Chapter 279 Xuan He is missing

Lu Youyou was thinking about when she would grow up. At this moment, a maid hurriedly ran in with sweat on her face.

"Oh no……"

Lin Yuyan turned around and scolded with a slight frown: "What happened? How unbecoming is it to be in such a panic!"

The maid quickly lowered her head, took a few breaths and said:

"Miss Xuanhe can't be found..."

When Lu Youyou heard this, her heart skipped a beat. She quickly threw away the towel she was wiping her face with and asked:

"What's going on? Why can't I find it? Where can I find it?"

This is also the question Lin Yuyan wants to ask.

The maid said with an uneasy look:

"I took Miss Xuanhe out to buy something, and then Miss Xuanhe wanted to eat pastries, so she went over to buy them."

"When I turned around, Miss Xuanhe disappeared. I shouted a few words, but no one responded to me at all. I couldn't find anyone, so I hurried back to report."

When Lu Youyou heard this, her eyebrows furrowed tightly and she glanced at the maid again.

She didn't seem to mean to lose Xuan He. Maybe it was an accident!

Will Xuanhe encounter bad guys? If it was just for fun and the maid had already found her and called her again, how could Xuan He not respond?
Lu Youyou was anxious and uneasy.

Lin Yuyan knew what she should do now and quickly gave instructions to the others.

"Hurry up and ask the guards in the mansion to go out with other people to search. We must find Xuan He."

The few maids in the room quickly ran outside. Lin Yuyan looked at the maid who came to deliver a message to accompany Xuan He.

Her expression became solemn, with a hint of coldness.

"You clearly know that Xuan He is young, why don't you follow her closely when buying things?"

Hearing Lin Yuyan's rebuke, the maid lowered her head lower, her body was shaking with fear, and she couldn't help but wipe her tears and explain:

"I followed her very closely, and I didn't expect that she would disappear in the blink of an eye."

Lin Yuyan scolded her a few times before letting the maid leave. At this time, Lu Youyou was already anxiously pacing back and forth in the room.

"Don't worry, we will definitely get Xuan He back!"

When Lin Yuyan saw Lu Youyou's anxious look, she had no choice but to comfort him first.

"I also want to go out and search with others!" Lu Youyou said his plan.

"As long as you are a child at home, others will be able to get Xuan He back!" Lin Yuyan rubbed her head.

Lu Youyou's attitude was very resolute and stubborn, so she had no choice but to let Lu Youyou go out with others, and she gave her many instructions.

at this time.

Even the gate of one courtyard was in tatters. From a glance, the houses in this courtyard were extremely dilapidated.

Half of the windows were broken, and all the tiles on the roof were missing. It was obvious that no one had lived in the house for a long time, or that the residents were extremely poor and lazy.

In such an inconspicuous and dilapidated courtyard, there was a sound of crying. It sounded like the sound of a child crying, and there was more than one child.

Xuanhe is among them, and he hasn't woken up yet.

Standing in the room was a man in his thirties, with a cold smile on his face.

"That's almost it. With the kid who just came back from being knocked out, this batch of goods must be sold as soon as possible." The man took another look at Xuan He who had just been brought back.

Before, he had been wandering on the street choosing targets.

Seeing that Xuan He was pretty and well-dressed, he thought he was a child from a rich family.

A child like this is a very good target whether it is used to blackmail the family or sold directly for money.

So he knocked Xuan He into unconsciousness while others were not paying attention.

The sound of these children crying woke up Xuan He. Of course, it was also because the amount of medicine the man used to stun her was not large, and it was time for the medicine to lose its effect.

Seeing myself in a dilapidated room with so many children around me.

Xuan He instinctively wanted to get up and run, but found that his feet had been tied.

She was shaking with fear, staring at the man in front of her, crying and shouting:

"Who are you? I want to go home, why did you arrest me?"

The man showed a cold smile again. Originally, he looked ferocious, with a scar on his face.

Now the smile was like a ghost crawling out of the underworld. Xuan He was so frightened that he instinctively hid in a corner.

The man was warning Xuan He and the other children:

"You all should be honest. I will give you food to eat. If anyone yells loudly or continues to cry, I will be upset. Not only will I not give you food, I will also cut out your tongue!"

"See the pile of tattered clothes next to you? They are all clothes left by disobedient children who had their tongues cut out and were fed to dogs."

These children immediately covered their mouths and did not dare to cry. All of them were similar to Xuan He. Everyone huddled in the corner and could only cry silently.

Seeing that his threats were effective, the man smiled proudly and said:
"That's right. Anyway, no one will come here even if you shout at the top of your lungs. You should just cooperate with me honestly."

The man left the room and locked the door on purpose.

The people sent by the General's Mansion searched all night but could not find Xuan He.

"Miss Xuanhe probably got lost on her own, otherwise she would have been brought back by kind-hearted people. There is no way there is no news!"

"What should we do? It's better to hurry up and go back and report to Madam, and then think of other ways!"

Several guards discussed and some agreed. The guard captain returned to the general's mansion and told the situation outside.

"Why are you standing still when you can't find anyone? Hurry up and report it to the government so that they can send people to continue searching for us!"

Lin Yuyan twisted her eyebrows and gave orders, and the uneasy feeling in her heart became more and more intense.

Lu Youyou had been searching for him for so long, but her initial uneasiness had actually turned into more worry. She had realized that something must have happened to Xuan He.

It was late at night, and she had to go back to the general's mansion first under the persuasion of others.

The next morning, Lu Youyou got up early and asked the maid if she had found Xuan He.

"We haven't found it yet, but the Ninth Prince learned about it and came here to inquire."

When Lu Youyou heard this, she ran towards the living room. When she got there, she saw the Ninth Prince sitting on a chair.

She pulled the sleeves of the Ninth Prince's clothes and said with a worried and pleading look:

"Can you please help Xuan Xuan reconcile? She may be in danger now. If we don't find her as soon as possible, we don't know what will happen!"

The Ninth Prince nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm just here to see if I can be of any help. I'll let my people follow me to search for him!"

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