Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 240 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 240 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (92)

"Asi? Why are you here?"

Jiang Li raised his feet in surprise and walked towards Shen Tingsi outside the hall.

When she walked up to Shen Tingsi, the latter raised his hands and took her into his arms, with his wide sleeves covering half of Jiang Li's body.

"Why did you get up so early?"

Shen Tingsi wiped the wet tears on Jiang Li's eyelashes with her fingertips and looked down at her.

"I feel uncomfortable thinking that Jinnian is only three years old and has to get up so early every day. Come and take a look."

Jiang Li put her arms around Shen Tingsi's waist, her voice a little muffled.

"This is Jinnian's ambition. The seeds planted today will surely take root and sprout and grow into towering trees ten years later."

Jiang Li nodded and hugged Shen Tingsi's waist for a long time before she calmed down.

Jinnian aspires to become a prosperous king praised by everyone like his father when he grows up. He has been working hard towards this goal since he knew the mission he shouldered.

Jinnian was smart since he was a child. He was studying essays at the age of three, practicing martial arts at the age of four, poetry at the age of five, and proficiency in music at the age of seven. At the age of nine, he already had his own opinions on state affairs.

Even the always stern Taifu praised Jinnian endlessly, praising him as a born emperor who would surely rely on his own abilities to stabilize the country of Eastern Chu and become famous throughout the ages!
As they grow older, Jin Yun and Jin Yu also find their fields of interest.

Different from her eldest brother Jinnian, Jinyun had a severe headache when she saw the dense text in the book. On the contrary, she was very interested in dancing with swords and guns.

The Master taught many courses, but Jin Yun could only cheer up when she was outdoors. At other times, she could just sit in front of the desk and either take a nap or play secretly.

Jin Yu is similar to her second brother Jin Yun. She also dozed off after hearing the master's profound and righteous principles, but her eyes lit up when she saw the account book.

The prince Jinnian studied essays, the second prince Jinyun was good at martial arts, and the eldest princess Jinyu liked to deal with ledgers. The three brothers and sisters clearly arranged the three fields of culture, martial arts and business.

After learning that their precious granddaughter was interested in the ledger, Father Jiang and Mother Jiang could not close their mouths.

It's good to be interested in the ledger. From now on, all the Jiang family's property will be handed over to the precious grandson!
Although Jiang's father is the richest man in Jiangnan, his industry is not limited to Jiangnan. The Jiang family's industries are found all over Dongchu.

These properties were built with hard work by Father Jiang and Mother Jiang for most of their lives, but the only child, Miao Jiangli, had married into the palace and became the queen of one person and more than ten thousand people.

They were worried that no one would inherit the family business, so their precious granddaughter Jin Yu could be said to have relieved Father Jiang and Mother Jiang's worries.

As long as the children are interested, Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li won't have any objections.

Ordinary people may think that since Jin Yu is the eldest princess of Eastern Chu, she should live a carefree life in the palace and marry a good consort, husband and child.

But Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li don't think so. There is no law that stipulates that women should stay at home to support their husbands and raise children, and strictly abide by their female virtues.

As long as their children are not committing murder or committing crimes, they will support them with both hands no matter what they do as parents.

Therefore, in order for the three siblings to shine in their respective fields, Shen Tingsi, Jiang Li and others were divided into three waves.

Shen Tingsi and the Queen Mother personally tutored Jinnian in the political affairs of the country, Jiangli and Jiangfu personally tutored Jinyu in business knowledge, while Fengjue and the general of the dynasty served as Jinyun's martial arts and military masters. .

Although Jiang's mother was proficient in business, Jin Yu only had Jiang Li and Jiang's father to assist her. Jiang's mother was happy and worked hard with Qingzhu on recipes and pastries every day.

Although the royal chefs in the imperial palace knew all the things Jiang's mother made, Jiang Li and her children only loved eating the pastries and scented tea made by Jiang's mother.

Half drunk and half awake day after day, flowers bloom and fall year after year.

"Why hasn't Yu'er come back yet?"

