Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 229 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 229 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (81)

The imperial edict revealed Jiang Li's identity as the daughter of Jiang Youcai, the richest man in Jiangnan. At first, the ministers didn't notice anything and were just excited.

But after the excitement, some generals belatedly remembered that the wife of the guilty minister, General Zhengbei, was the daughter of the richest man in Jiangnan. It was said that they had divorced a while ago.

And Jiang Youcai, the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, only has one daughter. Who is the concubine of the criminal general Zhengbei who is named queen by His Majesty's decree? !

After confirming Jiang Li's identity, the general quickly informed other ministers of the matter. The ministers started a dispute over the matter as soon as they went to court this morning.

I beg your Majesty to take back your decree. It would be fine if Jiang Li was just the daughter of the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, but she is the concubine of the guilty minister!

What's going on when a dignified emperor asks to marry the concubine's concubine?

Isn’t this an obvious joke for other countries? !
Shen Tingsi lowered his eyes and looked at the man: "The queen and the guilty minister Zhou Qingyuan are getting married and separated. I am personally responsible for this matter. How can I talk to my cousin?"

"Your Majesty, even if Jiang's daughter and the guilty minister Zhou Qingyuan are reunited and not divorced, then her previous identity as the guilty minister's step-mother is still an indisputable fact!"

"Yes, your majesty, just because of my status as my wife, Jiang's daughter cannot be the queen of Dong Chu. I sincerely request your majesty to take back your decree!"

"I beg your Majesty to take back your decree and don't become the laughing stock of other countries because of this matter!"

The ministers were resolute and after speaking, they knocked their heads to the ground again.

"You are not joking. Once the imperial edict has been issued, there is absolutely no reason to take it back. The relationship between Li'er and the guilty minister Zhou Qingyuan is pure and innocent. I said that if she can take the post of Dong Chu, she can take it. There is no need to discuss this matter again. I will withdraw." towards."

Considering that Jiang Li should be awake at this time, Shen Tingsi no longer had the patience to continue the stalemate with the ministers. He still wanted to have dinner with Li'er.

After Shen Tingsi finished speaking, he stood up from the dragon chair. Upon seeing this, the ministers quickly stopped him.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, please think twice. The king of a noble country marries the wife of a guilty minister. If this spreads out, others will laugh at you, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty is a wise king in the prosperous times. You must not stumble on this matter and leave an indelible stain on the history books!"

The ministers spoke from the bottom of their hearts in an attempt to make Shen Tingsi change his mind.

But Shen Tingsi looked at the people below with serious eyes and said in a deep voice: "Li'er has separated from the guilty minister Zhou Qingyuan. I am not married to her, so why can't I make her my queen and marry her as my wife? "

"There has never been a rule in our dynasty that the emperor is not allowed to marry the ex-wife of his ministers. If there is, the rules are made by people. I will abolish this ridiculous rule today."

"I know that the ministers are considering me, and I understand the wishes of all the dear ministers. I don't care what others think. If I give up the one I love because of the pedantic opinions of the world, how can I be the king of this country?"

"I do not seek to be famous in the history books, nor am I afraid of leaving a stain in the history books. Even if I am infamous, I still want to marry Li'er. She is worthy of me."

"I don't want to have any regrets in this life. I understand the good intentions of all the ministers. I hope you can also understand my determination. Okay, I have made up my mind. Please don't discuss this matter again in the future. I will withdraw. Come on."

Shen Tingsi's eyes were serious, and every word he spoke was resounding, hitting the hearts of the ministers heavily.

The ministers may have thought that he went to Jiangnan and was fascinated by Li'er, so he made this move impulsively.

Not so.

Everything he did was a carefully considered decision.

His feelings for Li'er were not just a whim, but a result of careful consideration that would last until death.


The days spent with the people he likes always go by very quickly. Before he knew it, Jiang Li had been coming to the palace for half a month.

The Queen Mother's fiftieth birthday has arrived. This birthday is different from the past. There is an extra person.

