Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 266 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man

Chapter 266 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man (21)

Jiang Li looked at Chu Huaizhi longingly, her eyes stained with drunkenness were wet, making people intoxicated at a glance.

After meeting her starry eyes, Chu Huaizhi swallowed back the words that came to his lips, and finally changed his voice: "Your Majesty is drunk, please go back to Yangxin Palace to rest."

Jiang Li stood there without moving, looking straight at Chu Huaizhi, looking at his monster face wantonly.

Chu Huaizhi felt uncomfortable with her fiery eyes. Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Li suddenly raised her feet and walked towards him.

"Uncle Huang is really beautiful. Apart from my mother, I have never seen such a beautiful person!"

Jiang Li, whose brain was numbed by alcohol, said whatever he thought without any worries.

Not only did he not have any scruples in his words, he also became more and more bold and unrestrained in his actions.

Jiang Li stared at Chu Huaizhi's face for a moment, and finally walked to him and stopped, and raised his hand to touch it under Chu Huaizhi's gaze.

Chu Huaizhi pursed his lips, his Adam's apple slid up and down, and looked down at Jiang Li, whose head had just reached his chest, wanting to see what other transgressions she would do.

After successfully touching Chu Huaizhi's face, Jiang Li's eyes widened and she suddenly smiled.

She raised her other hand to hold Chu Huaizhi's face, and looked up at him.

After seeing Chu Huaizhi's tight thin lips, she frowned again and muttered: "My face is beautiful, but why can't I smile?"

"Uncle Emperor, give me a smile."

Jiang Li looked like that ruffian, looking at the little beauty in his arms with a nonchalant expression, "Girl, give me a smile."

Chu Huaizhi pursed his lips tighter.

With a look of helplessness, Jiang Li moved her fingers to the corners of Chu Huaizhi's mouth, and pressed the corners of his mouth with two fingers to make an upward arc.

Looking at Chu Huai's raised lips, Jiang Li smiled with satisfaction.

"That's right. It looks so beautiful when you smile. From now on, the emperor can't always have a sullen face. He should smile more. If he always has a sullen face, he will have no hiccups~my wife's hiccups~"

Jiang Li burped three times in a row, and the faint smell of alcohol spit out from her mouth and sprayed Chu Huai's face.

Surprisingly, Chu Huaizhi, who has severe mysophobia, was not angry. Instead, he looked helplessly at the little head on his chest.

Jiang Li, who had finished hiccupping, had fallen asleep against his chest.

"His Majesty."

Chu Huaizhi lowered his eyes and called out, but the drunk Jiang Li was already sleepy and unconscious.

After a period of spinning, Jiang Li was picked up by Chu Huaizhi and strode towards the Yangxin Hall.

The palace people on the road widened their eyes in shock when they saw this scene. They didn't expect that the unkind regent would be so affectionate to your majesty's nephew!

Seeing that their uncle and nephew had such a harmonious relationship, the palace people felt relieved.

Chu Huaizhi walked along the spacious palace road with Jiang Li in his arms. Upon seeing this, the palace people passing by quickly lifted up their robes. When they were about to salute, they were stopped by Chu Huaizhi's eyes.

Except for the chirping of birds, the road from Jinluan Palace back to Yangxin Palace was very quiet. It was so quiet that it seemed like there were only Chu Huaizhi and Jiang Li in this huge palace.

Chu Huaizhi hugged Jiang Li effortlessly and walked towards the Yangxin Hall without looking sideways. He did not lower his head to look at Jiang Li in his arms all the way.

Now, whenever he sees Jiang Li's face, what happened last night will linger in his mind, like a demon, and his whole thoughts are out of control.

Chu Huaizhi didn't want to think about the absurdity of last night, so he simply didn't look at Jiang Li in his arms.

The moment the two figures appeared in Yangxin Hall, Grandma Zhou's eyes almost popped out!
"Your Majesty, what's wrong?" "Drunk."

Chu Huaizhi uttered two words without changing his expression, and after speaking, he walked directly past Aunt Zhou and walked towards the palace.

Seeing the two figures, Grandma Zhou patted her thigh anxiously and followed them quickly.

This, this, what is this?
Your Majesty's life experience is inherently dangerous, so why do you keep having such close contact with the Regent in the past two days? ?
The regent was thinking deeply. If his majesty's daughter was discovered, Nanny Zhou couldn't even imagine what the consequences would be!
Chu Huaizhi carried Jiang Li to the bed, bent down and placed her on the couch.

Just as he was about to stand up, Jiang Li suddenly raised his hand and hooked his neck. Chu Huai was unprepared, and his upper body immediately sank following Jiang Li's movement.

Finally, he put his hands on both sides of Jiang Li's waist in an extremely ambiguous posture, and then the moist and soft touch rubbed the side of his face and landed on his earlobes.

Warm breath came from the back of his neck, and when he realized what the moisture was, Chu Huaizhi's earlobes suddenly turned red!

In an instant, it was so red that it could bleed! !

After hearing the footsteps outside the hall, Chu Huaizhi quickly raised his hand and pulled Jiang Li's arm around his neck, and stood up straight.

"I have caused trouble to the prince, I will..."

Before Nanny Zhou could finish her words, she felt a gust of wind blowing past her. When she came back to her senses, where was Chu Huaizhi's figure in the palace?
Grandma Zhou was stunned and quickly turned her head to look. In the end, she only caught the flash of purple robe at the door.

The gust of wind just now was His Highness the Regent who had fled.

"It's really weird."

Aunt Zhou muttered. She didn't know what happened just now and didn't think much about it. She quickly stepped forward and looked at Jiang Li. After making sure that there was nothing wrong with her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

At that time, Chu Huaizhi, who came out of the Yangxin Hall, rushed straight to the Yunxiao Palace. His steps were hurried, and even his usually steady breathing became rapid.

His earlobes were red, his heart was beating wildly, and his demeanor was completely different from the calm regent before.

"Master, what's going on?"

The moment Chu Huaizhi's figure appeared in Yunxiao Palace, the personal guards came to greet him. Seeing that his face looked strange, they thought he had been drugged, and his expression instantly became serious.

"No problem."

Chu Huaizhi responded casually and strode towards the palace.

The personal guard frowned and followed quickly: "Master, do you want to take a shower and change clothes?"

Chu Huaizhi glanced at the wrinkled clothes on the chest that Jiang Li had grabbed and said: "Yeah."

“I’ll ask someone to prepare water right now!”

There is a hot spring in Yunxiao Palace. The palace people quickly tested the water temperature and sprinkled flower petals on the hot spring.

Chu Huaizhi took off his clothes and buried his whole body in the hot spring.

It wasn't until the spring water invaded his pores that Chu Huaizhi's tense body gradually relaxed.

Chu Huaizhi took a deep breath, leaned on the edge of the bath and let the spring water submerge his entire body.

Although he tried his best to hold back, the red earlobes that could drip blood still betrayed Chu Huaizhi's strange behavior at this moment.

He closed his eyes, and all he could think about was the scene just now where Jiang Li's face was crimson and her soft, boneless hands were holding his face.

In addition to this image lingering in Chu Huai's mind, the touch of his soft lips brushing against his earlobe also surfaced in all his senses very clearly.

There was a strange tingling sensation in my earlobes, and the pool water beneath me also caused ripples...

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