However, after these two tests, the old man seemed to be more cautious and did not make any rash moves again.

Instead, he looked at her several times with interest.

As if seeing Pei Shao's weakness, the old man's eyes flashed darkly.

Pei Shao shrank back slowly, mentally assessing his chances of winning if the old man wanted to take action.

The old man approached him and kept testing his hands. The spiritual power was continuously rebounded. However, because he did not use all his strength, the rebound damage did not hurt the old man.

Under his repeated tests, Pei Shao soon became more and more tired, and in the end he could no longer even see clearly what was in front of him.

The old man also figured out the pattern. When he saw this, he hurriedly seized the opportunity. With a wave of his hand, a stream of red and gold spiritual energy flew towards her at high speed.

Qin Zhaozhao on the side looked happy when she saw this. She stared at Pei Shao nervously and expectantly, with an expression of revenge.

Pei Shao's pupils shrank suddenly.

But she can't move at all now, not to mention that there is a huge difference in strength between her and the old man. Even if she can resist, it will be in vain...

Po Kongzhiyin remembered that the spiritual power was about to fly in front of her. When Pei Shao even closed his eyes and planned to destroy it, a protective shield suddenly opened in front of her.

"If Elder Xinghui wants to touch my disciple, it depends on whether I am willing or not!"

The old man's majestic voice sounded, and the dilapidated wooden door was pushed open. The sunlight from outside entered the cramped room along the opened wooden door.

It was the leader of the Cloud-Taking Sect, and there were several familiar figures following him.

Bai Qingan, Lu Yan, Yu Jiaojiao, Elder Yunhe and Elder Chengyuan.

The expression of the old man, Elder Xinghui, suddenly changed.

"How did you find it here -" he muttered, gritting his teeth.

The sect leader snorted coldly and did not answer. He raised his hand and waved, and the mask disguise on Elder Xinghui's face broke inch by inch, revealing his true face.

"Bold!" Elder Chengyuan scolded angrily and said bitterly: "I'm just telling you why more and more disciples have disappeared in the sect recently. It turns out it's you. How dare you use the disciples in the sect to test medicine!"

Seeing that Elder Xinghui was gone, Qin Zhaozhao fell to the ground and looked at Elder Yunhe in panic, his eyes full of panic and prayer.

She was almost aware of what Elder Xinghui was doing.

If the matter is exposed, the sect leader will definitely not let Elder Xinghui go, and she will definitely not have any good fruits to eat...

Elder Yunhe turned his head and ignored her.

Yu Jiaojiao, who was following the sect leader, looked at Pei Shao with worry on her face, bit her lip and ran towards her.

Pei Shao looked up blankly, feeling a little confused.

"Shao Shao? Are you okay?" Yu Jiaojiao helped her up from the ground, untied her body with almost trembling hands, and asked with concern.

Pei Shao shook his head.

"Take him back." The more the sect leader looked at everything in the house, the more livid his face became.

There were countless large medicine jars in the house, and after the lids of the medicine jars were lifted, there were actually living medicine men inside!

There were even many familiar faces inside, all of whom were disciples of the Taoyun Sect.

Among them, Elder Chengyuan was particularly angry.

She and Elder Xinghui were the most difficult to deal with, and the number of her disciples who had disappeared in recent days was the highest. Unexpectedly, they were all secretly poisoned by Elder Xinghui.

When Elder Yunhe met Qin Zhaozhao's pleading eyes, he sighed and shook his head.

After all, there was some sense of master-disciple relationship. He looked at Qin Zhaozhao and sighed, but in the end it was sympathy that got the better of him. "You should leave first. Don't stay in the Taoyun Sect anymore. The Taoyun Sect can't accommodate you anymore."

From Elder Yunhe's own point of view, his willingness to spare Qin Zhaozhao's life was because he was particularly merciful in terms of the relationship between master and disciple these days.

But Qin Zhaozhao felt that Elder Yunhe was targeting her.


It must all be this little bitch Pei Shao!

The medicine man in the medicine vat may still be short-lived and has self-awareness. When he sees someone coming, his face is full of struggle, and he speaks intermittently: " me..."

It's just that most of them have become medicine people with no self-awareness.

The sect master's eyes were full of heartache. He had long known that Elder Xinghui was not a good person, but he had suffered from lack of evidence over the years, so he could only let him act, but he didn't know that he was so vicious.

Even the disciples within the sect dare to be kidnapped to be medicine men!
"Catch him!" Elder Xinghui was frightened out of his courage. He was just a tiger wrapped in paper and could only pretend to be a tiger.

The elders were naturally not afraid of him.

Elder Chengyuan was the most angry. She took a few steps forward, picked up Elder Xinghui by his collar, and threw him into a jar of potion regardless of the sect leader's dissuasion.

Elder Xinghui struggled desperately, but it was all in vain. The scarlet potion slowly submerged him, leaving only a few moans.

The sect leader sighed, but didn't pay much attention.

Elder Chengyuan and his lover had a daughter. Her lover died young, and the daughter disappeared inexplicably last year. The little girl was only three years old.

Since then, Elder Chengyuan has been in a state of decline. It was not until recently that he accepted Xu Yimian as his disciple that his condition improved a lot.

But in that army of medicine men, the sect leader had just vaguely seen the face of Elder Chengyuan's daughter.

The Chengyuan Presbyterian Church was so angry when her daughter, whom she loved so much, was treated like this.

Therefore, the sect leader only tried to stop him verbally. It was not until Elder Xinghui was thrown into the potion that he stepped forward to stop Elder Chengyuan.

Elder Chengyuan's eyes were filled with scarlet red, and his eyes were filled with uncontrollable anger.

Elder Yunhe immediately took her down, while not forgetting to comfort her.

Pei Shao's mental energy was so depleted that his vision turned black and he fainted in Yu Jiaojiao's arms.

A farce ended in a short time. All the direct disciples and close disciples of Elder Xinghui in the sect were expelled from the sect without exception. Several disciples who were particularly close to Elder Xinghui were imprisoned together with Elder Xinghui. .

Other disciples under Elder Xinghui who were unaware of this incident were also warned.

The position of Elder Yaofeng was just vacant. Elder Chengyuan was so distraught that he closed the door to thank guests and no one was allowed to go to Jianfeng.

After Pei Shao fainted, he felt as if his consciousness had entered a chaotic and void space.

A figure seemed to appear in front of her, and Pei Shao looked up in confusion.

I couldn't see the figure's face clearly, but judging from her overall temperament, she looked extremely peaceful and gentle.

"You're here." The figure spoke slowly, and the fog covering her face dissipated like a tide.

The woman's face emerged, with a fair face and a hint of unresolved sadness in her eyes.

When Pei Shao saw the woman's appearance clearly, he felt a roar in his heart.

The woman in front of her looks 99% similar to her!

It's almost like an enlarged version of her——

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