Chapter 363: Warlord Marshal vs. Pure Female Doctor (End)

Looking at the two little turtles that appeared in the fish tank, Jiang Li's head suddenly became bigger.

It's obvious that this was Fu Jingxi's doing! !

"Xixi knows she was wrong, don't be angry, mom!"

Fu Jingxi poked her head out of the door. She obviously knew she had done something wrong and had been waiting for Jiang Li outside the door.

Looking at the soft and cute appearance of the little dumpling, Jiang Li was so angry that she felt like she was hitting cotton and had no idea where to vent her anger.

But she didn't intend to forgive Fu Jingxi so easily. She had to make her realize her mistakes!
So Jiang Li said with a stern face: "Come here."


A soft baby voice was heard, and Fu Jingxi walked towards Jiang Li on her short legs.

"Mom, I know I was wrong."

The chubby little hands grabbed the cheongsam on Jiang Li and looked at her with big eyes blinking.

Jiang Li took out the two turtles from the fish tank, squatted in front of Fu Jingxi and explained: "Little turtles are different from little goldfish. Little goldfish can breathe in water, but little turtles can't. If they stay in water for a long time, they will drown, you know?"

Fu Jingxi nodded, not quite understanding.

No one knows a daughter better than her mother. Jiang Li knew at a glance that Fu Jingxi had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter, so she made another analogy.

"Would you be sad if you couldn't find your mother one day?"

Hearing this, Fu Jingxi hugged Jiang Li's legs nervously: "Mom, don't go. Xixi promises to listen to her and never get into trouble again!"

When Fu Jingxi thought about the day when she couldn't find her mother, her eyes instantly turned red and she even spoke with a crying tone.

"Don't cry, Xixi. Mommy was just making an analogy. I won't leave Xixi."

Jiang Li slowed down her tone and raised her hand to wipe Fu Jingxi's tears. Fu Jingxi hugged her neck with a look of fear and buried his face in her shoulder.

"Xixi knows she is wrong. Mom, please don't leave me."

Jiang Li hugged her little body and stroked her back gently: "Xixi is my baby, how could I leave you? Don't cry, Xixi, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, I'll be by your side."

Fu Jingxi was still sobbing and holding Jiang Li's neck tightly.

Jiang Li said, "Xixi has a mother, and the little turtle also has a mother. If you throw the little turtle into the water and it can't find its mother, won't it be sad and scared?"

Fu Jingxi nodded, now truly realizing her mistake.

"Since Xixi knows she was wrong, shouldn't she try to make up for her mistake?"

Jiang Li patiently guided Fu Jingxi and made him fully understand where he was wrong.

Fu Jingxi wiped her tears, stepped out of Jiang Li's arms, and said seriously: "Send the little turtle to its mother, so it won't be afraid."

Jiang Li smiled and pinched Fu Jingxi's little face: "Xixi is great, go quickly."

Fu Jingxi bent over and stuck out her little butt, picked up one little turtle on the ground with each hand, ran towards the mother turtle, and finally put the little turtles next to the mother turtle.

"I'm sorry, little turtle. I will never let you be separated from your mother again."

Fu Jingxi squatted on the ground, gently stroking the little turtle's head, her seriousness revealed in her baby voice.

"Sister, sister, come out quickly, we are going to the amusement park!"

Fu Jingchen ran in with a hum, and his loud voice echoed throughout the Marshal's Mansion.

Fu Jingxi said goodbye to the little turtle in a baby voice, then turned to look at her mother. It was not until Jiang Li gave her a thumbs up that she showed her neat row of little milk teeth.

"Mom, sister, let's go quickly, brother and dad are waiting for us!"

Fu Jingchen ran into the living room, grabbed Jiang Li with one hand and Fu Jingxi with the other, and dragged them both out.

Today is Children's Day. Fu Wensheng and Jiang Li have agreed to take their three children to the amusement park. After learning about this, the three little ones have been looking forward to it for several days.

Fu Jingchen, who is four years older than Fu Jingxi, walks very fast, and Fu Jingxi can hardly catch up with him even at a trot.

"Brother, slow down, Xixi can't catch up!" Fu Jingxi panted, his little face flushed with anxiety.

Fu Jingchen realized that his sister had short legs, so he stopped and squatted in front of Fu Jingxi: "Come on, brother will carry you!"

"I'm coming!"

Fu Jingxi cheered and hugged Fu Jingchen's neck and climbed up like climbing a tree. The clothes the brother and sister wore today were a bit slippery. Every time Fu Jingxi was about to climb up, she would slide down again. This back and forth was even more tiring than walking!

Looking at the funny scene in front of her, Jiang Li held her stomach and laughed until she was out of breath. Her laughter soon aroused the dissatisfaction of the brother and sister.


The brother and sister pouted their lips and looked at Jiang Li with the same expression. Jiang Li covered her stomach and laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her back. Instead of restraining herself, she laughed even more wildly.

Please forgive her shitty laugh!

Seeing that they were taking a long time to come out, Fu Wensheng and his son Fu Jinghuai, who had already gotten in the car, got out to check the situation. As soon as they walked into the yard, they saw Fu Jingchen and Fu Jingxi pouting their mouths high, while Jiang Li bent over and covered her stomach with laughter.

Fu Wensheng shook his head, with a hint of helplessness mixed with doting.

"what happened?"

Fu Wensheng walked up to Jiang Li and helped her up.

"Dad, Mom is mean, making fun of Xixi and brother!"

Fu Jingxi put her hands on her waist and pointed at Jiang Li with an angry face.

After learning about the situation, Fu Wensheng said seriously: "It's not that my mother is bad, it's that my brother is bad."

Fu Jingchen: "???"

After all, he took it all!!

After Jiang Lixiao was able to stand firmly, Fu Wensheng walked to Fu Jingxi, picked her up like a chicken and put her on his shoulder.

"Come on, let's go to the amusement park."

"Yeah, let's go to the playground!"

"Dad, dad, I want to go on the carousel!"

"I want to ride the roller coaster!"

“I want to ride the Ferris wheel!”


The winter chill swept through the long street, and plum blossoms quietly bloomed all over the city.

When the three brothers and sisters grew up, they had their own ambitions. The eldest brother, Fu Jinghuai, joined the military, the second brother, Fu Jingchen, became an excellent doctor, and the youngest brother, Fu Jingxi, studied economics and achieved great success in business.

As the children grew up, established their own careers and started their own families, Jiang Li and Fu Wensheng's hair turned gray and then white.

It was a winter afternoon and the sun was shining brightly, with a gentle breeze.

Jiang Li pushed Fu Wensheng, who was sitting in a wheelchair, to the pond in the back garden of the Marshal's Mansion. Several carps were jumping and playing in the pond, revealing infinite vitality everywhere.

Jiang Li put her hands on Fu Wensheng's shoulders and tightened the scarf around his neck.

"Are you cold? Do you want to go back?"

Fu Wensheng raised his hand and grabbed Jiang Li's hand on his shoulder, then turned to look at her: "It's not cold, I want to stay with Li'er for a while longer."

Wrinkles crept up the corners of his eyes and cheeks, and a few spots appeared on his warm big palms, but the love for Jiang Li in his eyes remained unchanged and consistent.

Jiang Li smiled, bent down and hugged his neck: "Okay, then let's stay a little longer."

Fu Wensheng looked at Jiang Li tenderly, over and over again, and could never get enough of looking at her.

"Li'er, come closer, I have something to tell you."

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