Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 291 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man

Chapter 291 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man (46)

Before I finished saying the first word, I suddenly felt sick to my stomach!
Jiang Li quickly covered her mouth and started to moan uncontrollably!

Chu Huai was startled and rushed to Jiang Li: "Li'er, Li'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Pass the imperial doctor, pass the imperial physician quickly!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, are you okay?"

The sudden situation shocked everyone. Looking at Jiang Li's suddenly pale face, the ministers suddenly felt regretful.

They shouldn't have pressed so hard!
If your Majesty is evil, they will be blamed for their death!
Jiang Li covered her mouth, already guessing what was going on, but she didn't want to talk to Chu Huaizhi at this time, so she just lowered her head and didn't look at him.

As everyone waited anxiously, the imperial doctor rushed over quickly.

When the imperial doctor was taking Jiang Li's pulse, the ministers who were blaming themselves did not dare to express their anger for fear of affecting the imperial doctor's taking Jiang Li's pulse.

The imperial doctor was startled when he felt Jiang Li's pulse, and his gray beard trembled twice.

After seeing the imperial doctor's expression, everyone's hearts suddenly sank to the bottom.

"How is Li'er?"

Chu Huaizhi's eyebrows were knitted into Chuan lines, and he looked at the imperial doctor with a sullen face.

The imperial doctor withdrew his hand and knelt on the ground with a thud!

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations, Your Majesty, it's a happy pulse, Your Majesty, she is happy!"

The imperial doctor's voice excitedly revealed the pulse condition he had found, and for a moment the hall fell into silence, and you could hear a needle drop.

Chu Huaizhi had a look of astonishment in his eyes, and he bent down and grabbed the imperial doctor's collar.

"What did you just say? Say it again!"

The imperial doctor was lifted up by Chu Huaizhi like a little chicken. He shrank his neck and said, "Your Majesty, your Majesty is already one month pregnant!"

Chu Huaizhi heard it so clearly this time that his fingers were trembling with excitement.

He loosened the collar of the imperial physician, turned to look at Jiang Li, and whispered softly: "Li'er, we, we have a child, we have a child..."

He repeated it several times, and the shock in his eyes was gradually replaced by excitement.

"Li'er, the doctor said we have a baby!"

Chu Huaizhi, who had always been calm and composed, was as excited as a child getting candy when he learned that Jiang Li was pregnant.

Jiang Li snorted coldly, obviously still angry about what he just said.

"Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to the prince!"

The ministers who came back to their senses quickly knelt down to congratulate the two of them, and their voices broke with excitement.

However, there was no sound from Jiang Li or Chu Huaizhi for a long time, and the ministers subconsciously looked up.

Then I saw that there was no one on the dragon throne, and there was no sign of His Majesty anywhere! !


The news of His Majesty's happiness soon spread throughout the palace, and everyone in the palace was enveloped in joy.

Chu Huaizhi finally coaxed Jiang Li for a long time.

What he said in the court just now was said against his will. Now that the two of them have a child, Chu Huaizhi is even less likely to say a word about it.

To use what Jiang Li didn’t finish just now, it’s——

Accept male favor? I'll give you a thumbs up!

After becoming pregnant, Jiang Li became the focus of the entire palace and even the entire imperial city. Both the palace officials and the people were very concerned about her health.

Considering that this was Jiang Li's first pregnancy, people even wrote down their pregnancy experiences in letters, and the trustees handed them to Jiang Li.

Chu Huaizhi, Grandma Zhou and others took good care of Jiang Li. They held it in their hands for fear of breaking it and held it in their mouths for fear of it melting.

In order to let Jiang Li recuperate, Chu Huaizhi didn't even let her go to the morning court, and took over the task of reviewing the memorial.

Jiang Li was happy and at ease, sleeping until she woke up naturally every day. She finally got to experience the life of living in a state of ecstasy with clothes on her hands and food on her hands when she opened her mouth!
Under the care of Chu Huaizhi and the palace people, Jiang Li's belly gradually grew.

Chu Huaizhi counted Jiang Li's due date every day and wanted to be with her on the day of delivery.

There are still three days left before the calculated due date.

When Chu Huai got up, the first thing he did was to carefully tuck Jiang Li into bed, place a kiss on her forehead, and then walk towards the outer hall.

In order not to disturb Jiang Li's rest, the capital of Chu and Huaihe had been dressing and washing in the outer hall in the past few months.

Jiang Li, who used to sleep until noon, woke up half an hour after Chu Huaizhi left.


Jiang Li called out, and Grandma Zhou who was waiting in the outer hall quickly walked in.

"Why are you awake, Your Majesty? But what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Li touched her belly and said to Aunt Zhou, "Mom, I seem to be giving birth."

Aunt Zhou was startled: "Your Majesty, don't be anxious, I will send someone to call Po Wen over now!"

Chu Huaizhi, who was in court, immediately left his courtiers and officials behind and rushed to Yangxin Hall after receiving the news.

Just arrived at the door of Yangxin Hall——


Loud cries came from the hall, and Chu Huai paused on the spot.

"Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty, you are a little prince!"

The midwife's excited voice reached Chu Huai's ears, and he walked towards the palace in a few short steps.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations, Your Majesty, your Majesty has given birth to a little prince!"

After seeing Chu Huai, the palace attendants and midwives quickly congratulated him.

Chu Huaizhi passed by everyone and came to the bed. At this time, Jiang Li was looking at him with a smile, and there was a little pink dumpling lying next to him.

"came back."

"Li'er, it's my fault, I came late."

Chu Huaizhi promised to stay with Jiang Li when she gave birth, but she didn't expect that Jiang Li would give birth three days earlier than the expected date.

Jiang Li shook her head and didn't care.

She turned to look at the pink dumpling beside her and said to Chu Huai, "This is our Yi'er."

Jiang Li and Chu Huaizhi had chosen names for their unborn children very early. Their son was named Yunyi and their daughter was named Yunxi.

Chu Huaizhi looked at Xiaotuanzi lying next to Jiang Li, and his heart palpitated.

The scene before him was something he had never dared to imagine before, but now it really happened before his eyes.

This is his and Li'er's child.

Chu Huaizhi raised his lips, his eyes moving back and forth between Jiang Li and the child, his eyes shining with deep concern and satisfaction.

"Yier, this is daddy."

Jiang Li gently tapped Xiaotuanzi's pink face, and the little guy with his eyes closed suddenly grinned.

Jiang Li also laughed when she saw this.

"you try."

She raised her eyes to look at Chu Huaizhi, who was sitting in front of the bed, and motioned for him to touch the child's face too.

Chu Huaizhi bent down and was about to reach out to touch the child's face, when the sound of an argument between Aunt Zhou and the housekeeper Uncle Fu came from behind.

Darlings, I just found out that one card was stuck. It should be released later. The checks are very strict recently, so I tried to omit the cars. This small world will be over soon. Let’s preview it in advance. The next one is the warlord. Handsome and innocent female doctor

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