Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 267 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man

Chapter 267 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man (22)

After noticing something strange about his body, Chu Huaizhi clenched his hands on the wall of the pool into fists, and veins popped out on the backs of his hands.

For so many years, there was no concubine in the Prince Regent's palace, and the most beautiful woman in the imperial city, who was sought after by countless people, stood in front of her with a graceful figure, but she could not make even a single ripple in Chu Huai's heart.

It was no secret in the imperial city that the regent Chu Huai was not close to women, but no one dared to interfere with his affairs.

Although he is not a womanizer, Chu Huaizhi firmly believes that he is a normal man. He is not a womanizer but he has not met a woman who can make his heart beat.

But at this moment Chu Huaizhi's belief began to waver.

In just a few days, he had already had other thoughts on a man more than once.

His heart beat wildly because of him, and his breathing became rapid because of him.

Chu Huaizhi frowned and pursed his thin lips tightly into a thin slit.

what happened to him?
Is it true that he is as good as Long Yang as rumored by the outside world?
Chu Huaizhi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down and throw all the images that disturbed his mind out of his mind.

After a long time, the blood redness on Chu Huaizhi's earlobes gradually dissipated, and he slowly opened his eyes, his expression returning to its previous cold expression.

Only Nine Inches was still arrogant and could not calm down for a long time.

It must have been that he had never been so intimate with anyone before, so he was acting strangely like this.

Chu Huaizhi thought like this, and suppressed the strange feeling in his heart caused by Jiang Li, refusing to look directly into his heart.

Chu Huaizhi soaked in the hot spring pool for a long time, waiting for the nine inches under him to return to normal before he walked out of the pool.

The guard stepped forward to change his clothes and asked worriedly: "Master, is everything okay? But my master looked a little strange just now. Do you need to ask the imperial doctor to come and take a look?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the strange feeling that Chu Huaizhi had finally suppressed shot straight into the sky again!

Chu Huaizhi spit out two words from his throat.

The guard beside him looked serious instantly: "My subordinate is here."

"You're a little too secretive today. Go to prison and spend some time."


The guard was stunned for a moment, and finally nodded with a bitter look on his face under Chu Huaizhi's pressure: "Yes, Master."

Until he finished changing Chu Huaizhi's clothes and was kicked out of Yunxiao Palace by Zhuli, he didn't know what happened. Why did the master suddenly rush to prison?

Didn't he just care about his master when he saw something wrong with his face?

This doesn’t work either? ?

The next day, the east was slightly bright.

When it was time to go to court, Jiang Li was woken up by Aunt Zhou. When she woke up, her head was still a little groggy.

"Your Majesty is very drunk. Please don't drink so much in the future. You vomited three times last night and your stomach feels bad, right?"

Aunt Zhou looked at Jiang Li with a distressed look on her face, and nagging her one after another to take care of herself.

"I'm fine, I worked hard last night."

"As long as your Majesty is in good health, I won't have any trouble doing anything. Your Majesty must take care of yourself in the future."

While changing clothes, Jiang Li learned from Aunt Zhou that it was Chu Huaizhi who carried her back yesterday. Aunt Zhou was afraid that Chu Huaizhi would find out Jiang Li's identity because of her deep thoughts, so she secretly told Jiang Li to be with someone like Chu Huaizhi. Keep your distance.

Listening to Aunt Zhou's instructions, Jiang Li only found it funny. For fear that Aunt Zhou wouldn't be able to accept it for a while, Jiang Li didn't tell her her feelings. After changing into court clothes, she left the Yangxin Hall and got on the soft sedan.

Jiang Li originally wanted to wait for Chu Huai to go to court together in front of the Yangxin Palace as she did a few days ago, but she was told by the palace people that the regent had left before he had a cup of tea.

Jiang Li didn't care and ordered the palace servants to set off for the Yangxin Palace.

Jiang Li originally wanted to go to the imperial study room with Chu Huaizhi after the next court, but Chu Huaizhi only said that he had something to deal with and left first.

