Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 373: The second generation of Beijing Circle vs. the beautiful female star

Chapter 373: The second generation of Beijingers vs. the beautiful female stars (10)

Ji Junyao said this casually, but he didn't know that Ji Boyan on the other end of the phone was a little embarrassed: "Don't talk nonsense, little aunt, the fate hasn't even started yet!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Ji Junyao, who was drinking water, choked and widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Nephew, what did you just say? No, do you really like her?"

"Shh, please keep your voice down, there's someone next to me!"

Ji Boyan quickly covered the microphone and turned around.

Ji Junyao finally believed it. Her eldest nephew was probably really pretending to be someone else!

After realizing this fact, Ji Junyao immediately started gossiping: "Tell me which girl in the entertainment industry it is. Maybe I know her!"

Ji Junyao is a veteran in the entertainment industry and has already won various awards. Although there are constantly newcomers in the entertainment industry, she still sits firmly on the throne of film and television queen and is not affected at all.

As she has been elected Best Actress for many consecutive terms, it goes without saying that she has a lot of connections in the entertainment industry. As long as Ji Boyan tells her the name, she can know every aspect of the girl in the next moment.

Obviously Ji Boyan knew his aunt's personality very well, and she was very tight-lipped.

"Oh, aunt, please don't ask. If you really care about your nephew, just pretend you don't know about this. When I catch the man, I will introduce him to you first."

Ji Junyao laughed when he heard this, and emphasized: "Okay, okay, I promise you, but don't forget to introduce the girl to me as soon as you catch her. Remember, I want to be the first to meet my niece-in-law!"

Ji Boyan heaved a sigh of relief: "Okay, I promised my aunt, about the role..."

Ji Junyao had always spoiled his nephew Ji Boyan, so he immediately agreed: "Don't worry, I'll call the guide later to turn down the role and let my niece-in-law play it!"

"Thank you, aunt! Just consider it as a favor that I owe you. If you have any instructions in the future, I will definitely go through fire and water to fulfill them!"

Ji Boyan knew that since his aunt had taken on the drama "Phoenix Palm in the Ninth Heaven", the drama must be of great value. When the TV series became popular, his aunt's reputation in the entertainment industry would also rise.

Now that he can give up the show for his sake, he owes his aunt a big favor.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop it. I don't need you to risk your life for me. Just find your niece's wife and introduce her to me."

"Got it. If you have nothing else, I'll hang up first. See you later."

After talking to Ji Junyao on the phone, the role issue was resolved.

The guide soon received a call from Ji Junyao.

As an actress who often works with guides, Ji Junyao knows the guide's contact information. If there is anything, she can just call the guide directly without going through her agent or Assistant Liu.

The guide was a little surprised when he saw Ji Junyao's call and pressed the answer button.

"Hey, Jun Yao, I was just about to call you."

After hearing Ji Junyao's name, everyone in the crew fell silent and looked at the guide.

The guide's expression kept changing, and everyone became nervous when they saw what Ji Junyao said.

A minute later, the guide hung up the phone and everyone looked at him.

"Guide, Queen Ji..."

"She voluntarily gave up the role. From now on, the female lead of "Phoenix Palm in the Sky" will be Jiang Li."

"W-what?" "Queen Ji voluntarily gave up the role?"

Everyone widened their eyes in disbelief, unable to believe that Ji Junyao would suddenly give up the heroine of such a big IP.

The guide nodded, unable to understand what had happened and why Ji Junyao suddenly gave up the role.

Since he couldn't figure it out, the guide didn't delve into the matter any further. The originally difficult problem was solved so easily, and a hint of joy and excitement appeared in the guide's eyes.

He dared to guarantee that after changing the female lead, the TV series would present an effect that would be beyond everyone's expectations.

When the guide thought about the fact that his favorite script could be fully performed by someone, he couldn't wait to confirm the role and start filming immediately.

Jiang Li walked out of the dressing room after removing her makeup. The moment she came out, everyone's eyes were on her.

She walked towards the crowd with a puzzled look on her face: "What's wrong? Why are you all looking at me like that?"

The guide sitting on the chair stood up and walked towards her. When he came to her, he smiled and stretched out his hand.

"The audition just now went really well, so the female lead will be played by you. This is our first collaboration, and I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation."

Jiang Li widened her eyes in surprise. She knew that the female lead of this drama had been confirmed to be played by veteran actor Ji Ying. She had not held high hopes at first and just wanted to give herself one more chance to try out the role. But she didn't expect that she would get the role from Ji Ying so smoothly!

Just as Jiang Li was in a daze, Ji Boyan walked behind her at some point, leaned over and reminded her in her ear: "Sister, the guide is waiting for your reply."

The warm breath sprayed on Jiang Li's neck. She shuddered and came back to her senses in an instant, then raised her hand and held the guide's hand.

"Guide, it's a pleasure to work with you!"

"Let's talk about the contract now. If there are no other questions, let's sign the contract today."

The guide finally found an actress who could get the script he wrote. He didn't want to miss it and wanted to sign the contract right away to finalize the matter.

"no problem."

Jiang Li was very happy to get the script she liked and agreed to it on the spot.

"Come on, let's go to my office and talk."

The guide made a gesture of invitation to Jiang Li and took her to his office.

"Have you read this novel before?"

On the way, the guide asked about his guess.

Jiang Li nodded: "I have seen it, and I have rewatched it five or six times."

The guide smiled when he heard this: "It's amazing that you have such patience. When you first wrote this novel, many people were not optimistic about it."

Including himself.

The confidence that was suppressed at the beginning was completely gone.

Jiang Li extracted a piece of information from the guide's words and looked at him in disbelief: "The guide means... this novel is written by you?"

The guide nodded and said, "Yes, I used to be a novelist. I published several books that performed well, and they were all selected by film and television directors for film and television rights. Only "Phoenix Palm for the Ninth Heaven" was very controversial, the data was fragmented, and the results were also very confusing."

Jiang Li knew about this. She recalled that when her favorite author was criticized, she and Shushu became keyboard warriors and cursed at those trolls. She didn't expect that today she would have the opportunity to meet the original author. She didn't expect that her favorite author would be a famous guide!
Jiang Li looked at the guide with surprise and joy: "Teacher Chunshan, I am your fan and have heard of your name for a long time!"

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