Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 268 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man

Chapter 268 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man (23)

As soon as he finished speaking, the air froze.


Chu Mingzhu laughed out loud.

Jiang Li looked at her doubtfully: "Why are you laughing?"

Chu Mingzhu looked at Jiang Li with a smile, and walked around her with her hands behind her back.

"I laugh at Emperor Yan for having such a poor reason."

The emperor's heir is related to the stability of the country. How could the first emperor of Yan pass the throne to a prince with the reputation of Long Yang?

If the news spreads, won't it mean that people will take advantage of it and laugh it off?
Chu Mingzhu was an open-minded person, and she would not look at people with Long Yang's good qualities through colored glasses like others.

She believed in whoever possessed Long Yang in Dayan, but she didn't believe in Dayan's little emperor.

Jiang Li: "???"

Poor reason?

What's wrong?
As the Emperor of Dayan, she told Chu Mingzhu such a fatal secret. It was fine not to believe her, but she actually laughed at her poor excuse? ?
Chu Mingzhu circled Jiang Li and finally stopped in front of her.

Seemingly seeing the thoughts in Jiang Li's eyes, Chu Mingzhu explained the reason for her disbelief.

"First, you are the Emperor of Dayan. In addition to shouldering the responsibility of the country, you must also spread the branches and leaves of the royal family as soon as possible and stabilize the country of Dayan."

"Secondly, I heard that the late emperor was extremely picky about the crown prince of Yan, and he didn't write the edict of passing the throne until before his death. If Emperor Yan was really as good as Long Yang... it would have been impossible for the late emperor to pass the throne to Emperor Yan."

"So Mingzhu concludes that what Emperor Yan just said is pure nonsense and cannot be true."

Chu Mingzhu's analysis was methodical and her eyes were firm. She didn't believe what Jiang Li just said about the man she liked.

Jiang Li was anxious when she saw this. These days, it was enough to be suspected of lying, but why no one believed her when she told the truth? ?

"Although Mingzhu doesn't know why Emperor Yan rejected Mingzhu, it doesn't matter. The Dongli envoy will not return until half a month later. Mingzhu believes that this half month is enough for Emperor Yan to sort out his feelings and give reasonable reasons. Come and reject the Pearl.”

Chu Mingzhu was not upset when Jiang Li rejected her, and continued to give Jiang Li time to get to know him.

"It's time to have lunch. Mingzhu won't disturb Emperor Yan for now. Take your leave!"

After Chu Mingzhu finished speaking, she turned around and left Jingxin Lake, heading towards the way she came.

Jiang Li was startled and hurriedly chased after her: "Princess, princess, you misunderstood. What I just said was the truth, and there was absolutely no lie!"

Jiang Li chased after her, and Chu Mingzhu in front also quickened her pace.

It would be false to say that she was not disappointed. After all, this was the first time Chu Mingzhu had fallen in love with someone.

But before Emperor Yan gave a reasonable reason, she still had a chance!
Thinking of this, Chu Mingzhu quickened her pace again, almost jogging away from the Royal Garden, not wanting Jiang Li to see her appearance at this time.

Jingle Bell--

As Chu Mingzhu walked, the bells on her ankles jingled, and those in the palace who heard them subconsciously listened.

Then they saw Princess Dongli wearing an aqua blue dress and a veil on her face, holding the dress in both hands and running from the imperial garden.

Behind him, His Majesty was also trotting in pursuit of Princess Dongli, calling Princess Dongli's name as he ran.

The two figures formed a beautiful scenery on the palace road, and all the palace people who witnessed this scene smiled happily.

It looks like the harem will be adding more people soon!
They will soon be serving a new master!

The palace people thought this, their eyes followed the two figures chasing each other in front of them, and their hearts felt sweet.

Your Majesty, you really don’t know what you just said to Princess Dongli to make her run away so shyly!

There is no airtight wall in the world, let alone in the palace which is extremely well-informed. What happened just now was spread from one person to another, and soon it reached the ears of Chu Huai.

It's just that after so many people passed the matter on, the flavor of the words changed, and the truth was completely turned upside down!

The reason why Jiang Li went after Chu Mingzhu was to express her feelings and stop her from having illusions about her. After all, she really had no way to respond to Chu Mingzhu's sincerity.

But when the matter reached Chu Huai's ears, it turned into a different scene.

Ever since Princess Dongli expressed her feelings to His Majesty in the Jinluan Palace in front of hundreds of officials and courtiers, the two have been together every day. After all, His Majesty was a hero and a beauty, and fell into the love web woven by Princess Dongli.

Just now, His Majesty sent the palace servants to invite Princess Dongli to the Royal Garden for a gathering. During this period, His Majesty confessed his love deeply and said many shameful words of love to the princess, which made Princess Dongli shy and run away.

His Majesty pursued Princess Dongli relentlessly, and their figures formed a beautiful scenery in the palace!

These were the original words said by the palace people when they reached Chu Huai's ears.

At that time, Chu Huaizhi was standing in front of the window in Yunxiao Palace, standing with his hands behind his hands, quietly looking at the scenery outside the window.

"Go down, go down."

After listening to the palace man's report, the guard Mo Sang waved to the palace man and asked him to retreat.


The palace man bowed in agreement and stepped back until he reached the entrance of the main hall before turning around and retreating.

After the palace man went down, Mo Sang raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Huaizhi in front of him.

"Tsk tsk, the little emperor is really full of blood after all. A while ago he said that he would not accept a concubine and asked the master to refute the ministers' proposal. Now it's good that he and Princess Dongli are getting involved!"

"But now that the two countries are on good terms, and Princess Dongli is similar in age to His Majesty, they are a good match. But I wonder if the young emperor will make Princess Dongli his queen?"

Mo Sang touched his chin and secretly guessed.

Chu Huaizhi in front of him remained silent from beginning to end. After hearing what the palace official said, there was a hint of sullenness in his eyes that even he himself was not aware of.

"Master, master?"

Seeing that Chu Huaizhi didn't speak, Mo Sang tentatively called out twice.

Chu Huaizhi turned around with a sullen face, and when he met Mo Sang's eyes, the latter shuddered suddenly.

"Master, what's going on?"

Thinking of what Zhuli said to him before going to the prison, Mo Sang shrank angrily, fearing that he would be in the eyes of his master and be punished to go to the prison to keep Zhuli company.

Chu Huaizhi stared at Mo Sang, and all he thought about were the two sentences Mo Sang just said.

They are similar in age, so they match well.

Oh, I have time to fall in love, it seems I am not busy enough with my affairs.

After feeling his master's suddenly sinking aura, Mo Sang felt a chill spread all over his body from the soles of his feet, and the blood all over his body was frozen!

Mo Sang felt so miserable that he didn't even dare to express his anger at this juncture.

"Go to find your Majesty and go to the royal study. I will teach him how to govern the country."

Chu Huaizhi narrowed his eyes, thinking that after Jiang Li went to the Royal Garden to fall in love with Princess Dongli, he immediately thought of adding more burdens to her.

"Yes, I will go to find His Majesty and go to the Imperial Study Room!"

Mo Sang clasped his fists with both hands, and then jumped out as if the soles of his feet were greased!
It wasn't until he walked out of Yunxiao Palace that Mo Sang slowed down and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, he was not the unlucky person in the end! !

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