Pei Shao hid in the basket carrying vegetables, somewhat doubtful about life.

Damn it, Xu Ziyuan said he could enter the palace, but no one expected this!

It wasn't until the palace servants who made the purchase left that a few people got out of the vegetable basket.

Then he looked at the other party's embarrassed look and burst into laughter.

Xu Ziyuan, in particular, laughed extremely loudly.

It wasn't until he met Pei Shao's murderous gaze that he calmed down a little.

There is no other reason. Several people have a few vegetable leaves on their heads, and with the ash on their faces, they look very funny.

Finally, Cheng Jinheng straightened his expression and looked at Pei Shao: "Sister Shao Shao, who did you want to find when you entered the palace?"

Pei Shao pursed his lips: "Do you know where Princess Yongfu lives?"

Cheng Jinheng and Xu Ziyuan exchanged glances.

Xu Ziyuan replied hesitantly: "My father and I have been to the palace once, but I can't remember where we were."

"But...but I can take you to find it."

Xu Ziyuan gritted his teeth.

He hadn't been to the palace very often, so naturally he didn't know much about the princess's residence.

What's more, this princess is Princess Yongfu who is loved by thousands of people.

It's just that when he came last time, he seemed to have happened to meet someone from the palace going to deliver something to Princess Yongfu. He had a vague impression, but he didn't remember much clearly.

If you recall it carefully, you can recall a few things.

With no other option, Pei Shao could only nodded and acquiesced to this plan.

Then he followed Xu Ziyuan around.

Until he came to a dead end alley, Xu Ziyuan scratched his hair and felt a little embarrassed: "Maybe I remembered it wrong, let's try another way?"

Just as Pei Shao was about to refuse, he heard voices coming from the vacant palace next to him.

She stretched out her hand to stop the shushing. Cheng Jinheng and Xu Ziyuan also understood and quickly shut their mouths.

This palace is in the corner of a long alley, very hidden, the surrounding environment is quiet, and the voices in the palace are much more obvious. The voices are a man and a woman.

"What's the use of saying this now! I told you long ago that Shi'er is your child! Now that he's suspicious, you still dare to show up here!"

The woman was obviously a little anxious, and her voice became shrill.

It sounded like a big deal, and the three of them immediately clung to the corner and listened carefully.

Pei Shao always felt that the woman's voice sounded familiar.

But she couldn't remember where she had heard it.

After recalling it for a while, I didn't think about it, so I simply gave up.

Anyway, it's just a casual meal when I'm looking for Shen Shihuan. It's not a serious matter.

"My dear Yaoyao - what's the use of talking about this now? Why don't we two make love, even if death is really imminent, we can become a pair of desperate mandarin ducks -"

Men are more careless and dare to make jokes at this time.

Several children blushed when they heard this kind of non-vegetarian joke.

Cheng Jinheng even covered Pei Shao's ears tightly.

I was afraid that she might hear some dirty words.

The conversation between the two people in the palace continued, but most of them were women who were anxious and incompetent and furious, while the men obviously didn't pay much attention to them.

Several people were a little tired from listening and felt a little bored.

Xu Ziyuan even yawned.

When footsteps were heard in the hall, several people hurriedly hid around the corner.

A woman in palace attire pushed open the door and came out of the palace. She looked around carefully and made sure no one was there before waving behind her. The man also came out.

Xu Ziyuan, who was hiding in the corner, was completely petrified when he saw the two figures.

Pei Shao also recognized who the woman was. She felt that the woman's voice sounded familiar to her, but she couldn't remember who it was.

When he saw the woman's back, his memory suddenly came back to him.

Isn't this the empress she saw when she and Cheng entered the palace a few days ago!

Naturally, Xu Ziyuan had met the Queen and seemed to know another man. He looked much more shocked than Pei Shao.

Cheng Jinheng was the only one present who was confused and was jumping up and down anxiously.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Who is this? What's going on with you two?"

The little fat man Xu Ziyuan looked complicated.

After he pulled the two of them to a corner and squatted down, he sighed for a long time before faintly saying: "We seem to be finished."

Cheng Jinheng was even more confused.

He felt as if he was being bitten by ants.

But no matter how he pressed, Xu Ziyuan said nothing.

Pei Shao still couldn't stand it and answered his doubts for him.

"That woman just now seems to be the Queen."

Cheng Jinheng's open mouth almost stopped him from drinking, "Huh?"

He hit the nail on the head: "The Queen cuckolded the Emperor?"

Pei Shao shrugged.

And then Xu Ziyuan sighed quietly: "Not only is the woman the queen, I think the man is General He, the governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi. He and my father have never dealt with each other, and now I remember his appearance..."

Even Pei Shao knew that the Governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi was a high-ranking official of the second rank.

It looks like... the general and the empress teamed up to cuckold the emperor?

And just now it seemed that I heard them talking about their children.

The Queen Mother only gave birth to two princes, one was the eldest prince, also known as the prince, and the other was the third prince.

"Which prince has the word shi in his name?"

Pei Shao turned around and asked Xu Ziyuan.

She didn't know much about the grievances between the princes. The book only focused on the prince and the fourth prince, and the other princes were briefly mentioned.

And it didn't even mention the prince's name, only that the fourth prince was called Shen Yan.

Hearing her question, Xu Ziyuan had obviously thought of this. His expression was complicated, and he sweated for a long time before saying: "...His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness is called Shen Shi."

At this time, even Cheng Jinheng, who was half-beating, clearly realized something and closed his mouth.

The expressions of several people were very complicated.

Especially Pei Shao.

She coughed twice, "Are we... meeting a member of the royal family?"

Xu Ziyuan trembled and said hurriedly: "Don't tell it! We can just pretend not to know! If someone finds out after telling it, my father will have to break my legs if he finds out..."

In the middle of the sentence, Xu Ziyuan even expressed his sorrow: "No, if word really gets out, let alone my father breaking my leg, I am afraid that both my father and I will be dead!"

Cheng Jinheng didn't even know the queen, and Pei Shao was not very interested in royal secrets.

Nan Ruan was about to get into trouble anyway, not to mention the emperor had already begun to doubt the meaning of the Queen's words.

Come to think of it, I can't hide it for long.

And now Pei Shao has some doubts about whether the story about the civil strife in the royal family in the plot is true.

The two naturally raised their hands in agreement.

It's just that Xu Ziyuan was probably too severely shocked, and his spirit has been a little depressed.

Can't get excited about anything.

Since Shen Shihuan hadn't been found yet, they had no choice but to go home first.

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