Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 226 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 226 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (78)

Shen Tingsi paused, his neck stiffened, and he turned to look at his sleeves.

Then he saw a green-white jade hand grasping his sleeve, and the owner of that sleeve... was none other than Jiang Li.

Shen Tingsi's eyes flashed slightly: "Li'er, you..."

Jiang Li grabbed Shen Tingsi's sleeves and looked at him with faint ripples in her eyes.

Under Shen Tingsi's gaze, Jiang Li said, "I have His Majesty... in my heart."

Jiang Li knew that Shen Tingsi might have misunderstood that she still pretended to be Zhou Qingyuan, so she told him in person.

These few words are worth as much as a thousand pieces of gold to Shen Tingsi!

The loneliness in his eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by a deep look of joy.

He grabbed Jiang Li's hand that was holding his sleeve and pulled her whole body into his arms with a little force.

"Li'er, what did you just say? I didn't hear you clearly."

Shen Tingsi hugged Jiang Li tightly and played rogue with her.

Jiang Li raised her arms and hugged Shen Tingsi's waist, and repeated what she just said: "I have Your Majesty in my heart."

"Who does Li'er have in mind?"

"His Majesty."



Every time Jiang Li said a word, Shen Tingsi's arms holding her tightened, as if he wanted to embrace her whole body into her bones. In the end, Jiang Li found it difficult to breathe when he was holding her.

"Cough, cough, cough, Si, I can't breathe."

After hearing Jiang Li's words, Shen Tingsi quickly let go and looked at Jiang Li nervously.

After seeing Jiang Li's suppressed red face, she was a little at a loss: "Li'er, are you okay? It's my fault, I shouldn't..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a soft touch on his lips.

Jiang Li stood on tiptoe and stamped her own seal on Shen Tingsi's lips.

Seeing that the aloof emperor was at a loss because of such a trivial matter, Jiang Li smiled suddenly, brightly and openly.

Looking at the bright smile in front of him, Shen Tingsi looked dazed for a moment, and then raised the corners of his mouth.

Jiang Li's every move, every frown and every smile affected Shen Tingsi's emotions.

After Shen Tingsi stopped her before she finished speaking, Jiang Li was about to put her tiptoed feet back on the ground. At this moment, Shen Tingsi held her waist domineeringly and pulled her body close to his chest.

"Li'er, my heart is filled with joy."

Shen Tingsi looked at Jiang Li with burning eyes, the emotion in his eyes almost overflowing.

After saying that, he lowered his body and pressed against the soft fragrance that he longed for.


Jiang Li's breath was robbed by him, and her eyes widened as she felt Shen Tingsi's slightly out-of-control love.

Shen Tingsi held Jiang Li's waist with one hand, and clasped the back of her head with the other hand, keeping her close to him, and then moved from shallow to deep, plundering the sweetness in her mouth.

Jiang Li was stunned for a moment, then hugged Shen Tingsi's waist and tried to respond. Shen Tingsi was delighted when she received the response, and the kiss became more and more passionate.

Jiang Li's face became increasingly red, and she was gradually breathless from Shen Tingsi's kiss.

She raised her hand around Shen Tingsi's waist and pressed it against his chest, trying to push him away, but Shen Tingsi didn't give her a chance at all and held the back of her head tightly to prevent her from moving. Every cent.


In desperation, Jiang Li had no choice but to bite the corner of Shen Tingsi's mouth.

A faint sweetness spread in their mouths. Shen Tingsi slowly opened his eyes and left Jiang Li's lips.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Li breathed in the fresh air like a fish trapped in water.

Shen Tingsi held Jiang Li's blushing face with both hands and gently rubbed her delicate skin with the pads of his thumbs. After Jiang Li took a few breaths of fresh air, she lowered her head again and blocked her lips.

The kiss lasted for a long time. Although there was a gentle breeze outside the window, the temperature in the palace continued to rise. The only thing left in the quiet palace was the heavy breathing of the two of them.

