It was her personal maid who stopped her.

"Miss, would you like to change your clothes?"

Only then did Qin Liuliu realize that the clothes he was wearing were not suitable.

"I'm going to change my clothes. Auntie will wait for a while."

Qin Liuliu said, and then immediately carried the skirt and went to the inner room.

Since she was going to the Prince's Mansion, and the Prince had invited her in person, she would naturally go there in a glorious manner.

It would be best to let those who usually look down on her take a look.

What's more, she herself has the intention to climb the prince's high branch.

She was initially optimistic about the fourth prince, but now the fourth prince only has eyes for Wei Yingying. No matter what she does, the fourth prince remains unmoved.

For a long time, Qin Liuliu could only give up.

The prince is a better candidate.

The prince himself is firmly in the position of heir apparent. With just a little merit, no one can take away this position.

And she, Qin Liuliu, could provide that little bit of merit for the prince.

Although the prince is older, he is only more than ten years older than her. When she grows up, she must become a prince!

Qin Liuliu secretly made up his mind.

Qin Liuliu shook out the dress that the maid had brought over, and looked a little unhappy at the pattern of morning glory on it.

"Bring me that one." Qin Liuliu raised his chin slightly and pointed at another red piece with a pattern of large peonies embroidered on it.

The little maid obeyed the order and brought her the red dress.

On the way to the Prince's Mansion, Qin Liuliu was still a little complacent.

After seeing the prince, the prince was a little stunned when he looked at the dress she was wearing.

Qin Liuliu was even more confident and felt that the prince was fascinated by her.

Therefore, she also assumed the posture of a reserved lady.

However, she missed the strange color in the prince's eyes.

"I don't know why this gunpowder cannot be ignited as soon as it is put into a copper tube. I wonder if Liu Liu has any insights?"

The prince frowned and asked.

Qin Liuliu was stunned and felt a little guilty.

Although she majored in chemistry before traveling through time.

But in the past few years after graduation, I have long returned all the things I learned to my instructor.

Even the gunpowder formula was made up by her racking her brains and guesswork.

After hearing that the prince said that it could not be ignited after putting in the copper tube, Qin Liuliu's first reaction was that there was something wrong with the formula.

But she had no choice but to make it up.

"Maybe it's because the temperature is insufficient?" she brazenly asked.

The prince was a little suspicious, but thinking that she was the one who came up with the gunpowder formula, he could only believe this statement for the time being.

The prince nodded: "Then Liu Liu and Gu will go and study it together."

Qin Liuliu's scalp was numb and she felt guilty.

But he had no choice but to treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor and bite the bullet and follow him.

"I heard that Qin Liuliu happened to meet the Queen and the Crown Princess, and saw the peony embroidery on her clothes, and got very angry."

Bai Zhi and Pei Shao sat side by side under the eaves, and she gossiped with Pei Shao with a smile.

"What?" Pei Shao didn't quite understand, so Bai Zhi explained again.

"The Empress dislikes peony the most. No one in the palace dares to wear clothes embroidered with peony. I heard that when the empress went to the Crown Princess, she happened to meet Qin Liuliu, and Qin Liuliu happened to be wearing peony embroidery. Such clothes."

Bai Zhi clicked his tongue in amazement, shook his head and sighed: "She is really unlucky! But she deserves it. This is called - the wicked will have their own destiny!"

Bai Zhi has been following Pei Shao on weekdays, and has encountered Qin Liuliu looking for trouble many times.

Naturally, he was extremely unhappy with her. Now Qin Liuliu was in bad luck, and of course she was adding insult to injury.

The heroine is so unlucky. Pei Shao clicked his tongue and silently turned over the plot in his mind.

Sure enough, this section was added to the new plot.

It was exactly as Bai Zhi said.

Because of a piece of clothing, Qin Liuliu was scolded suddenly for no reason and was even disliked by the queen.

Being rejected by the queen, the prince, as the queen's son, naturally had no good feelings towards her.

Qin Liuliu can be said to have stolen the chicken but lost the rice this time.

Pei Shao has no sense of public morality, and the tragic ending of their family in the original plot was mostly due to Qin Liuliu.

The heroine was in bad luck now, so she naturally clapped her hands and cheered.

But when he saw the silver lock in the purse around his waist, Pei Shao was a little confused.

This silver lock was given to Xu Jing by Qin Liuliu last time, and then Xu Jing threw it out, and she happened to pick it up.

Qin Liuliu probably thought this was Xu Jing's thing.

But during the last flower viewing party, Qin Liuliu said that Xu Jing was a princess, but the only princess in the palace was clearly Shen Shihuan.

Xu Jing is naturally a fake, and her identity as a princess is fake.

But seeing Qin Liuliu hanging around an impostor on weekdays, racking his brains to please her, Pei Shao would certainly not act like a holy mother and remind Qin Liuliu.

Instead, she waited for Qin Liuliu to be unlucky enough to watch the show.

Maybe you can ask Shen Shihuan? Shen Shihuan is a princess after all.

Pei Shao thought silently in his heart.

But she hadn't seen Shen Shihuan since the last night banquet in the palace. She didn't have enough status and had no other way to enter the palace to find the princess.

Pei Shao frowned and sighed again.

He happened to be seen by Cheng Jinheng who was passing by under the eaves.

"What's wrong with sister Shao Shao?"

Cheng Jinheng also squatted aside and asked with his head tilted.

"I want to see the princess." Pei Shao sighed. He didn't want to answer at first, but he subconsciously said what he was thinking.

Pei Shao immediately covered his mouth vigilantly.

Seeing her attitude of not having three hundred taels of silver here, Cheng Jinheng chuckled and immediately replied: "Want to see the princess? Then my brother will take you there."

"Really?" Pei Shao was a little skeptical: "How did you get into the palace?"

Cheng Jinheng shrugged and said mysteriously: "I have a way. If you want to go, just come with me."

Pei Shao immediately stood up.

She originally thought that Cheng Jinheng's method was to dig into a dog hole again, but she didn't expect that it was not the case this time.

Pei Shao was slightly speechless when he appeared in the courtyard of Xu Ziyuan's family.

"Second brother, is this the way you said?" Pei Shao pointed to the cheerful little fat man Xu Ziyuan in front of him and said in shock.

"Of course."

Cheng Jinheng replied with a smile, and he and Xu Ziyuan were shoulder to shoulder, acting like good brothers.

"Zi Yuan has a way to take us into the palace."

Sensing Pei Shao's gaze on him, Xu Ziyuan was so confident that he immediately straightened his back, intending to show off in front of his little sister.

"Sister Shao Shao, he is right. If you believe me, I can take you into the palace."

Pei Shao looked doubtfully between the two of them.

However, when he met Xu Ziyuan's hopeful gaze, he reluctantly nodded.

It's not good for the second brother and Xu Ziyuan to lose face.

If that didn't work, she could ask Shen Shihuan again after school started.

After thinking about it, Pei Shao was no longer so repulsive and just thought he was going out to play with his two brothers.

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