Chapter 340 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (44)

Originally, he said he would pick Jiang Li up after get off work, but after only being apart for a morning, Fu Wensheng missed her like crazy, and the desire to see her reached its peak.

Fu Wensheng has always been a man of decisive character. Since he wanted to see Jiang Li, he didn't hold back and rushed to the hospital before lunch time to pick up Jiang Li to have lunch together.

The hospital has a cafeteria. Jiang Li was about to go to the cafeteria to eat with Gu Chengfeng, but was told that someone was looking for her at the hospital gate.

"Brother, go to the cafeteria with Director Liu and the others first. I'll go out and take a look."

After Jiang Li finished speaking, she trotted towards the hospital entrance, obviously having guessed that the person coming was Fu Wensheng.

"Hey, Xiao Jiang, do you want me to prepare dinner for you?"

"No, I'll eat outside!"

Jiang Litou didn't even turn around. She just said hello to Gu Chengfeng and left.

Otherwise, they are childhood sweethearts who grew up together. They are not biological siblings but are better than biological siblings.

One is forgetting about his sister after getting a wife, and the other is abandoning his brother after getting a man.

They both behave in the same way, so don't laugh at each other.

When Jiang Li arrived at the hospital entrance, she saw the familiar black sedan.

When Jiang Li appeared at the hospital entrance, Fu Wensheng rolled down the car window and waved at her.

Jiang Li walked towards him, came to the car window, bent down and looked at Fu Wensheng who was sitting in the driver's seat.

"How did you come?"

Fu Wensheng leaned his arm on the car window and looked at Jiang Li with a smile: "I came here because I missed you."

"Hey, glib."

After she finished speaking, she consciously walked towards the passenger seat, with the corners of her mouth rising uncontrollably.

"There's a new restaurant nearby that looks pretty good, let's go try it."

Fu Wensheng had already found out the route before coming and arranged lunch clearly.

"How was the investigation of the two Japanese last night?"

After thinking about the location of the laboratory, Jiang Li planned to make some indirect attacks on Fu Wensheng.

"I have already sent someone to investigate secretly. In addition to the two people last night, there should be many more Japanese lurking in Haicheng."

There is no difference in appearance between the Japanese and the Chinese, except that they are shorter than the Chinese.

But there are dwarfs in China, so it is impossible to judge whether someone is Japanese based on their height.

Moreover, most of the Japanese lurking in China can speak fluent Chinese. As long as they don't show their true colors, it is difficult to catch them.

Jiang Li nodded in disbelief: "If we want to find out the Japanese lurking in the dark, it seems that we have to conduct a large-scale census."

No matter how well you speak Chinese, your identity will still be exposed if you can't produce your ID card.

Fu Wensheng raised his eyebrows: "Li'er and I really have a tacit understanding. This is exactly what I meant."

Fu Wensheng had planned long ago that after destroying the laboratory secretly built by the Japanese in China, he would report to his superiors and conduct a national census to completely expel these Japanese bastards from the country.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Li's idea coincided with his.

"Any news about the location of the lab? We need to get the drug seeds back as soon as possible."

Jiang Li brought up the matter of the laboratory again without showing any emotion.

Fu Wensheng shook his head slightly: "Not yet."

But if he waits for tonight, it will be there soon.

Jiang Li's eyes flickered slightly, and she continued, "I have been searching for so long but still haven't found the hiding place of the drug seeds. Fu Wensheng, have you ever thought that maybe the Japanese have built a laboratory right under your nose?"

"After all, the more dangerous a place is, the safer it is and the easiest to overlook, such as the more hidden places like caves in the mountains."

At the end, Jiang Li almost mentioned Wutong Mountain. "What Li'er said makes sense, but I have asked people to check Haicheng thoroughly, and no trace of the laboratory was found."

Fu Wensheng had thought about all the things that Jiang Li reminded him of, and he sent people to investigate as soon as possible, but the final result was nothing.

"Perhaps the Japanese got the news that you were going to investigate in advance, so they hid the clues? How about we investigate secretly? I can go with you."

Jiang Li tried to persuade Fu Wensheng to go to Wutong Mountain with him and secretly reveal the location of the laboratory to him.

Fu Wensheng curled his lips when he heard that. He held the steering wheel with one hand and wrapped Jiang Li's soft, boneless hand in his palm with the other.

"Li'er, are you worried about me?"

Jiang Li rolled her eyes secretly: "Nonsense, if I'm not worried about you, who should I worry about?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll protect myself for Li'er. When everything is settled, I'll take this life to marry Li'er."

Fu Wensheng said as he squeezed Jiang Li's hand, making people feel at ease.

"I don't care. You have to take me with you when you go to take over the Japanese laboratory. Otherwise, I won't be at ease."

Seeing Jiang Li being petty towards him, the smile in Fu Wensheng's eyes deepened.

"Okay, I promise Li'er."

Although he said this, Fu Wensheng didn't think so in his heart.

He was reluctant to let Li'er fall into danger.

Fu Wensheng and Jiang Li came to the newly opened restaurant to have lunch, and then Fu Wensheng acted as her personal protector and sent her safely to Kangtai Hospital. Only after watching her walk into the hospital lobby did Fu Wensheng turn around and leave.

When the sun was setting in the afternoon, Fu Wensheng went to the hospital to pick up Jiang Li after work as if nothing had happened and went home with her.

Aunt Wang and Aunt Zhang had already prepared a table full of food and were waiting for them to come back!

Ever since they saw that scene in the morning, everyone in the Marshal's Mansion started to rejoice.

Everyone in the Marshal's Mansion originally treated Jiang Li as a guest, but now it is different. Now she is the undisputed hostess!

Fu Wensheng was quite satisfied with the changes in everyone. They were worthy of being the people in his house. They had good eyesight!

After dinner, Fu Wensheng accompanied Jiang Li in the back garden to help digest the food, and then watched TV with her for a while. After ten o'clock, the two returned to their respective rooms.

Fu Wensheng did not lie down on the bed to rest, but stood in front of the window, looking out quietly and listening to the ticking of the clock.

He waited for half an hour, and when he thought Jiang Li fell asleep, Fu Wensheng tiptoed out of the bedroom.

The key information room in the military area has a 24-hour shift system. During the day, he had asked Zhang Tiedan to release the news of the copy. If the people in the dark can't hold back, tonight's shift change will be the best time to take action.

Fu Wensheng quietly came to the military area and entered through the secret passage without alarming anyone.

When his figure appeared in front of the document room door, the soldier on duty was stunned.


Fu Wensheng glanced around and ordered, "Don't tell anyone that I'm in the reference room."

The soldier nodded quickly: "Yes."

After Fu Wensheng finished his instructions, he entered the data room without anyone noticing and waited quietly for the shift change.


The early morning bell rang.

The soldiers guarding outside the door withdrew.

There is a ten-minute shift change time, and there is no one guarding the door of the document room during this period.

Fu Wensheng, who was hiding in the dark, raised his hand and pinched his brows. At this moment, a slight sound came from outside the door...

My dears, I have already released the update for June 5th, but the sensitive words are stuck now. I don’t know when it will be released.

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