Jiang Li's entire mind was occupied by Shen Tingsi, letting him manipulate her.

I don't know how much time passed, but Jiang Li's legs, which were frequently deprived of oxygen, became so weak that she could no longer stand, and her body gradually sank.

Just as her body was sinking, Shen Tingsi picked her up. Jiang Li subconsciously hugged his neck and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist.

Shen Tingsi carried Jiang Li and walked toward the inner hall. When Jiang Li came to her senses, she was already lying on the soft couch, while Shen Tingsi stood in front of the bed and looked down at her.

Jiang Li's already blushing face suddenly became ripe now, and she stared at Shen Tingsi's tall body approaching her with wide eyes.

Shen Tingsi put his hand on her sweetness again, and his big palms began to act wildly. He moved it to Jiang Li's waist through the thin dress, then rubbed it upstream, nuzzling her white and tender skin ambiguously, and kissed her softly. Jiang Li's lips moved up to her cheeks and finally fell behind her ears.


Shen Tingsi buried his head in Jiang Li's neck, his voice was hoarse and low, and his eyes were filled with lust.

The moment warm breath sprayed on the back of Jiang Li's neck, a tingling sensation came. Jiang Li subconsciously turned her head to the side, exposing half of her thin white neck.

Her subconscious actions made Shen Tingsi's eyes grow darker.

Jiang Li clearly felt Shen Tingsi's breathing suddenly become heavier and her body became tense.

Just as Jiang Li was about to speak, Shen Tingsi pressed his lips against hers overwhelmingly, prying her lips and teeth apart, and his well-jointed fingers passed through her soft blue hair.

"Pear, pear."

Shen Tingsi kept calling Jiang Li's name over and over again.

The big palm with bulging veins moved to Jiang Li's waist and untied the thin belt around her waist.

Since Jiang Li was dressed simply and elegantly today, Shen Tingsi easily untied the belt that tied her waist.

Jiang Li's head was buzzing from his kiss, and she didn't notice the movements in his hands. Suddenly, her body felt cold, and Jiang Li suddenly came back to her senses!

Jiang Li opened her eyes suddenly, and the next moment she met Shen Tingsi's lustful eyes.

"Li'er, don't be afraid, I will be gentler."

He said and buried his head in Jiang Li's neck, trying to divert her attention.

Jiang Li's neck has always been sensitive, and she shrank her neck the moment he came closer, and her thoughts were successfully diverted by Shen Tingsi.

"Your Majesty, it's so itchy."

Jiang Li dodged as she spoke, but Shen Tingsi got her right, and every time she dodged to one side, he would come up to her the next moment.

"Your Majesty, get up, get up quickly, it's so itchy."

Jiang Li couldn't help laughing, and Shen Tingsi also laughed after hearing her clear laughter.

"What did Li'er call me?"

Shen Tingsi deliberately brought her thin lips to Jiang Li's ear and sprayed hot air on her.

Hearing this, Jiang Li quickly changed her words and begged for mercy: "Ah Si, Ah Si is so itchy. I can't stand it anymore. Get up quickly."

A numb feeling spread from her neck to her whole body, and Jiang Li instantly got goosebumps on her arms.

Shen Tingsi chuckled softly. The more Jiang Li begged for mercy, the more aggressive he became. When Jiang Li's attention was all attracted by the numbness on his neck, Shen Tingsi didn't take any time to do anything. The purple robe was taken off.

The two people's robes were thrown to the ground casually by him. The moment they landed, the blue skirts were covered by the purple robes, showing their allure.

"Li'er, thank you for appearing in my world."

Shen Tingsi said something in a hoarse voice, but Jiang Li was not in the mood to listen to his love words at the moment.

She couldn't stand the itchy flesh on her neck anymore. She grabbed the sheets tightly with both hands to dodge. The originally flat sheets had been scratched so hard that she couldn't see their original appearance.

"Asi, get up quickly...hiss!"

(End of this chapter)

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