Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 374: The second generation of Beijing Circle vs. the beautiful female star

Chapter 374: The second generation of Beijingers vs. the beautiful female stars (11)

Chunshan is the guide's pen name and also Jiang Li and Shi Shu's favorite author.

Jiang Li was so excited to see her idol that she stretched out her hand to the guide. The guide was deeply moved and shook her hand with a smile.

Several books in a row showed signs of improvement, but just when he was feeling elated, reality dealt him a heavy blow.

The book he took the most seriously and put the most effort into was a complete failure and not a single splash at all.

At that time, everyone was laughing at him, saying that he had run out of talent and advised him to stop writing and retire.

Only his fans silently support him and protect him behind the scenes.

It was their support and companionship that helped him get through the darkest days.

Although he has never posted any news online before, he has always been grateful to the fans who silently support him behind the scenes.

After so many years, the reason why the drama "Phoenix Palm Nine Heavens" is being remade now is to give back to the fans who supported him back then.

Without them then, there would be no him now.

"Mr. Chunshan, can I take a photo with you? I have a very good friend who is also your fan."

"Yes, of course."

After getting the guide's consent, Jiang Li quickly took out her cell phone, took a photo with him, sent it to Shi Shu, and followed the guide into the office.

Jiang Li's words "guess who this is" completely made Shi Shu's heart hang in the air. Unfortunately, she was discussing contract matters with the guide and could not reply to the message in time.

Shi Shu was so anxious waiting! !

After signing the contract, it was already noon. The guide was in a good mood today and asked Jiang Li and Ji Boyan to stay in the crew to have lunch together.

After everyone finished their meal, they began to discuss the filming arrangements. They didn’t even take a break and were eager to start filming right away!
Since Jiang Li is a die-hard fan of the Guide, she has some insights into the plot of the novel and also participated in the discussion.

It was two hours later when everyone finished their discussion.

The guide had originally arranged for Jiang Li and Mu Qingqing to audition for the third female role in the afternoon, but now Jiang Li's role as the female lead had already been confirmed, so the person who auditioned in the afternoon became Mu Qingqing alone.

When Jiang Li left the crew, she happened to meet Mu Qingqing who came for an audition.

When sworn enemies meet, they become extremely jealous of each other.

The moment Mu Qingqing saw Jiang Li, her expression instantly became ferocious.

"Jiang Li, don't be too proud of yourself for winning the game yesterday! Sooner or later, I will trample you under my feet!"

Mu Qingqing came up and said harsh words to Jiang Li, but Jiang Li looked at her calmly without changing her expression: "Oh."

With just one simple word "oh", Mu Qingqing's anger was like hitting cotton with nowhere to vent.


Mu Qingqing looked at her with gritted teeth, and after noticing Jiang Li's abnormality today, a look of scrutiny appeared in her eyes.

If this had happened in the past, Jiang Li would have quarreled with her long ago. Why is she so calm today?

"Jiang Li, what tricks are you playing again?"

Jiang Li crossed her arms and looked at Mu Qingqing speechlessly: "Which eye of yours saw my trick?"

"Stop being so stubborn! If you weren't playing any tricks, why did you come to the guide's crew so early?"

Mu Qingqing put her hands on her waist and questioned Jiang Li. She saw Jiang Li coming out of the crew with her own eyes. Let's see how this damn woman can argue!

Before Jiang Li could speak, Mu Qingqing suddenly thought of something and exclaimed, "Are you coming here to ask the guide to give you the role of the third female lead?"

The more Mu Qingqing thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case. She glared at Jiang Li angrily, "I'm warning you not to do these useless things. I, Mu Qingqing, will take the role of the third female lead. Don't even think about snatching it from me!"

Jiang Li shrugged: "Since you want it so much, I'll be merciful and give it to you." After she said that, she continued to walk forward and pushed Mu Qingqing aside.

Mu Qingqing staggered and nearly fell to the ground, but her agent quickly caught her.

"Qingqing, are you okay?"

"Ah! Damn it, Jiang Li, you deserve to die!"

It rained last night, and Mu Qingqing happened to step into a puddle, causing heavy bleeding. Her newly bought high heels were also stained, causing her to feel pain all over.

"Next time I see you, I'll take a detour."

Jiang Li glanced at her dimly, left these words and walked towards the parking lot.

Just when Mu Qingqing was about to point at Jiang Li's back and curse at her, Ji Boyan leaned over and squatted in front of her, imitating Jiang Li's tone.

"If your eyesight isn't good, you can put in more eye drops, but if it doesn't work, it's hard to deal with."

Ji Boyan pointed at his temple and said to Mu Qingqing that she was mentally ill.

Mu Qingqing stared blankly at the handsome face that had enlarged in front of her, and forgot to react for a moment. It was not until Ji Boyan and Jiang Li had walked a long way that she reacted.

"He, he, he, what did he just say?"

In response to Mu Qingqing's question, the agent twitched his lips in displeasure.

Is this what she can say?
Mu Qingqing blushed as she looked at Ji Boyan's back: "Who is the man walking next to Jiang Li? Why haven't I seen this kind of person before?"

The agent's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly held her arm and made her turn around: "Qingqing, the time agreed with the guide is almost up, let's go in quickly, it would be bad to let the guide wait for us."

The agent said as he pushed Mu Qingqing towards the crew. Mu Qingqing's scandals were already enough to give the agent a headache. If there was another one, the agent couldn't imagine how big of a disaster he would face!
Finally, Mu Qingqing asked the makeup artist to do the makeup for the third female lead and tried out another scene. After the makeup, Mu Qingqing's image was more in line with the guide's idea of ​​the third female lead.

In the end, Mu Qingqing successfully got the contract for the third female role, and even took a photo on the set and posted it on Weibo.

Jingjing will meet you all soon~ #FengZhangJiutianDrama#FengZhangJiutianXuJingjing

The accompanying picture was a photo of her taken on the set, with the eye-catching words "Phoenix Palm for Nine Days" written in large letters on the background.

As soon as this Weibo post was published, the comment section exploded instantly.

[She is the third female lead in Feng Zhang Jiu Tian. Qing Qing is awesome! ]

[Oh my god, it turns out to be the guide Feng Zhang Jiu Tian. Doesn't that mean Qing Qing can see Queen Ji Ying every day? ]

[Ahhh, sister, help me! Stick like crazy! ]

[I said Qingqing would definitely get the third female role, but someone wanted to snatch the role from Qingqing, don’t you think you are any better?]

[That’s right, I guess a certain female artist would hide and cry secretly after seeing Qingqing’s Weibo post! ]

[Hahahaha, if your acting skills are not good, then go and hone your acting skills. What's the point of crying! ]

Jiang Li was innocently attacked, and her fans were so angry that they gritted their teeth and started to curse at Mu Qingqing's fans in the comment section.

At that time, the crew.

Assistant Liu registered Weibo for the guide and handed him the phone: "Guide, Weibo has been created."

"Okay, teach me how to post on Weibo."

The guide, who was using Weibo for the first time, was not familiar with the operations and asked Assistant Liu to help him post his first Weibo post.

The picture published was the one he had just taken with Jiang Li on the set.

Caption: My book fan and leading actress, it’s a pleasure working with you!

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