Chapter 278 Temptation
【Lose weight and lose weight! I want to lose weight! 】

Xuanhe looked at Lin Yuyan gratefully: "I will remind you!"

Lin Yuyan picked up Lu Youyou and saw that she looked unhappy, so she waved her hand.

"It's almost time, come and pass on the food."

time to eat!
The gloomy look on Lu Youyou's face was instantly wiped away.

【Eat, eat! I want to eat! Crystal steamed dumplings! Begonia lotus root powder! 】

Lin Yuyan's comforting words came to her lips and she swallowed them back.

Getting the deer to eat less is simply as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Forget it, the child is still young, so it doesn't matter if he is a little fatter. When he grows up, he will naturally know to pay attention to his body shape and keep in shape.

Platefuls of Lu Youyou's favorite dishes were brought out and filled the table.

Lu Youyou started driving excitedly.

Xuanhe looked at the table of dishes and smiled awkwardly. He had just eaten in a restaurant and really couldn't eat anymore.

"Hey, eat less."

She gently touched the deer under the table.

"Huh? What did you say?" Lu Youyou asked with the food in her mouth.

"Um, it's nothing..."

Lu Youyou is a big kid and greedy. She has obviously made up her mind to lose weight, but she really enjoys eating.

Now I felt so full that I burped, and then looked at the food on the table with disappointment. Even so, I didn't expect to eat so much, and I complained about Lin Yuyan.

"Why do you want to tempt me with so many delicious things? Now I..."

Before she finished her sentence, she burped again. Seeing her like this, Lin Yuyan was so angry and distressed that she quickly stood up and held her in her arms, then gently rubbed her belly:

"It's my fault. You're not greedy. Why aren't Xuanhe as greedy as you? Don't you know you're full?"

Lu Youyou didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, but was still trying to distinguish:

"Of course I know when I'm full, but I just thought about taking another bite, and one bite after another made my belly full and round!"

In fact, she really liked eating these things, and she forgot that her current body was that of a child, so she became what she is now after one bite after another.

Regardless of whether he did something wrong or not, he cannot admit defeat.

Lin Yuyan rubbed her belly distressedly, and Lu Youyou felt much better. During this period, there were burps one after another.

"Let me see if you dare to eat so much tomorrow. If you wait until you are full, no one will rub your belly!"

"Besides, you don't like wearing those beautiful new clothes. You've become so fat. Will the new clothes still look good on you?"

Lin Yuyan used her clothes to seduce Lu Youyou, and then tapped her forehead gently. She then changed from puffing out her cheeks in disbelief to becoming more honest, and then her body was twisting back and forth again.

This was because my stomach felt comfortable and I didn't want to take any time off, so I wanted to get off Lin Yuyan's body and go out to play.

"Okay, don't be like the loach, I'll put you down right now!"

As she spoke, Lin Yuyan put down Lu Youyou and then told Xuan He:

"You two are playing in the yard, but be careful not to fall!" The two children were playing happily in the yard. The weather was good in the afternoon, and the sun was not so strong on people, but made people feel carefree. Lazy thinking, only children can't have a moment of leisure.

The next day.

While eating, Lu Youyou found that the rice in the bowl was much less than before, so she pouted and asked:
"Why do you only put so little rice in my bowl? I want to eat more pieces of meat!"

Lin Yuyan rolled her eyes at her. She was stretched out like that when eating yesterday. At that time, Lin Yuyan had already made up her mind and must control her diet ruthlessly.

Lin Yuyan thought that there was enough for her to eat today, but it would not overwhelm her, so she put some vegetables into her bowl and said:

"You can only eat so much for today's meal. You forget to wear beautiful clothes. You don't necessarily have to lose weight, but you definitely can't eat until your belly is full!"

When Lu Youyou lowered her head, her face was slightly red with embarrassment, but when she raised her head, she said confidently:
"No way, wasn't I careless yesterday?"

As he said that, he quickly grabbed another piece of ribs from his bowl, and then murmured while eating:

"You only feed me hot spots, how can I be full? Isn't this child abuse?"

Seeing Lu Youyou's extremely protective look, Lin Yuyan rubbed her head helplessly and said:

"Don't worry, I won't make you hungry, but you can't eat as much as before."

This was already a bit soft-spoken, but she was reminding herself that the lessons learned yesterday could not happen again, so her heart became a little tougher.

Lu Youyou was eating heavily, and even Xuan He ate more after seeing how delicious her food was.

Soon the two of them finished all the rice in their bowls, and Xuan He was full.

Although Lu Youyou was basically full, she still looked at the rice and vegetables a little pitifully. It was obvious that today's meal had tempted her again, so she didn't intend to let it go.

"Okay, I can't eat anymore. If you feel hungry later, I can get you some pastries and other things, but not now!"

As she spoke, Lin Yuyan hugged Lu Youyou into her arms again and gently touched her belly.

Originally, Lu Youyou's wish to eat more bites of food was not satisfied, but now she was hugged by Lin Yuyan.

Her body was twisting back and forth like a loach, and her mouth was pouting.

"Okay, when I have time, I'll ask the kitchen to make some new styles of pastries for you. That's alright. I guarantee they'll be sweet!"

Seeing that Lu Youyou was making a big fuss, Lin Yuyan had no choice but to come up with the terms of compromise.

Lu Youyou was still thinking in her heart.

Although I can't eat this food anymore, it's not bad to get some pastries, and if they are really sweet pastries, I can enjoy myself.

That's it, I've almost eaten anyway, I don't care about this meal, I'll eat more when there are delicious dishes in the evening!
Thinking of this, Lu Youyou smiled on her face and nodded in agreement.

Lin Yuyan rubbed her head again before putting her down.

in the afternoon.

Lu Youyou insisted on going to the garden to see and plant flowers, so the maid took her there.

When she came back from planting flowers, Lin Yuyan washed her dirty face and hands distressedly.

I am still too young. Although I like to plant flowers, my body is not suitable for it. Even simple activities will cause them all over my body!

It seems that I still need to grow up a little before I can do more things!

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