Finally, Jiang Li went to the imperial study room surrounded by palace people. While the memorial was being processed, a palace lady hurriedly walked in.

"Your Majesty, Princess Dongli wishes to see you!"


Jiang Li didn't even raise her head, and directly ordered people to be invited to the royal study. Jingle Bell--

As Chu Mingzhu walked, the small bell at her ankle made a crisp sound.

Jiang Li's thoughts were successfully attracted by the crisp sound outside the door, and she raised her head.

"The Pearl Sees Emperor Yan!"

Chu Mingzhu wore a veil, and there was unconcealable excitement in her voice when she saw Jiang Li.

There is a rule in Dongli State that a woman must wear a veil when meeting her husband before getting married, and the husband will take off the veil personally on the wedding day.

"Princess Dongli, there is no need to be polite. Come and see your seat."

"Princess please."

One of the palace attendants stepped forward and made a gesture of invitation to Chu Mingzhu, taking her to sit in front of the Grand Master's chair nearby.

"Why did the princess come here today?"

Jiang Li looked at Chu Mingzhu. Although she had never seen Chu Mingzhu's true face, Jiang Li concluded just by her exposed eyes that she was a sassy person who dared to love and hate.

Therefore, she was not disgusted with the fact that Chu Mingzhu came to the imperial study without being summoned.

Chu Mingzhu looked at Jiang Li in surprise: "Has Emperor Yan forgotten what Mingzhu said yesterday?"

"Yesterday? What words?"

Jiang Li's head was still a little groggy at the moment, and she really didn't remember what Chu Mingzhu said in the Jinluan Palace yesterday.

Chu Mingzhu had no choice but to say: "It doesn't matter. Since Emperor Yan has forgotten, Mingzhu will say it again. Mingzhu likes Emperor Yan and wants to marry the Qin and Jin Dynasties. I wonder what Emperor Yan wants?"


After Chu Mingzhu reminded her, Jiang Li instantly remembered what she said in the hall yesterday.

Jiang Li was sweating instantly.

Over there, Chu Mingzhu looked straight at her, waiting for her answer.

How to do how to do? You can't tell Princess Dongli that you are a woman, right? ?

"Emperor Yan?"

Seeing that Jiang Li remained silent, Chu Mingzhu called out.

Jiang Li couldn't think of any good reasons for a while, so she could only say angrily: "This is a serious matter. Princess, please allow me to think about it carefully."

After listening to Jiang Li's words, Chu Mingzhu liked her even more.

She knew she had seen the right person, and she really didn't treat feelings as child's play!
In the end, Chu Mingzhu was sent away by Jiang Li, leaving a message before leaving. No matter what the answer was, she hoped Jiang Li could give her a reason.

Except for going to court, Chu Mingzhu stayed with Jiang Li almost every day in the next few days, euphemistically saying that the two met for the first time and that they could make better decisions by getting to know each other first.

Chu Mingzhu was very measured and never disturbed Jiang Li when she was handling the memorial. She stayed quietly and watched her.

But even if this was the case, Jiang Li was also panicking.

Just as she said, Chu Mingzhu is a woman who dares to love and hate. Now she admires Jiang Li without hiding it at all. The sultry look in her eyes makes Jiang Li feel guilty.

In order to prevent Chu Mingzhu from getting deeper into trouble, Jiang Li decided to ask her out to speak clearly.

Finally, Jiang Li made an appointment with Chu Mingzhu in front of Jingxin Lake in the Imperial Garden, and dismissed the palace people.

"Emperor Yan, have you thought about it?"

Chu Mingzhu looked at Jiang Li expectantly.

Jiang Li nodded slightly: "Princess, you and I are not suitable."

Chu Mingzhu was stunned: "Why? I want to hear the reasons given by Emperor Yan."

Jiang Li gritted her teeth, her heart skipped a beat, and she said directly: "Because...because what I like is a man!"

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