expressing love.

There were a few sentences above that moved Jiang Li.

I am willing to write and abandon the flower room. From now on, I will deviate from the classics and change the way, just for your sake.

At the end, the corners of Jiang Li's mouth were raised high, and there was an unabashed smile in her eyes.

She collected the 'love letter' and raised her eyes to meet Shen Tingsi's gaze.

"it is good."

The crisp word made Shen Tingsi smile. He took Jiang Li's hand and put it on his shoulder, and then pulled her whole body to his back with a slight force.

"His Majesty!"

The unprepared Jiang Li exclaimed and quickly hugged Shen Tingsi's neck.

Warm breath sprayed on Shen Tingsi's ears. He turned to look at Jiang Li: "Li'er, call me by my name from now on."

Under Shen Tingsi's burning gaze, Jiang Li hooked her arm around his neck and tilted her head to look at him: "Ah Si."

Shen Tingsi was satisfied and walked toward Fengyi Palace with Jiang Li on his back.

There was no concubine in the harem. Shen Tingsi rarely went to the palace except Shoukang Palace. Fengyi Palace, which was originally dark, was now brightly lit, waiting for the mistress to arrive.

Shen Tingsi carried Jiang Li all the way to Fengyi Palace. After arriving at Fengyi Palace, Jiang Li started to get nervous. It was getting late now. After noticing her emotions, Shen Tingsi did not choose to stay.

"Don't be afraid, Li'er. I won't force you. I will wait until the day you truly accept me. It's getting late, so Li'er should rest early."

Shen Tingsi gently stroked Jiang Li's head, then turned and walked out of the hall.

Just when he turned to leave Fengyi Palace, someone grabbed his sleeve...

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