Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 228 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 228 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (80)

Shen Tingsi knew that Jiang Li promised the Queen Mother to have dinner with her this morning last night, but it was his lack of restraint that made her miserable last night. In order to let Jiang Li have a good rest, Shen Tingsi ordered the palace to go to court this morning. Don't bother anyone.

In addition, he also ordered people to come to Shoukang Palace to convey the news to the Queen Mother, and shied away the breakfast issue for Jiang Li.

The Queen Mother was still worried when she heard that Jiang Li was unwell, fearing that she had just arrived in the imperial city and was not accustomed to the local environment. She wanted to ask the imperial doctor to go to Fengyi Palace to check on her. Finally, it was Aunt Gui who woke up the dreamer.

Sure enough, the Queen Mother sent someone to inquire and found out that Shen Tingsi stayed at Fengyi Palace last night.

The Empress Dowager, who had been here before, still didn't understand what the physical discomfort Shen Tingsi was referring to was. Now that the imperial edict of becoming empress had been issued, Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li had also completed the ceremony of husband and wife. Jiang Li could be said to be the confirmed daughter-in-law of the Empress Dowager. Got it!

Facing the Queen Mother's teasing, Jiang Li's face turned red, and under the Queen Mother's expectant gaze, she called out: "Mother."


The Queen Mother couldn't even close her mouth when she heard this initial sound!

"Why don't you rest more? Si'er has already sent someone to inform the Ai family. There are not so many rules in the Ai family. From now on, we can avoid these things in the morning and evening."

The Queen Mother looked at Jiang Li kindly, smiled and patted her hand.

If there is a place where the rules and etiquette are the most complicated, it must be the imperial palace. As the Queen Mother of a country, she naturally pays more attention to the rules and etiquette of her day.

There is nothing without rules. It is not so much that the Queen Mother does not value these red tapes, but that Jiang Li's body is more important to her than these rules and etiquette.

Rather than asking Jiang Li to come to greet her early in the morning, the Queen Mother would rather she rest more.

"Thank you, Queen Mother."

With a smile on her face and eyes, Jiang Li shouted to the queen one after another, not to mention how sweet she was. The queen mother was so excited when she heard this, she wished she could put all the good things in front of her for her to choose.

The Queen Mother thought so and did so, and asked the palace people to take out all the treasures she treasured.

"Li'er, let's see if there's anything you like. Queen Mother won't be using these things anymore. If you like them, take them all."

As the most popular beauty in the imperial city at that time, the Queen Mother had always loved beauty. The late Emperor and the Queen Mother had a harmonious relationship, and they had been favored by the late Emperor since she entered the palace.

Knowing that the Queen Mother loved beauty, the late Emperor once ordered people to search for all the beautiful red hairpin jewelry and cloth dresses in the world to make the beauty smile.

The most treasures the Queen Mother has here are all kinds of hairpins and cloths of various colors and patterns. Now that she is old, these things can no longer be worn, so she treasures them all. Just looking at them makes her feel particularly comfortable.

Now that Jiang Li came to the palace, the Queen Mother, who had met her so late, wanted to put all the treasures in front of her for her to choose from.

"Mother, these things are too precious, I can't have them."

As the young master of Jiangnan, Jiang Li could tell how precious these things were at a glance and quickly shied away.

Yesterday, even the greeting gift from the Queen Mother was ignored. She didn’t want these things!
"Li'er, why are you so polite to your mother? Do you treat your mother as an outsider?"

The Queen Mother feigned displeasure and scolded.

Jiang Li quickly explained: "The Queen has misunderstood. I didn't mean that. These things are the Queen's treasures. A gentleman will not take away what others love, so I can't accept them."

"Okay, okay, the Aijia knows that you don't mean this, Li'er. It's true that these things are treasured by the Aijia, but if you keep them for a long time, they will become dead objects. It's better to give them to the right person, so that they can see the light of day again." Yes or no?"

Seeing that Jiang Li suddenly became nervous, the Queen Mother stopped teasing her and returned to her usual amiable and kind nature.


Just as Jiang Li was about to say something more, the Queen Mother interrupted her directly. "Okay, don't be stubborn. Li'er didn't ask for these things from the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother forced them on you."

"Li'er doesn't know, right? My mother is very knowledgeable about buns. Come, my mother will do your hair and makeup today."

The Queen Mother said as she took Jiang Li's hand and led her to sit in front of the bronze mirror, while she stood behind her and removed her bun.

It was rare for the Queen Mother to be interested in this, so Jiang Li did not shirk her interest anymore. She sat in front of the bronze mirror and let the Queen Mother remove the red hairpin from her bun.

The people in the palace could see that the Queen Mother was happy from the bottom of her heart, and they also laughed when they heard the Queen Mother's laughter.

The Queen Mother was very skillful. In a short while, she took off all the red hairpins on Jiang Li's head, made her hair into a different bun, and put on her hairpins and jewelry that matched today's palace attire. .

"Okay, Li'er, let's see if you like it."

The Queen Mother held Jiang Li's shoulders and bent down to look at the peerless beauty in the bronze mirror with her.

Jiang Li looked at herself in the mirror and said without hesitation: "My mother is so skillful. This is the first time I have combed my hair in this bun. It looks so good!"

The creases at the corners of the Queen Mother's eyes deepened when she heard Jiang Li's compliment: "Where is the Queen Mother's dexterity? It's obviously Li'er's natural beauty."

Looking at such a harmonious scene in front of them, Grandma Gui and Qingzhu covered their mouths and smiled. This was how they imagined the scene of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law getting along.

"The Queen Mother, the Queen Mother, the meal is ready."

A palace servant came in and announced the news, and then several father-in-laws came in carrying food boxes and placed the meals on the table one by one.

"Are you hungry? Come over and have a meal."

Jiang Li stood up and took the Queen Mother's arm and followed her to the table and sat down.

Due to too much trouble last night, Jiang Li slept until eleven o'clock, and it was almost lunch time. The Queen Mother specially ordered the imperial kitchen to prepare lunch early.

After the two sat down, Jiang Li subconsciously glanced outside the palace, but she didn't see the person she wanted to see.

"Strange, it's already this hour, why hasn't Si'er come back yet?"

The Queen Mother followed her gaze and murmured in confusion.

"Mother, do you need me to go take a look?"

Aunt Gui on the side made a tentative sound.

"No need. Maybe there are a lot of things going on in the court just after I came back. I won't wait for him for now. Let's eat the pears first."

After saying that, the Queen Mother put some vegetables into Jiang Li's bowl and motioned for her to eat first. Jiang Li was indeed hungry, so she started to have lunch with the Queen Mother.

Shen Tingsi, who was being talked about by the two of them, was still sitting in the Jinluan Hall. The ministers below were kneeling on the ground in darkness, and the entire atmosphere in the Jinluan Hall was in a stalemate.

Shen Tingsi had long expected such a scene, so his expression did not change much.

The ministers knelt down and knelt their heads on the ground, waiting for Shen Tingsi to take back his decree.

However, no matter what the ministers said, Shen Tingsi's attitude remained the same. Since the ministers wanted to spend time, he would spend it here with them.

Let’s see who can sit still, or these old bones can kneel!

"Your Majesty, please think twice. How can the Jiang family's daughter, a concubine, be the queen of a country?!"

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