Chapter 350 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (54)

"I know the situation is not completely settled yet. You have an important position and have to deal with many things every day. But no matter what happens, I hope you can take good care of yourself. My daughter... is waiting for you to come back every day."

Father Jiang did not make any excessive requests. He just hoped that Fu Wensheng could take care of himself, spend the rest of his life with Jiang Li, and never leave her alone.

This is also Jiang's father's last concern.

After Mr. Jiang finished speaking, he looked at Fu Wensheng steadily, waiting for him to agree in person.

Fu Wensheng pursed his lips and looked at Father Jiang seriously: "Don't worry, father-in-law, I swear that I will take care of Li'er for the rest of my life. If I break my promise, God will punish me."

At this point, Jiang's father and mother looked at each other and felt completely relieved.

Although it was just a verbal promise, they believed that since Fu Wensheng had agreed to it personally, no matter what happened in the future he would not act rashly or impulsively, and would always remember the promise he made today.

Looking at Mr. and Mrs. Jiang with red eyes, Jiang Li hugged them tightly and joked with a smile.

"Mom and Dad, our daughter has found someone she can trust her whole life to. This is obviously a happy occasion. Why are you still crying?"

"My daughter, when your mother and I are not around, you must take good care of yourself, okay? If you are wronged, tell us, and dad will take care of it for you!"

Listening to Jiang Dad's choking voice, Jiang Li's eyes turned red as she laughed.

"Mom and Dad, don't worry, Fu Wensheng won't let me suffer any injustice."

But soon, Jiang Li regretted what she said.

Fu Wensheng would never let her suffer any injustice, except in bed, of course...

After obtaining the consent of Jiang's father and mother, Jiang Li successfully obtained her household registration book.

Fu Wensheng and Jiang Li lived with Jiang's father and mother for three days, and only packed up and left when the fifth call from Jun District came.

When they came, the trunk was filled with gifts, and when they left, it was no exception. Even the back seat was filled with gifts from Jiang's father and mother.

"Mom and Dad, remember to come over early when you're done with your work. You're getting old, and it's time to let go of the business. I'll be the one to support you in the future."

Jiang Li held the hands of Jiang's father and mother, and told them to give up their business as soon as possible and start enjoying a peaceful life.

Jiang's father and mother have been running a cloth business and have several shops in Licheng. They can't stay idle at home and have to go to the shops to look after the business every day.

"Okay, okay, Li'er, don't worry. Your dad and I are in good health. Don't worry about us. Our business here will probably be able to complete this batch of goods in ten days. Then your dad and I will go to Haicheng to help you plan the wedding!"

Thinking about her daughter getting married soon, Jiang's mother felt not only reluctant but also full of joy and relief.

They are happy that their daughter has grown up and found someone worthy of her trust.

Jiang Li leaned her head on Jiang Ma's shoulder affectionately: "Then I'll wait for you and Dad to come over."

"Father and mother-in-law, don't send me off. Go back quickly."

After saying goodbye to Jiang's father and mother, Fu Wensheng and Jiang Li got in the car.

"Mom and Dad, please go back."

Jiang Li stuck her head out of the car window and waved to Jiang's father and mother.

"Hey, I'll be right back. Be careful on the road."

Although they said they would be back soon, Mr. and Mrs. Jiang waited until their car was out of sight before turning around and leaving.

On the way, Fu Wensheng held the steering wheel with one hand and kept looking at Jiang Li's household registration book with the other hand.

Listening to the man's joyful laughter, Jiang Li raised her eyebrows: "So happy?"

Fu Wensheng said without looking away: "Of course, Li'er, let's go get the certificate when we get back."

Jiang Li chuckled: "Look at how anxious you are. Aren't you afraid that your brothers will laugh at you?" "Humph, if they dare to laugh at me, I'll ask them to go to the mine to haul coal."

Fu Wensheng snorted coldly, but the smile on his lips never faded.

"By the way, how did you convince my dad to suddenly change his attitude towards you?"

Looking at the smug look on Fu Wensheng's face, Jiang Li suddenly remembered this.

Fu Wensheng said indifferently: "Catering to his tastes."

"Follow him?"

"Yes, you should know that father-in-law often loses to Uncle Zhang in chess."

Jiang Li nodded: "I know, then what?"

"Today, I ran 10 kilometers with my father-in-law and met Uncle Zhang on the way back. He asked my father-in-law to play chess with him. When he was about to lose, I quietly gave him some pointers, which helped him turn the situation around."

"After winning, my father-in-law was very happy and immediately played two more games with Uncle Zhang. Whenever he was about to lose, I helped him win. Later, my father-in-law won five games in a row against Uncle Zhang and regained all the face he had lost before. Once my father-in-law was happy, his attitude towards me naturally changed."

Jiang Li crossed her arms in front of her, looking at Fu Wensheng with a half-smile: "I didn't expect that the great Fu Marshal would be so cunning. He always starts to give advice when my dad is about to lose."

Fu Wensheng raised his eyebrows, not feeling ashamed but proud: "Otherwise, how could I have won over my father-in-law so quickly? And how could I have obtained Li'er's household registration book so easily?"

Jiang Li shook her head awkwardly: "Okay, you win."

Jiang Li chatted with Fu Wensheng all the way. Two people who get along well always have endless things to talk about.

It was already dark when the two arrived at the Marshal's Mansion. Jiang Li felt exhausted after sitting in the car for a whole day. She ate a quick meal and went back to rest.

A dreamless night.

After a night's sleep I finally recovered.

The two agreed to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their marriage certificate today. Jiang Li started putting on makeup early in the morning, hoping that the photo on the marriage certificate would look better.

Fu Wensheng was so excited about this that he woke up before dawn today. Fearing that he would disturb Jiang Li's rest, he tiptoed to the study to deal with the official business that had piled up in the past few days.

After daybreak, he washed and dressed himself, then came to the door of Jiang Li's bedroom.

"Li'er, are you awake?"

"The door is unlocked, come in."

Jiang Li was sitting in front of the makeup mirror putting on her earrings. She responded without even turning her head.

After hearing her voice, Fu Wensheng pushed the door open and walked in. As soon as he entered, his eyes were fixed on Jiang Li who was sitting in front of the makeup mirror.

Jiang Li wore a moon-white cheongsam today. The cheongsam was a slim-fitting style that perfectly outlined her beautiful curves.

Fu Wensheng's Adam's apple slid slightly, and he looked straight at Jiang Li through the mirror, then walked towards her.

As soon as he walked behind him, Jiang Li put on her earrings, picked up her bag and stood up from the stool.

"I've packed up, let's go."

The moment he turned around, Fu Wensheng's breathing stagnated and he stared at her without blinking.

Jiang Li raised her hand and waved it in front of him: "Why are you staring at me like that? Aren't you going to get the certificate? Let's go."

Jiang Li was about to hold his arm, but Fu Wensheng was one step faster than her. He clamped his hands under her armpits and picked her up.

He looked at Jiang Li with blazing eyes, his voice hoarse and deep.

"Li'er, wait a moment."

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