Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 292 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man

Chapter 292 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man (47)

Nanny Zhou pinched her waist: "The children look more like your Majesty!"

Uncle Fu blew his beard and glared: "He is obviously more like the prince!"

Aunt Zhou: "I have been serving Your Majesty since he was born. I know best what Your Majesty looked like when he was a child. The child obviously looks more like Your Majesty!"

Uncle Fu: "Humph, I was still with you when you were a child!"

The two argued endlessly over whose child looked like them, and neither one of them would let the other go.

Jiang Li and Chu Huaizhi looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Jiang Li glanced at Xiaotuanzi beside her, raised her eyebrows and said, "So, does the child look like you or me?"

Chu Huaizhi said without hesitation: "Like you."

After hearing this, a certain pear was satisfied. With the painless delivery pills, giving birth was as smooth as defecating. There was no recovery period after giving birth, and all parts of her body returned to the same state as before.

Now that she was so energetic, she turned over and lay on the bed in order to see the little dumpling next to her more clearly.

This move shocked Chu Huaizhi, Nanny Zhou and others.

"Pear, be careful!"

"Your Majesty has not recovered yet, please lie down quickly!"

Chu Huaizhi quickly held Jiang Li's shoulders. Aunt Zhou, who was arguing with Uncle Fu, also ran to the bed and looked at Jiang Li with a worried look.

Seeing that everyone in the room was looking at her with worried expressions, Jiang Li shrugged helplessly: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Your Majesty has just given birth, so you must pay attention to rest. If you don't get a good rest during the confinement period, you will have the root of the disease in the future!"

Although Jiang Li said that her health was fine, the midwife still couldn't help but remind her.

"Li'er, be obedient and lie down quickly."

Jiang Li insisted on lying down to look after the child, but Chu Huaizhi couldn't resist her, so he had to let her lie down on the bed and cover her tightly with the quilt.

Jiang Li pinched Xiaotuanzi's cheek and said with a smile, "Yier, I'm my mother."

She grinned and giggled every time she touched the dumpling, which made everyone watch in amazement.

"Huaizhi, you can try it too."

Jiang Li lay on the bed with her chin propped up and raised her eyes to look at Chu Huaizhi in front of her.

Encouraged by her eyes, Chu Huaizhi continued the action that had been interrupted by the quarrel between Aunt Zhou and the housekeeper.

He leaned over to Xiaotuanzi, stretched out his hand and touched his face carefully.

The moment my fingers touched the little guy, a strange feeling came over me.

Chu Huaizhi smiled. He was about to sit by the bed and take a good look at Xiaotuanzi, when Xiaotuanzi suddenly burst into tears!
The sudden situation caused Chu Huaizhi to freeze, and he instantly became at a loss.

"Yier, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, mother is here."

Jiang Li gently patted Xiaotuanzi's body and coaxed her softly, and Xiaotuanzi soon stopped crying.

The look of her little mouth curled up to decide whether to cry or not made Jiang Li and the others' hearts melt. They wished they could give the best things in the world to Xiao Tuanzi, just to make him smile!
With Jiang Li coaxing her, Xiaotuanzi quickly put away her tears and giggled.

Chu Huaizhi, the old father, was extremely hurt in his heart. He was afraid of making Xiaotuanzi cry again, so he didn't dare to touch him again.

After speculations by Jiang Li, Aunt Zhou, the housekeeper and others, they finally agreed that it was the callus on Chu Huai's hand that pricked the person, which made Xiaotuanzi cry.

Jiang Li put her fingers into Xiaotuanzi's palm, and he quickly grabbed her tightly.

Upon seeing this, Chu Huaizhi also tried to put his finger on Xiaotuanzi's hand. As the distance got closer, Chu Huaizhi's heart started to lift.

I was afraid that if I touched Xiaotuanzi, I would make him cry. Fortunately, Xiaotuanzi was very generous this time. As soon as Chu Huaizhi's fingers touched his hand, Xiaotuanzi held his father's fingers in his palm.

Chu Huaizhi breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the mother and son in front of him with a satisfied expression.

Xiaotuanzi grabbed his father with one hand and his mother with the other. His little short legs kicked around excitedly, and the whole hall echoed with his babbling little milk sounds.

Seeing this heartwarming scene in front of them, everyone unconsciously raised their lips.

Grandma Zhou smiled and said with emotion: "Looking at it this way, the little prince looks a bit like the prince."

Uncle Fu nodded in agreement: "Like your Majesty too!"


Jiang Li finally stayed in confinement for a month.

Fortunately, with Yi'er, Aunt Zhou and others accompanying her, Jiang Li was not bored during her confinement period.

A newborn baby looks different every day. After the confinement period, Yi'er has grown a lot taller, and his small appearance has also grown. Who is not confused after seeing this pink and tender little dumpling?
People in the Yangxin Palace wanted to hold Yi'er in their arms and play with him every day, but Yi'er, who had just turned one full month old, had limited energy and became sleepy after playing for a while.

So the palace people looked at the sleeping little highness eagerly, hoping that he would grow up quickly every day, so that they could spend more time with the little highness every day.

When Yi'er was just born, she disliked her father's pricking hands, but as she grew up, she became particularly attached to him.

Chu Huaizhi was eager for this!
As a result, Chu Huaizhi would often appear in various places in the palace, including in the Jinluan Hall and the Imperial Study Room, holding Yi'er in his arms. Anyway, as long as Yi'er wanted him to hold her, Chu Huaizhi would never refuse.

The ministers also loved the young highness Yi'er very much, and looked forward to Jiang Li and Chu Huaizhi bringing Yi'er to court every day.

Sometimes Yi'er didn't come for several days, and the ministers couldn't help but ask: Why didn't His Royal Highness come to court?

Poor Yi'er has to be remembered even when she sleeps.

Sure enough, being too cute is a sweet burden!

After the morning, Yi'er also woke up. When she opened her eyes, she started babbling and looking for her father and mother.

Mother Zhou and Uncle Fu had no choice but to carry Yi'er to the imperial study room and send him to Jiang Li and Chu Huaizhi.

After Yi'er came to the imperial study room, Jiang Li acted as the shopkeeper openly and handed over the folds to Chu Huaizhi, while she held Yi'er's little hand and led him to learn to walk.

"Yier is awesome, take one more step and show me."

With Jiang Li's encouragement, Yi'er took such small steps that she didn't even recognize her relatives, babbling and dragging Jiang Li forward.

Aunt Zhou and the housekeeper were teasing Yi'er, and the entire imperial study room was filled with their laughter.

Yi'er has been practicing walking these days. Today, under the care of Jiang Li and others, Yi'er can already walk a little by herself.

While Yi'er was practicing walking by himself, Chu Huaizhi stood up from the desk and walked towards Jiang Li, holding a piece of rice paper in his hand.


Chu Huaizhi walked up to Jiang Li and handed her the rice paper in his hand.

Jiang Li, who was bending down to watch Yi'er walk, straightened up curiously: "What is this?"

She took the rice paper from Chu Huaizhi and unfolded it to see that what was painted on it was the scene of her teaching Yi'er to walk.

Jiang Li curved her lips and smiled, sighing: "Yier has grown so big without even realizing it."

Chu Huaizhi raised his hand and put his arm around Jiang Li's shoulders, with gentle eyes, and looked at the picture on the rice paper with her.

Yi'er stumbled for a long time alone, and finally stopped while holding on to the bookshelf. He turned to look at his father and mother, wanting to take credit from them.

Then he saw his father and mother leaning together and looking at the scroll in their hands, not looking at him at all.

Yi'er: (`)
He spit out a spit bubble angrily.

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