Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 239 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 239 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (91)

Seeing this, the Queen Mother smiled and asked, "Does Jinnian want a younger brother or a younger sister?"

"Brothers and sisters, I want it, I want it!"

Shen Jinnian touched Jiang Li's belly and looked at the imperial grandmother aside with a serious look.

As soon as these words came out, the Queen Mother and Jiang's mother subconsciously looked at Jiang Li's belly.

Jiang Li's belly was much larger at this time than when she was pregnant with Jinnian. The Queen Mother and Jiang's mother discovered it very early, and the imperial doctor confirmed that she was indeed pregnant with twins.

Now that Jinnian is seriously talking about wanting younger siblings, could it be that Li'er is pregnant with twins?
Thinking of this possibility, the Queen Mother and Jiang's mother called Jinnian to their side and asked him carefully.

However, no matter what they asked, as long as it was related to the child in Jiang Li's belly, Jin Nian would happily talk about his younger siblings.

From that day on, Xiao Jinnian had to lie on the queen mother's belly to greet her younger siblings every day. With the expectations of Xiao Jinnian and everyone, Jiang Li finally came into labor.

Sure enough, a son and a daughter were finally born.

Jiang Li and Shen Tingsi agreed that their unborn children would bear Jiang Li's surname, and now they gave birth to twins, both with the surname Jiang.

The little prince was named Jiang Jinyun, and the little princess was named Jiang Jinyu.

After the two children were born, the first thing Shen Tingsi did was to go to the imperial doctor and take lifelong infertility medicine, determined not to let Jiang Li suffer the sin of giving birth to another child.

After experiencing the birth of Jinnian, Shen Tingsi was extremely scared. She was afraid that something would happen to Jiang Li during delivery. Even the births of Jinyun and Jinyu were accidents. Now that the two children have been born, Shen Tingsi accepted the decision without hesitation. After taking the life-long avoidance medicine, Jiang Li was determined not to be exposed to any danger.

He was lucky to have a child with Li'er, and he would have no regrets in his life if he had three.

After having the little princess, Shen Tingsi transformed into a daughter slave. The first thing he did in court every day was to rush to Fengyi Palace to kiss his daughter's pink face.

Jinnian also likes his younger siblings very much. He used to love running out and having fun, but now he lies in front of the cradle and talks to his younger siblings a lot every day.

"Brothers and sisters, please grow up quickly. When you grow up, we can play together."

"Brother can take you to catch butterflies and fly kites. Grow up quickly, grow up quickly, okay?"

Since having younger brothers and sisters, Jinnian has been nagging the two little ones for a long time every day like a little old man.

It's no wonder that Jinnian is nagging. He is the only child in such a huge palace. Although he is accompanied by his father, queen, mother and others every day, it is different from playing with his peers.

With Jin Nian's nagging day after day, the days went by like crazy. Jin Yun and Jin Yu, brothers and sisters, also grew up very fast. They looked different every day.

When Jinnian was three years old, the two little ones finally learned to talk and walk, and Jinnian also got a new playmate as he wished.

After marrying Fengjue, Qingzhu also gave birth to a boy, and the originally deserted palace suddenly became lively.

Jiang's mother has not been back since she last came to the palace. Now Jiang's father is traveling between Jiangnan and the imperial city. As soon as Jiangnan's business came to an end, Jiang's father couldn't wait to come to the imperial city to meet his precious grandchildren.

The Queen Mother and Jiang's mother have similar personalities, and now they have become a veritable handkerchief, and they have endless things to talk about every day.

The Queen Mother has been lacking companionship since the death of the late Emperor. The arrival of Jiang Mu, Jiang Li and their children completely filled the void in the Queen Mother's heart.

Now the Queen Mother smiles every day, looks full of energy, and looks younger and younger!

It is said that keeping a happy mood is the best medicine for a woman's beauty, and this sentence is indeed true. (So ​​babies, please be happy every day~)

As the current prince and future heir apparent, Jinnian underwent enlightenment at the age of three. The person who enlightened him was the Taifu of the dynasty, who was famous for being strict.

Jiang Li felt very uncomfortable every time she saw Jinnian getting up before dawn every day to go to the academy to study.

A three-year-old child should be the most innocent age, but Xiao Jinnian is already very sensible.

Being sensible makes people feel distressed.

Jin Nian got up before dawn this day. Jiang Li, who had not slept all night, guessed that the time was up and also got up and came to Jin Nian's palace.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?"

When Jinnian saw Jiang Li, he ran towards her with a face of surprise.

Jiang Li held him in her arms with a distressed look on her face: "Jinnian, I won't go to the academy today. My mother will watch over you and have a good rest."

"Mother, my sons and ministers are not tired."

Jinnian hugged Jiang Li's neck, and after sensing her emotions, he expressed relief: "My son is the prince and the future heir apparent. In the future, he will secure the land of Eastern Chu and protect the people of Li."

"Now, under the rule of my father, Dong Chu is prosperous and peaceful, and the world is at peace. Compared with everything my father has done for Dong Chu, my son's early morning reading is nothing."

"My son just wants to read more books with my master and learn more knowledge about governing the country from my father. When he grows up, he will take over his father's responsibilities. By then, his father can accompany his mother wherever he wants to go."

Hearing the small body say these words, Jiang Li's eyes instantly heated up and she hugged Jinnian tightly in her arms.

"Jinnian, rather than being sensible, my mother would rather you live a more carefree life."

"Mother, everything I do now is done from the bottom of my heart, and I don't feel tired at all. When I grow up, I can become a man like my father and support my mother, younger brothers, sisters, the emperor, and grandmother. A piece of sky.”

Jiang Li sniffed and looked at Shen Jinnian with red eyes: "We Jinnian are little men now, and we will be men when we grow up."

Shen Jinnian raised his little hand to hold Jiang Li's face, and said with a serious face: "Mother, please wait until your son grows up. When your son becomes a man, you can protect your mother."

Jiang Li pinched Jinnian's young face and said, "Mother, I believe you."

Shen Jinnian showed a row of baby teeth: "Don't cry, mother, we are almost late. I have to go to the academy!"

Jiang Li wiped her eyes and asked, "Jinnian is still young. With his father and mother here, Jinnian doesn't need to put too much pressure on himself, you know?"

Shen Jinnian nodded: "My son, please remember your mother's teachings. It's still early. Mother, please go back quickly. I'll take my leave!"

After Shen Jinnian finished speaking, he ran out of the palace carrying the small schoolbag embroidered by his mother-in-law. His bouncing back was filled with infinite energy every day, as if it could never be used up.

After watching Shen Jinnian leave her sight, Jiang Li, who was squatting on the ground, stood up. The corners of her mouth were slightly opened, but the words he hesitated to say were not uttered in the end.

This is Jinnian's ambition. No matter how distressed she is as a mother, she can't hold her child back. She can only silently support him from behind and become Jinnian's strongest backing.

"Mother, it's still early, let's go back first."

The palace man on the side spoke, Jiang Li nodded, and when she turned around, she saw a tall figure outside the palace...

Chapter 90 has been reviewed and will be released after midnight. Darlings, you can watch it tomorrow. Good night~

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