"Carrot seal?" Su Qingyao spat on the ground after hearing this: "Open your dog eyes and see clearly. This is the seal of the General's Mansion, and I am the wife of the General's Mansion now. If you don't do business with me, , I will make it impossible for you to open this store!"

When Lin Yuyan heard this, she couldn't help but sneer in her heart.

Before she left the General's Mansion, someone wanted to occupy the magpie's nest. How could she bear it!

[Mom, don’t be anxious yet! 】

[We have to make her more arrogant before we can catch her fault! 】

[As long as there are many people outside talking about her, no one will believe her lies if we drive her out! 】

Lu Youyou knew that Lin Yuyan would lose her temper and quickly reminded her.

Now that she is outside, Lin Yuyan is used to calling black things white, so Lin Yuyan will never gain the upper hand.

Lin Yuyan clenched her fists, suppressed the anger in her heart, and turned away.

But Lu Xuanhe turned around three times with one step.

When the three of them got on the carriage again, Lu Xuanhe spoke tremblingly: "Godmother, is that...my mother?"

There were already tears in her eyes.

She almost had no impression of her mother.

Lin Yuyan felt a little bored when she saw her like this, but she didn't say anything.

"Yes." Lu Youyou took her hand, "But it's okay even if she doesn't care about you. Mother and I will always be with you. You are my mother's biological daughter."

After she finished speaking, she immediately winked at Lin Yuyan.

Lin Yuyan didn't want to pay attention.

Lu Youyou immediately shouted in her heart.

【Mother! Speak quickly! 】

[Now is the best opportunity to win over my sister! 】

Lin Yuyan was still looking out the car window, speechless.

Let her accept the thief's daughter as his daughter, it would be better to kill her directly.

Seeing Lu Youyou's smiling face, Lu Zhiyan turned red, and he quickly smiled and said, "That's right, I also regard Xuanhe as my biological sister!"

Only then did Lu Xuanhe turn from crying into laughing.

For a while, the three of them lost interest in continuing their shopping and simply returned to Lin's house.

As everyone knows, Su Qingyao has already widely publicized that she is the wife of the General's Mansion.

Mr. Lin is getting older now, and his temper is getting louder. He can't keep his temper. He started to make trouble after hearing the gossip outside: "Okay! That Lu Jingyuan is becoming more and more lawless now. I haven't reconciled with him yet." You Heli actually dares to let someone claim to be the wife of the General's Mansion!"

"No, I must go over and argue today!"

When Lin Yuyan saw this, she wanted to persuade Mr. Lin, but she felt something was wrong. Usually when something like this happened, Lu Youyou would be the first to dissuade him, but why was it so quiet today?

She felt puzzled and asked secretly: "Hey, why aren't you busy trying to persuade your grandfather this time?"

[Mom, have you forgotten? 】

[Dad went on an expedition a few days ago. 】

[Even if my grandfather goes, he will only be able to see Su Qingyao. In that case, it is better to let him go directly, so as to increase her arrogance! 】 Mr. Lin had already walked to the door. When he heard Lu Youyou's voice, he immediately stopped and listened carefully. Although it was not the first time he heard it, his expression still became strange when he heard it.

He stepped back and looked at Lin Yuyan, who was also astonished, and then asked in unison: "Hey, who are you helping?"

[Oh, grandpa and mother, you must be from our side! 】

[What I just meant was to let my grandfather come to negotiate peace and divorce, and let Su Qingyao be more arrogant! 】

[When people are arrogant, they will do some irrational things. When dad comes back, someone will take care of her. Why not? 】

Mr. Lin was dumbfounded. Although he had heard Lu Youyou's thoughts before, he didn't expect that she could actually tell him the trick of playing hard to get.

However, Mrs. Lin was already used to hearing Lu Youyou's words, and she immediately felt that this was a good idea. After all, people only show their flaws when they are the most proud and complacent.

She cleared her throat and said: "But it's always weird for a man to come forward for this kind of thing. Yu Yan, just go to the general's mansion with me! And when people look at us two female prostitutes, they will definitely think so. Easy to bully.”

When Mr. Lin saw the two of them standing up and about to leave, he followed them: "I'll go too!"

"If you go, it will only make things more complicated. Just the two of us go." Mrs. Lin said, "You stay and take care of you, Yu Yan, and we will take Xuan He with us."

"Why can't I go!?" Lu Youyou was so anxious that she directly asked what she was thinking.

Everyone's attention was turned to her.

Mrs. Lin said: "This is a matter for the elders. You can just stay here as a child. Can't we solve this matter?"

"But my sister is also a child..." Lu Youyou looked pitiful.

When she looked up again, Mrs. Lin and others were no longer in the room, and she stamped her feet in anxiety.

But Mr. Lin sighed and complained: "It's useless to be angry. Women are like this. If we can be used, we have to be on the front foot. If we are not used, we have to hide obediently. There is no way, no way."

Lu Youyou frowned and moved her calves: "I am different from you."

But her legs were really short, and when she went out, the carriage had already driven away.

She pouted.

Mr. Lin also chased after him and held Lu Youyou in his arms: "Let's go! Grandpa will take you out to play!"

"Grandpa..." Lu Youyou smiled and rolled her eyes, hugged his neck, and acted like a baby, "Let's follow him secretly, and just eavesdrop outside for a while. No one will find out."

Her fingers were still on her lips.

Mr. Lin was afraid: "We are gentlemen, and we cannot do such things."

Lu Youyou looked at him with half-squinted eyes and said straight to his heart: "I think you are afraid of being discovered by grandma - grandpa, you are not the legendary rake-eared person."

"Nonsense! I'm not one of them!" Mr. Lin twirled his beard, "Just go! Since my obedient granddaughter wants to go, there's nothing she can't do."

Lu Youyou smiled even more happily now.

The late autumn wind is slightly cool and the leaves are rustling.

Lin Yuyan and others entered the General's Mansion directly, but they did not expect that Su Qingyao was already the king in the General's Mansion.

All the servants in the mansion complained about her without exception, but now that Lu Jing is far away, there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings. Although they are dissatisfied with Su Qingyao, no one dares to say anything against her.

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