The Queen Mother, who was over sixty years old, looked outside the palace over and over again. She couldn't wait to see Jiang Jinyu, whom she hadn't seen for three years.

"My dear, don't be anxious. The eldest princess said she would rush back to the palace before the full moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival and she would definitely come back."

Aunt Gui smiled and stepped forward to put a cloak on the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother nodded: "Yu'er never lies to the Ai family, saying that she will come back today and she will definitely come back today."

"Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, the princess has already left the palace for three years." Aunt Gui put her hands on the Queen Mother's shoulders and sighed with emotion.

"Yes, three years have passed in the blink of an eye. I haven't seen her for three years. I don't know what the little girl who left the palace has become now."

"The Queen Mother will see the princess later when she comes back. The princess is the one who looks most like your majesty among the three children. I guess that when the princess comes back, she must look like his majesty!"

The Queen Mother smiled and nodded: "By the way, didn't Li'er and Si'er go to the dock to pick up their parents? Why haven't they come back yet?"

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the night of family reunion. Jiang's father and Jiang's mother also rushed to the imperial city to reunite with Jiang Li and others during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

When the Empress Dowager finished saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao had arrived, a familiar voice came from outside the palace.

"The Queen Mother, long time no see!"

Mother Jiang appeared outside the palace with a smile, and greeted the Queen Mother with a smile.

The Queen Mother's eyes instantly lit up when she saw the old sister she had been talking about, and she stood up from the Taishi chair excitedly.

"Fengwan, the Ai family has finally come to you!"

Time has not diluted the friendship between the Queen Mother and Jiang's mother, but has accumulated into a deep longing, giving the two people hope and looking forward to the day when they can meet again.

Mother Jiang came to the Queen Mother with a smile and held her hand tightly: "I have kept the Queen Mother waiting for a long time."

"The common people meet the Queen Mother."

Jiang's father smiled and bowed his hands towards the Queen Mother, who quickly said: "You don't have to be polite, please stop standing here. Let's go inside and invite you!"

At the empress dowager's invitation, Father Jiang and Mother Jiang walked towards the palace. Jiang Li and Shen Tingsi looked at each other and followed closely behind.

The few people who reunited after a long separation always had endless things to say, and they chatted until the sun set.

The sun was about to set, but there was still no sign of Jin Yu. Even Jin Yun, who went to pick her up, did not appear in front of everyone, nor did he send a message.

Now the Queen Mother and others became anxious.

"You haven't come here at this time. Could it be that something happened on the way?"

Father Jiang stretched his neck and looked out of the hall. As soon as he finished speaking, Mother Jiang hit him with her elbow. After regaining consciousness, Father Jiang quickly patted his mouth gently: "Bah, bah, bah, look at my crow's mouth. What nonsense!”

Under the gazes of several people, Jin Yun and Jin Yu were not seen, but Jin Nian and Crown Princess Gu Xiran were expected to come.

"My sons and ministers see their father and the emperor, and they see their mother and queen."

"My grandson meets the imperial grandmother, maternal grandfather and maternal grandmother."

Crown Prince Shen Jinnian and Crown Princess Gu Xiran came hand in hand, like beautiful ladies stepping out of a painting.

"Jinnian and Xira are here. Come quickly, come to grandma."

The Queen Mother smiled and waved to the two of them, and when Gu Xiran came to her side, the Queen Mother held her hand.

"Why has Xiran lost so much weight after not seeing her for a few days?" The Queen Mother said and looked at Shen Jinnian who was beside Xiran: "Jinnian, did you fail to take good care of Xiran?"

"Grandma misunderstood. Your Highness treated me very well, but my granddaughter-in-law has not had much appetite these days."

"Are you feeling upset in your stomach? Let the doctor take a look at it later and prescribe some appetizer. You can't do it without eating."

Gu Xiran smiled and nodded: "Yes, my granddaughter-in-law will follow her grandmother's teachings."

While several people were talking, there was a sound of jumping feet and painful cries from outside the hall.


"Let go, let go, it hurts!"

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