Chapter 349 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (53)

Now that Jiang Ma received a call from the military district, Fu Wensheng couldn't hide it even if he wanted to.

Besides, today he had successfully captured his father-in-law before revealing his identity, so it was time to tell them his true identity.

As soon as the sound fell, the living room suddenly became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Mr. and Mrs. Jiang widened their eyes and looked at Fu Wensheng in disbelief, their mouths opened so wide that a pigeon egg could fit in!
Fu, Fu Wensheng, it turns out that their son-in-law is that Fu Wensheng!

No wonder it was such a coincidence, even their names were the same, and their demeanor was extraordinary. And he happened to come to visit them with his daughter after taking over the Japanese laboratory yesterday. They should have thought of it earlier!
Now that Mr. and Mrs. Jiang have calmed down and thought about it, they realized that there are actually many clues about Fu Wensheng's identity, but they just didn't consider this aspect!

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

Mother Jiang didn't reply or hang up the phone, so the soldier on the other end asked again politely.

The soldier's voice successfully brought Jiang Ma back to reality from her shock. After she came to her senses, she hurriedly said, "Hey, you, you wait a moment, I'll let Xiao... let your commander answer the phone!"

Just as the word "Xiao Fu" came out of her mouth, Jiang Ma quickly changed her words, then looked up at Fu Wensheng behind the door and pointed at the phone in her hand.

"Um, Marshal, someone is looking for you."

After knowing Fu Wensheng's true identity, Jiang Ma's attitude towards him was no longer as friendly and natural as yesterday, and she suddenly felt a little awkward.

Jiang Li and Fu Wensheng looked at each other, and they knew that this would be the scene. Fortunately, they did not reveal their identities immediately after coming here yesterday, otherwise they would not have been able to get along as closely and harmoniously as they did yesterday.

"go quickly."

In order to prevent Jiang Ma from being embarrassed by standing in front of the table with the phone in her hand, Jiang Li pushed Fu Wensheng and signaled him to go over and answer the phone.

Fu Wensheng nodded slightly and strode towards Jiang's mother.

"Mother-in-law, let me pick it up."

He still called her mother-in-law, and his attitude did not change after his identity was exposed.

"Here, here you go."

Mother Jiang handed him the phone and then stepped aside consciously, fearing that she would hear any secrets.

When Fu Wensheng was talking on the phone with the soldier on the other side, Jiang's father and mother stood aside obediently, with complicated expressions for fear of disturbing him.

Seeing this, Jiang Li shook her head helplessly, walked between the two elders and held their arms.

"Mom and Dad, he won't eat people, you don't have to be so reserved, just do as you did yesterday."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Wensheng hung up the phone and turned to walk towards Jiang's father and mother.

"Father and mother-in-law, Li'er is right. I am Li'er's future husband and also your half son. From now on, we will be a family. Please don't be restrained because of my identity."


Although Mr. and Mrs. Jiang agreed verbally, the expressions on their faces did not relax.

Fu Wensheng put his arm around Jiang Ma's shoulders and said gently, "Father-in-law and mother-in-law, please sit down. I came here this time because I want to discuss something with you."

"You say, Marshal."

After the family sat down on the sofa, Mother Jiang turned her head to look at Fu Wensheng, ready to listen attentively.

"Mother-in-law is being polite. Just call me Xiao Fu."

"Okay, Xiao Fu, you go ahead." For a moment, Jiang's father, Jiang's mother, and Jiang Li all looked at Fu Wensheng.

When talking about serious matters, Fu Wensheng's expression became serious.

"Father and mother-in-law, to be honest, I came here with Li'er this time because I wanted to discuss my marriage with you."

"Marriage? So soon?"

Father Jiang frowned. He didn't expect that Fu Wensheng would bring up marriage just when they met for the first time.

"I know this is a little sudden, asking to marry your daughter the first time we met, but don't worry, father-in-law, I really love Li'er. I decided on her the first time I saw her, and I want to love her and take care of her for the rest of my life."

"I swear that I will treat Li'er well all my life and never let her suffer any injustice. I hope my father-in-law and mother-in-law can let me take care of Li'er."

Fu Wensheng looked at Jiang's father and mother seriously and expressed his feelings to them.

He had wanted to marry Jiang Li home for a long time.

It's just that he was busy with military affairs a while ago and had no time to personally prepare for their wedding. Now that the Japanese laboratory has been destroyed and the drug seeds have been taken back, everything has come to an end for the time being. Fu Wensheng can't wait any longer and wishes he could marry Jiang Li home right now.

Fu Wensheng's attitude was very sincere. After he finished speaking, he did not rush anyone and waited quietly for Jiang's father and mother to reply.

Father and Mother Jiang looked at each other. Although it was a bit sudden for Fu Wensheng to bring up the marriage at this time and they had just met and didn't know each other well enough, but after just one day of getting along, they had actually accepted this son-in-law in their hearts.

But now that they learned of Fu Wensheng's identity, they became a little hesitant.

There is no mercy on the battlefield and anything can happen. If Li'er marries Xiao Fu, won't she have to live in fear in the future?

As parents, they always like to think more about their children.

Seeing that Jiang's father and mother were a little hesitant, Jiang Li patted the back of their hands and said, "Fu Wensheng and I are truly in love, Mom and Dad, we hope to get your blessings."

Jiang Li looked at Jiang's father, then at Jiang's mother, without any intention of joking.

She has always been very serious about the relationship between her and Fu Wensheng.

Jiang's father and mother understand Jiang Li's temper. She is as stubborn as a donkey. Once she makes up her mind, there is no way to persuade her.

Since I can't persuade him, what can I do?

Just agree!
Under the expectant gazes of Jiang Li and Fu Wensheng, Mother Jiang spoke first.

"Li'er, your father and I can see that Xiao Fu is a trustworthy person. Since you two truly love each other, your father and I have no objection. We just hope that you can trust and support each other in the future, manage your little family well, and live in harmony and happiness."

Mother Jiang turned her head and looked at Jiang Li beside her, the love and doting in her eyes almost overflowing.

Fu Wensheng and Jiang Li's eyes lit up, and they said in unison: "Does mother (mother-in-law) agree?"

Jiang Ma smiled and tapped Jiang Li's nose, and gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, I agree."

As soon as the words fell, they both turned their heads to look at Father Jiang, with the questions they wanted to ask almost written on their faces.

Under their gaze, Jiang's father nodded and said, "I can agree to this marriage, but you have to agree to give me one request."

Father Jiang, who had been smiling when he came back with Fu Wensheng just now, now had a serious look on his face. After learning that the two were planning to get married, his attitude towards Fu Wensheng returned to the seriousness he had when they first met yesterday.

Dad Jiang usually smiles every day and rarely gets so serious. Mom Jiang and Jiang Li are also very curious about what requests he will make to Fu Wensheng.

Fu Wensheng looked at Jiang's father and said, "Father-in-law, please tell me."

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