Chapter 339 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (43)

Uncle Fu, Aunt Wang and others raised their hands and covered their eyes.

Don’t look at anything inappropriate, don’t look at anything inappropriate!
Although they kept repeating in their hearts that they should not look at what is inappropriate, the corners of everyone's mouth still rose uncontrollably, and their eyes narrowed slightly as they continued to look at the two people in front of them who were showing affection to each other.

Fortunately, Fu Wensheng just kissed the corner of Jiang Li's mouth lightly and then stopped. He put his arm around her waist and walked towards the door.

Uncle Fu and the others waited until the two men disappeared in the yard before they withdrew their gaze.

"That's great. Er Xizi and Da Zhuang really weren't lying. There really is something going on between Dashuai and Doctor Jiang!"

As Wang Ma spoke, the corners of her mouth almost stretched to her ears.

"It seems that the Marshal and Doctor Jiang have a very good relationship!"

"Our Marshal's Mansion is going to have a mistress!"

The servants were talking to each other, and were extremely excited about the fact that Fu Wensheng and Jiang Li were together.

"Thanks to the ancestors for opening our eyes and allowing the Marshal to find the girl of his dreams."

"Master, Madam, now your spirits in heaven can finally rest in peace!"

As everyone was sighing, Uncle Fu's nagging voice was heard behind them.

When they turned their heads to look over, they saw Uncle Fu bowing with his hands, closing his eyes and speaking confidently.

Seeing this, Wang Ma smiled and said, "Yes, the Marshal has found a girl he likes. The spirits of the Master and the Madam in heaven can finally rest in peace."

When Fu Wensheng's parents passed away, the only thing they were worried about was their bad-tempered son Fu Wensheng.

Fu Wensheng has the same temperament as his father, he is as stubborn as a donkey. No matter what he wants to do, ten oxen can't pull him back.

Although Fu Wensheng encountered many misfortunes after their death, fortunately he managed to get through them all in the end.

Now he has found the girl he likes, and everything is developing as Mr. and Mrs. Fu hoped before they died.

Fu Wensheng drove Jiang Li to the hospital, and before getting out of the car, he was still flirting with her and was reluctant to part.

In the end, Jiang Li gave Fu Wensheng a kiss before he let her get off the car.

Jiang Li had just gotten off the car when she suddenly heard a beeping sound in her head.

[Host, the location of the laboratory has been successfully unlocked! ]

Xiaoduo's excited voice came from my mind.

Jiang Li was a little surprised: "Really?"

[It is absolutely true. It turns out that the secret to unlocking the laboratory location is for the host to kiss Fu Wensheng three times! ]

From last night till now, the two of them kissed exactly three times.

Jiang Li changed the subject: "Where is the laboratory?"

[It is in a cave at the foot of Wutong Mountain. ]

"okay, I get it."

Jiang Li responded calmly, and when she reached the hospital entrance, Fu Wensheng called her.

"Li'er, I'll pick you up after get off work."

Jiang Li turned around and waved at him: "Got it, see you tonight."

Looking at the figure walking into the hospital, Fu Wensheng shook his head helplessly: "A cruel woman who didn't even turn her head back."

What can we do?

Pamper the woman you like!

When Zhang Tiedan saw the point, he came to Fu Wensheng's office with the information.

"Marshal, this is the information that was just delivered."

Zhang Tiedan said as he put the documents in his hand on the desk.

Fu Wensheng turned his head to look out the window, just touching his mouth and smiling foolishly, and didn't hear what Zhang Tiedan said at all.

Zhang Tiedan looked up in confusion, and then he noticed that the Marshal was looking out the window with a smile on his face.

He stretched his neck and looked out the window, but there was nothing outside. What was the Marshal so happy about?

"Marshal, Marshal?"

Zhang Tiedan shouted twice more. Fu Wensheng, who was interrupted, turned his head with an unhappy look on his face: "What are you shouting for?"

"Marshal, this is a document that has just been delivered. Please take a look!"

Zhang Tiedan quickly pointed to the documents on the table.


Fu Wensheng hummed lightly, his expression returned to normal, and he picked up the document in front of him and began to read it.

While reading the information, he casually picked up the teacup beside him and took a sip of tea. Although his expression was calm, the emptiness on his face could not be concealed.

Although Zhang Tiedan's name sounds like a straight and tough guy, he is actually a very thoughtful person. He could tell at a glance that Fu Wensheng was acting abnormally today.

However, Fu Wensheng was handling official business at the moment, so he did not make a sound to disturb him. He just stood aside and stared at him with curiosity.

Fu Wensheng was never disturbed by outsiders when handling official business. Even when Zhang Tiedan stared at him, he was not affected at all.

After processing those documents, Fu Wensheng picked up the pen and quickly signed his name on the documents.

"Take it away."


Zhang Tiedan stepped forward to take the information and was about to speak, but Fu Wensheng was one step faster than him.

"By the way, spread the news that the copy is in the data room. It's time to close the net."

Fu Wensheng had always suspected that there was a traitor. After Jiang Li was given dialysis by Japanese soldiers in the hospital and was nearly kidnapped, he basically confirmed it.

There is a ghost lurking among them!

After confirming this, Fu Wensheng began to set a trap for the traitor, and now it was time to close the net.

Zhang Tiedan nodded excitedly: "Understood! I will spread the news right away!"

After he said that, he turned around excitedly holding the documents.

Fu Wensheng leaned back in his chair and lit a cigarette: "Well, quickly wipe out these sons of bitches, and after you get the medicinal seeds back, come and drink at my wedding!"

Fu Wensheng blew out a smoke ring and curled the corners of his mouth in a wicked manner. It was obvious that he had already planned to solve all the problems at hand and then start preparing for his marriage with Jiang Li.

Zhang Tiedan, who was walking to the door, turned back after hearing this.

He scratched his ears: "Marshal, what did you just say? Wedding wine?"

Fu Wensheng raised his eyebrows: "That's right, after solving all the problems in front of me, I will marry Li'er."

Fu Wensheng was already accustomed to using the catchphrase in front of the soldiers, always calling them "I".

When he talked about "Laozi", he was still a rough man, but when he talked about "Li'er", his voice suddenly softened.

Zhang Tiedan suddenly had an idea and instantly realized that the pear Fu Wensheng was referring to was Jiang Li.

"Then congratulations in advance to the Marshal and Doctor Jiang on their successful marriage!"

"Hehe, I knew that the Marshal had specifically asked Dr. Jiang to examine his body. He must have fallen in love with her. Sure enough!"

Zhang Tiedan couldn't help but give a thumbs up to his clever little head.

"Go, go, go, hurry up and do your business, don't delay my wedding with Li'er!"

Fu Wensheng wished he could wipe out those Japanese bastards right now, and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Jiang Li to get the marriage certificate tomorrow, for fear that he would lose the wife he had.

Only when their names appear in a red book and they become a legal couple can he feel at ease!

"Look how anxious the Marshal is. I'll do it right away and I promise not to hold the Marshal and Doctor Jiang back!"

After saying this, Zhang Tiedan left the office excitedly.

Zhang Tiedan was quick-witted and efficient, and he quickly spread the news of the copy.

After hearing that the copy was in the data room, the people behind the scenes really couldn't sit still...

My dears, it's the next card. It should be released soon.

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