As if aware of her disbelief, the woman smiled gently.

"Are you curious about who I am?" The woman's shadow flickered, and she seemed to tilt her head mischievously.

"You are me and I am you."

Pei Shao was completely knocked unconscious.


She raised her head blankly and met the woman's deep, ink-like pupils.

"However, you can also call me Lingbao Tianzun." The woman continued: "This is just a shadow of me. I don't know why you are here today, but you shouldn't be here now... I look forward to it. Next time I meet you.”

As soon as the woman finished speaking, Pei Shao seemed to be pushed out by a strong force. When she opened her eyes again, she was no longer in that illusory space.

Pei Shao took a few breaths, and the woman's voice seemed to still envelope her ears.

There is a feeling of not being able to tell whether it is reality or a dream.

Yu Jiaojiao was watching nervously. When she saw that she was awake, she hurriedly came up to her with worried eyes: "Little junior sister, you're awake——"

"Huh?" Looking at her face, Yu Jiaojiao said a little strangely: "Little junior sister, you seem to have changed...but you seem to have stayed the same."

Pei Shao's heart skipped a beat when she said it.

As if to prove her statement, Yu Jiaojiao hurriedly took the bronze mirror from the side and stuffed it into Pei Shao's hand without any explanation, feeling a little puzzled.

"It's just that it feels different..."

When Pei Shao looked at himself in the bronze mirror, he was completely stunned.

Yu Jiaojiao was right, it was indeed different.

It's just that this difference is really hard to tell.

She looked more like that phantom, a ten-year-old girl, with a little childishness gone from her face.

But Yu Jiaojiao quickly forgot about these insignificant changes and lay on the bed gossiping with Pei Shao.

"Elder Xinghui is said to have been tortured a lot by Elder Chengyuan..." Yu Jiaojiao had a hint of sadness on her brows.

"Elder Chengyuan's daughter, who has been missing for more than a year, turned out to be captured by Elder Xinghui and made into a medicine man. Who is not crazy about this? I heard that Elder Xinghui is now tortured and has no human form at all."

“By the way, there’s also that fellow countryman of yours——”

Yu Jiaojiao thought for a while and said, "Is her name Qin Zhaozhao? She was also expelled from Taoyun Sect. Her parents came to pick her up. I heard that she had a younger brother at home who was expelled this time. There is no chance of joining another sect. I think her mother wants to take her back and marry her early to get a bride price for her brother to use as a wife."

Yu Jiaojiao, who had been pampered since childhood, could not understand this approach.

In her opinion, there is no conflict between marrying a daughter and marrying a son, so why does she need to use her daughter’s gift money to give it to her son?

After Yu Jiaojiao finished speaking, she sighed.

Pei Shao lowered his eyes.

She also had many impressions of Qin Zhaozhao, not just after she came.

The situation in Qin Zhaozhao's family is similar to hers. In one sentence, they have an older sister and a younger brother, parents who favor sons over daughters.

Growing up in such an environment, this opportunity to join the Taoyun Sect was her only chance to change her destiny. If she missed it, she would probably never have such an opportunity again.

Pei Shao couldn't understand either.

Why did Qin Zhaozhao personally ruin his future because of the inexplicable hatred in his heart? It is obviously a mutated ice spirit root, and it is a great seedling. If you concentrate on cultivating it, your future will be unlimited.

It's just that Qin Zhaozhao was an insignificant passerby to her, and she wasn't distracted by Qin Zhaozhao's fate. She kept thinking about the shadow in the chaos.

She said she was Lingbao Tianzun, and said, "I am you, and you are me."

Pei Shao was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Yu Jiaojiao gossiped with her about recent events in the sect, and Pei Shao responded while looking down at the jade gourd on his wrist.

After that time, the jade gourd looked more and more crystal clear, and there seemed to be infinite power hidden in the emerald green gourd.

And the spiritual power in her body has become more and more abundant.

"Where's the master?" Pei Shao asked.

Yu Jiaojiao let out a sigh.

"Master has been busy dealing with Elder Xinghui and his disciples these days. He has been so busy that he has not been seen for several days."

Another strange thing about Pei Shao is.

How did Yu Jiaojiao and the others know that they were kidnapped by Elder Xinghui.

"Damn, this is not easy." Yu Jiaojiao said: "When we joined the master, the master made a special mark on our waistbands. No matter where we are, the master can track us. I can't find you." I went to find the master..."

Speaking of which, Yu Jiaojiao was still a little scared.

"Fortunately, I went early. If it had been later, Shao Shao, you would have been in danger.

It's just that the sect competition is imminent recently, and Master is counting on you, this new batch of disciples, to make the Cloud-Taking Sect proud. "

"Sect competition?" Pei Shao had heard about the sect competition several times, but he still hadn't figured out what it was like. Seeing this opportunity, he hurriedly asked.

Yu Jiaojiao patiently explained to her.

"There are three strongest sects on our continent, namely the Saintess Sect, the Flying Star Sect and the Cloud-Taking Sect. Although our Cloud-Taking Sect is one of the three major sects, our strength has been surpassed by the other two sects. It has been many years since then, and now I can only maintain my dignity, and I may not be able to be removed from the list one day.”

Speaking of this, Yu Jiaojiao was also a little embarrassed, and explained to Pei Shao seriously: "The sect competition is held every three years. It is divided into three types of duels, between the sect masters, between the elders and the elders, and between the disciples. time, but only disciples below the Golden Core stage are allowed to participate in the duel between disciples."

"In the previous ten sect competitions of our Cloud-Taking Sect, only the sect master and the elders had won a few times, while the disciples were defeated every time. Therefore, in the end, both the master and the elders were defeated. No more hope...

The status among various sects is determined by the ranking of the sect competition. The Holy Lady Sect has been ranked first all year round, while the Feixing Sect has been ranked second every year. Our Cloud-Stepping Sect almost fell to the third place last time. Go around..."

When it comes to the sect competition, Yu Jiaojiao also feels gloomy.

Her strength is one of the best in the Cloud-Stepping Sect, but it is not enough when compared to the other two sects.

Although the eldest brother and the second brother are quite strong, they cannot stand up to each other in a round-robin battle.

Therefore, over the years, the Cloud-Taking Sect has never won a battle between its disciples.

The third position is all supported by the sect master and the elders. In this sect competition, the Cloud-Taking Sect has just lost a Xinghui elder. I am afraid that the situation is not optimistic...

After Yu Jiaojiao's explanation, Pei Shao almost understood the rules of the sect competition.

Except for the one-on-one relationship between the sect leaders, the rest are divided into champions and challengers.

Each sect takes turns challenging the ring master until the final round. Whichever sect's disciples successfully defend the ring will win.

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