Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 364: The second generation of Beijing Circle vs. the beautiful female star

Chapter 364: The second generation of Beijingers vs. the beautiful female stars (01)

Jiang Li lowered her head again when she heard this and put her ear to his mouth: "You talk, I'm listening."

"God has been very kind to me in this life. He allowed me to meet Li'er and three filial and sensible children."

"They all say that I have made great achievements in my life, and that these military exploits have brought me supreme glory, but they are wrong. In my heart, Li'er is the greatest glory of my life."

Fu Wensheng looked at Jiang Li gently and said what he had never said to her in his heart.

Jiang Li smiled and poked Fu Wensheng's forehead when she heard this: "You are still the same as when you were young, sweet-talking and always trying to make me happy."

Fu Wensheng held her hand and said seriously, "I am telling the truth, Li'er. Although we have spent seventy years together, these seventy springs, summers, autumns and winters are far from enough for me."

"Before I met you, I always thought that I would just get by in this life, but after I met you, I became greedy. I greedily wanted to spend more time with you. One, two, three, five, or even ten or a hundred years would not be enough."

But now, he seems unable to do it...

Fu Wensheng knew that his time was up, and he wanted to spend the last moments with Jiang Li.

"Li'er, can we continue to be husband and wife in the next life?"

Fu Wensheng raised his hand tremblingly to touch Jiang Li's face, with a deep reluctance in his eyes.

Jiang Li held the back of his hand: "Okay, I promise you."

After getting Jiang Li's consent, Fu Wensheng's heart finally settled down.

He looked at Jiang Li with a smile and extended his little finger to her: "Li'er, it's a deal."

Jiang Li smiled and hooked his little finger: "Okay, it's a deal."


[The small world mission is completed, the reward points have been distributed, please check the host! 】

A familiar voice sounded, and when the scene in front of Jiang Li became clear, she arrived at that ethereal place again.

Jiang Li stretched lazily: "Which world is this?"

[This is already the sixth small world, the host is awesome! ]

Jiang Li raised her eyebrows in surprise. She didn't expect time to pass so quickly. Before she knew it, she had completed six small world missions.

"How many more small world missions do I need to complete before I can win the reward completely?"

Xiao Duo touched his chin and said seriously: [It is not certain yet. The small world mission is linked to the host's points. Once the host accumulates enough points, he can get the reward and be reborn! ]

The points rewarded after completing each small world are different. Xiaoduo is not sure how many small world tasks Jiang Li needs to complete to accumulate enough points.

Jiang Li shrugged and didn't continue the topic. After the cooperation of the six small worlds, she had already trusted Xiaoduo a long time ago.

Xiaoduo was helping her with the points matter, so she didn't have to worry about it for the time being.

"Okay, what's the next little world background?"

[Didn't the host have an unfulfilled dream of becoming a movie queen before he died? Let's experience it in the next small world! ]

Xiaoduo put his hands on his waist and looked at Jiang Li with a proud look on his face, the words "seeking praise" were almost written on his face!

This small world copy was carefully selected for the host! Jiang Li's eyes lit up, and she hugged Xiao Duo's square head and kissed him fiercely: "You are thoughtful, kid!"

Xiao Duo coughed twice and said shyly: [Oh my, host, please let go, my hair is going to get messed up! ]

Knowing that Xiaoduo was vain and concerned about his hairstyle, Jiang Li specially combed his hair before getting up.

"Togo, keep talking!"

Because Xiaoduo cared so much about her, Jiang Li even changed the way she addressed her.

[The host of the next small world is a popular female star. Although her acting skills are not that good, she is beautiful and has a lot of reputation. So if the host wants to experience what it feels like to be a movie queen in the small world, she needs to hone her acting skills! ]

Xiaoduo briefly introduced Jiang Li to her identity in the next small world and winked at her.

"Got it, continue."

[The male protagonist of the next Small World Master main guide is Ji Boyan, a second-generation ancestor in the Beijing circle. He is a real little wolfdog, the kind who will call sister~]

[Ji Boyan's family situation is a bit complicated. His mother, Mrs. Ji, was diagnosed with heart disease when she was 37 years old. During her illness, her husband had affairs outside and cheated on her, and also indulged the mistress to come to the house to provoke. Mrs. Ji's illness relapsed due to emotional excitement. Because the situation was too critical, she could not be rescued, and left him when Ji Boyan was 13 years old. ]

Jiang Li's fists hardened instantly after hearing this, and she squeezed out two words from between her teeth: "Scumbag!"

Xiao Duo sighed and continued: [Because of this incident, the relationship between father and son was completely broken. After Mrs. Ji passed away, Ji Boyan's temperament changed drastically. He spent all day hanging out in bars, billiard halls and other entertainment venues, and became a well-known second-generation rich man in the Beijing circle.]

"What happened later? Did your scumbag dad marry that mistress?"

[No, Ji Boyan's grandfather disagreed and drove Ji Boyan's father Ji Changchuan out of the house in anger. Although the two of them were not married, Ji Changchuan has been living with the mistress for many years.]

Jiang Li: "..."

Please lock up this scumbag and bitch!
"Does Ji Changchuan and San have a child?"

[No, but San has a daughter with her ex-husband, and she now lives with Ji Changchuan and his family.]

Jiang Li nodded thoughtfully upon hearing this, and now she probably understood why Ji Boyan's personality suddenly changed and why he became a well-known second-generation rich man in Beijing.

"Okay, I get it, let's transmit."

After learning about the general background of the next small world, Jiang Li closed her eyes, opened her arms, and made an expression as if she was ready to die.

Xiaoduo: “…That’s not necessary.”


The moment Jiang Li was teleported over, a loud noise came from all directions, which shocked her body and she came back to her senses instantly!

At this moment, she was sitting in the waiting seat fully equipped. Looking around, she saw a sea of ​​heads on all sides of the stands, and the scene was unprecedentedly grand.

Jiang Li blinked her eyes and was filled with questions. Who am I? Where am I?

Just then, a humming sound came from the side, and then a dozen cool motorcycles flashed past her, so fast that she had no time to catch them!
“Very good, now our second group of players has reached the last half lap, so who in this group will get the first place in our motorcycle championship? Let’s wait and see!”

Then the host's excited voice rang out from all directions. From the host's words, Jiang Li successfully grasped a message: she was now at the motorcycle championship? ?
She turned her head to look at the person next to her, then looked down at her own equipment, and a bold idea suddenly popped up in her mind.

Is she going to play in the game later?
As the saying goes, what you fear will come true. Before Jiang Li could figure out the situation, cheers suddenly broke out and her name was heard over the speakers.

"The next group of contestants will be on stage. The contestant in the first lane is the well-known celebrity Jiang Li!"

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