The Queen Mother's birthday was organized by Jiang Li. Since Jiang Li was the only one in the Sixth Palace, there was no trivial matter for her to deal with. Jiang Li's little life in the palace was a leisurely one.

Just in time for the Queen Mother's fiftieth birthday, Jiang Li took the initiative to take care of the matter, and her days in the palace were not boring.

The Queen Mother wore a red palace dress at the birthday banquet. Even though she was fifty years old, the years did not leave many traces on her face. Instead, as the years went by, she looked amiable and amiable.

The ministers had arrived at the Hall of Supreme Harmony early and were already sitting in their seats. Today is the Queen Mother's fiftieth birthday, and the ministers' faces were also red with joy.

"Your Majesty has arrived——"

"The Queen has arrived——"

"The Queen Mother has arrived——"

A sharp drake's voice sounded outside the palace, and the ministers in front of the seats stood up and knelt down to salute.

"I see Your Majesty, the Queen, and the Queen Mother!"

"Long live your majesty, long live your majesty, live a thousand lives, the queen, a thousand lives, the queen mother, a thousand lives!"

The ministers all knelt on the ground. At this time, Shen Tingsi, Jiang Li and the Queen Mother appeared outside the palace.

"Mother, be careful where you step."

Jiang Li took the Queen Mother's arm and reminded her softly, and then came the Queen Mother's laughing voice.

After hearing the Queen Mother's laughter, the ministers immediately pricked up their ears. It is rumored that the Queen Mother is very affectionate to the Queen Mother. Are the rumors true?

Not only did the Queen fall in His Majesty's eyes, but she also conquered the Queen Mother's heart?
The ministers pursed their lips and their thoughts suddenly drifted away.

Shen Tingsi ignored the obstruction of the court officials and made Jiang Li his queen. The ministers may have thought that he was obsessed for a while, but now after seeing the Queen Mother's attitude towards Jiang Li, their impression of Jiang Li was gradually shaken.

It is said that ginger is still hot when she is old. Even the Queen Mother is so satisfied with the Queen Mother. It seems that the Queen Mother is not an ordinary woman and has her own merits.

Three clothes passed in front of everyone, instantly pulling everyone's thoughts back.

Shen Tingsi, Jiang Li, and the Queen Mother walked to the high position. After sitting down, Shen Tingsi said to the ministers below: "Everyone, get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The ministers returned to their seats one after another and subconsciously looked at the three people on the main seat.

I saw Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li sitting on the left and right beside the Queen Mother. At this time, Jiang Li lowered her head and put her ear to the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother said something in her ear with a kind look on her face, while Shen Tingsi was personally at the side. He poured tea for the two of them, with a faint smile on his lips.

At this moment, the ministers seemed to understand why His Majesty was so persistent.

Outsiders were very satisfied and moved by the scene in front of them, let alone His Majesty, the one in the middle of it?
The ministers pursed their lips and changed their views on Jiang Li without knowing it.

Maybe these old guys are too pedantic.

At the birthday banquet, the ministers put aside their stubborn opinions on Jiang Li's identity and wanted to get to know the new queen again.

Shen Tingsi saw the reactions of the ministers in his eyes. He raised his lips and the soft color in his eyes almost overflowed when he looked at Jiang Li.

He knew that his Li'er had a special kind of magic power, and anyone who misunderstood her would change their mind towards her and show kindness to her.

After a banquet, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves, and not long after the Queen Mother's birthday, the Queen Mother's Ceremony was ushered in.

Because the queen's costumes were complicated, it took people from the Clothing Bureau a month to complete the phoenix robe to be worn during the ceremony.

Today is the conferment ceremony, and it is also the first month Jiang Li spent in the palace.

Jiang Li was called up by Qingzhu early in the morning to dress up, and five or six palace servants worked together to finally dress her up in the phoenix robe and crown that symbolized the queen.

"Queen, the time has come. It's time to drive to the Golden Palace."

Aunt Gui personally came to Fengyi Palace to remind.

Jiang Li nodded, stood up from her seat, and was about to speak——


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