Lu Youyou also knew this truth, but still curled her lips.

[My second brother is still a businessman. Why don’t you understand these etiquettes? If you don’t want it, you don’t want it. If you don’t help, you won’t help! 】

[Not to mention, the crown prince and the seventh prince are unreliable. If the ninth prince can become a great treasure with our help, we will really have a backer. 】

These words rang in Lin Yuyan's heart, and she couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle: "Zhiyan, look at you, why haven't you learned the truth yet?"

"Godmother, what are you talking about? Xuanhe, can you listen too?" Lu Xuanhe saw Lin Yuyan smiling and immediately felt that she must be in a good mood. After hesitating for a long time, he plucked up the courage to come over and ask.

As soon as she finished saying this, Lin Yuyan's smile suddenly froze on her face.

The other people in the room also looked at each other, but no one wanted to speak.

Lu Xuanhe glanced around timidly and saw that the originally bustling room suddenly became so quiet because of what she said. Although she didn't know what she had done wrong, But he also knew that he should have made a mistake again.

He immediately swallowed his saliva and prepared to sneak away.

Unexpectedly, when she turned around and was about to slip away, Lu Youyou grabbed her and said, "Xuanhe, don't leave."

"Sister?" Lu Xuanhe Weiwei was in a daze, not knowing why Lu Youyou stopped him.

Lu Youyou cleared her throat and then spoke: "Xuanhe, you have to remember that the person who captured us before was an invincible villain. If you see him again in the future, you must stay away."

"Don't worry, sister, Xuan He has remembered it." Lu Xuanhe nodded and responded.

Lin Yuyan looked at the two dolls talking happily, but she couldn't help but feel worried. After all, what Lu Youyou said before was still fresh in her mind, and she was still wary of Lu Xuanhe.

Just as she was thinking this in her mind, Mrs. Sun, who was beside Mrs. Lin, stepped in and said, "Miss, this is the bird's nest that the lady ordered the slaves to share."

"Hey, come here and eat the bird's nest." Lin Yuyan subconsciously spoke after hearing this, without even thinking about sharing it with Lu Xuanhe.

But I didn't expect that after Lu Youyou took it, he took the initiative to share it with Lu Xuanhe. You and I ate the two little dolls happily.

But Lin Yuyan felt really awkward looking at it, and Lu Youyou immediately saw what was on her mind.

【Mother! You don't have to be so wary of Xuanhe. 】

[After all, human hearts are made of flesh. As long as we are good to Xuan, she will be good to us in the future. 】

【vice versa. 】

Lu Zhiyan happened to hear this sentence, and he returned what Lin Yuyan said to him just now: "Mom, things are changing, I didn't expect that you don't understand things so quickly?"

Lin Yuyan looked at Lu Xuan and this pink-faced appearance, and sometimes felt that she was too petty.

But Lu Xuanhe was Su Qingyao's daughter after all, and she felt that she couldn't overcome this hurdle.

Lu Youyou saw that she didn't speak for a long time, and understood the pain in her heart, so she quickly held her hand.

[Auntie, don’t blame yourself. 】

[Of course you can’t treat me, Xuan and my sister equally, but as long as you don’t treat her badly, that’ll be fine. 】

Lu Zhiyan felt that the atmosphere between mother and daughter was really heavy, so he quickly smoothed things over: "Yoyou and Xuanhe were also frightened today, and winter is coming soon. Why don't we take them out for a walk? So that I can make new clothes for them."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Youyou and Lu Xuan all looked at Lin Yuyan with their big eyes. Lin Yuyan wanted to refuse, but now she had to agree.

"It doesn't matter, I haven't gone out for a long time." She stood up, and the two children at the table screamed excitedly.

Lin Yuyan was very happy when she saw that the two sisters got along so well.

Although it is a bit cold now, the streets are still crowded and the various food stalls are overcrowded.

Lu Youyou ran around all afternoon and only ate two mouthfuls of bird's nests. Now her stomach was empty, and her mouth was watering when she smelled the fragrance of the street.

She pulled Lin Yuyan's sleeve and said pitifully, "Mother, I want to eat..."

"No..." Before Lin Yuyan could finish saying the word 'no', Lu Zhiyan had already bought Toutou cake.

Two sisters, one each,

Lin Yuyan glared at him: "Just spoil them! Now that they are still young, you are indulging their appetite. What will happen in the future when you only know how to spend money?"

"Mom, this is not an important problem, it's just that they want rare treasures, and our family can afford them, so why bother holding them back?" Lu Zhiyan quickly explained, "Besides, their teeth It’s all grown out, so it’s okay to eat something like this once in a while.”

This time, Lin Yuyan was asked to pat him directly: "You are the only one who talks a lot! Why haven't I seen you being so kind to Wushuang before?"

"Brothers and sisters are different after all." Lu Zhiyan still had an excuse, "Even if I spoil my sisters to the heavens, I will not make them go crazy. But my brothers are different."

Lin Yuyan couldn't defeat him: "Okay, okay, you are the only one who has more excuses."

The carriage happened to stop at the Silk Shop.

People like them never buy ready-made clothes, they always make them on the spot.

But there are also enemies on the same road.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw Su Qingyao.

Lin Yuyan's face immediately darkened, she turned around and prepared to change stores.

[Mom, don’t worry! Don't rush! 】

[Let’s first listen to what Su Qingyao will say. 】

[If I remember correctly, this store will not sell her even a single thread. 】

Lin Yuyan immediately remembered that such a thing happened. She nodded, and everyone walked in quietly, pretending to select pieces of cloth, but in fact they were all listening to what Su Qingyao was doing.

The shopkeeper of the silk and satin shop still remembered Su Qingyao, and immediately stepped forward and said: "Miss Su, please get out, we don't want to do your business here."

"What? If you don't do my business, do you know who I am now?" Su Qingyao originally had her eye on a good piece of fabric, but she didn't expect that the owner of the silk and satin shop poured cold water on her. She immediately He cursed angrily.

The owner of the silk and satin shop didn't care at all. He shook his head and said: "No matter what your status is now, if you say I won't do your business, I won't do your business."

"Okay, if you have the guts, do you know this thing?" Su Qingyao immediately gave the shopkeeper a thumbs up, but then took out something from her arms.

The shopkeeper took a closer look and saw that Su Qingyao was holding a seal in her hand. He immediately sneered: "Are you just trying to fool me with a carrot seal?"

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