Chapter 16 You lied to me

"Don't you know, the devil? According to human customs, when a river lantern carrying a wish is released, the wish will come true."


He asked doubtfully,
  "What exactly did you wish for?"

In Nanchangyue's view, it is better to rely on others to realize one's wishes than to rely on one's own strength. But looking at her pitiful appearance, if her wish was not too excessive, he could actually help her.

Upon hearing his question, the woman by the lake turned her head and smiled at him.

Under the moonlight, her face looked clearer and more beautiful. And her eyes were all filled with his shadow.

Fengling shook her head and said:
  "I can't tell you this. If I tell you, my wish may not come true."

When Nanchang Yue heard this, he did not continue to ask further questions. But he still narrowed his eyes slightly, did he really think he wanted to know?

It was just a casual question.

When Feng Ling turned around to return the pen and paper to the rental stall owner, Nanchang Yue raised his hand and cast some spells.

The river lantern that originally floated into the distance was taken back by him. Then he unfolded the note in the wick without any scruples. There are some words of blessing written on it:

I hope the devil gets what he wants and everything goes well.

Please note that the word "husband" has been crossed out and changed to "devil", and his and Feng Qianqian's names are attached at the end.

The moment he saw the handwriting, Nanchang felt mixed emotions in his heart. He only felt that the position of his chest was tightening little by little, as if he was being held hard by a hand, and his breathing was slightly trembling.

How could anyone be stupid.

At this time, Feng Ling walked slowly behind him,

"Demon Lord, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly become motionless?"

After hearing her question, Nanchang woke up as if from a dream and hurriedly put the note and the river lantern into his storage bag.

Then, he awkwardly replied, "It's okay."

He didn't know why he was like this, but the strange feeling in his heart was getting stronger and stronger.

Feng Ling approached him, observed his expression, and guessed that he might have seen the note on the river lantern.

The wish on that note was clearly written on purpose by her.

She knew that with Nanchang Yue's awkward personality at the moment, the more things she didn't want him to know, the more he would want to know.

Feng Ling had already expected that he would peek. Just in time, the next step of planning can begin.

Feng Ling raised her head and looked at him with gentle eyes.
  "Demon Lord, can you close your eyes? I have a surprise for you."

Nanchang frowned and looked at her doubtfully, "What are you going to do?"

Feng Ling blinked, pursed her lips and smiled,

"I am a weak woman, are you still afraid that I will hurt you? Lord Demon Lord, just trust me once?"

Nanchang Yue hesitated for a while, but still agreed.
  "If you dare to play tricks, I will never let you go."

He threatened, but not forcefully. Then, he closed his eyes honestly. Seeing this scene, Feng Ling couldn't help but laugh.

Although Nanchang Yue said he was unwilling, his actions were honest and completely in line with his character.

When he closed his eyes, he caught Feng Ling's laughter more sensitively, but he immediately pictured her laughter in his mind, and then immediately dismissed it.

Nanchang Yue's face showed no expression, but his heart was not peaceful.

He began to think about whether Feng Ling asked him to close his eyes because she wanted to secretly kiss him in public? It would be rude if he did.

However, for some reason, he started to feel nervous.

He waited for a while, but Feng Ling didn't take any action. Nanchang became a little impatient.
  "What the hell are you doing?"

"Feng Ling, I'm warning you, don't play tricks. Otherwise, I will make you regret it. Do you understand?"

He opened his eyes, but only saw empty surroundings, and Feng Ling's figure had long since disappeared.

Nanchang Yue suddenly understood in his heart that she asked him to close his eyes for this reason.

"Feng Ling!" He roared angrily, but no one responded.    This woman lied to him again! Nanchang's clenched fists were filled with anger and anxiety.

He thought she was sincerely hanging out with him, but it turned out she was just trying to escape.

On the other side, Feng Ling quickly shuttled among the bustling crowd.

Thanks to the huge crowds at the festival, she almost managed to escape. However, at this moment, a young man shouted from behind,
  "Hey, girl, girl, you dropped your stuff."

Not only did he yell, he also chased her. Instantly, some passers-by turned their attention to her.

In the chaos, Feng Ling was pushed. At this time, the man being chased happened to catch up, and she turned half sideways.

"Girl, girl, don't run away, you've lost your money bag..."

The kind man breathlessly handed her the money bag.

"Thank you." Feng Ling took the money bag and left immediately.

At the same time, Nanchang Yue also turned his head after hearing the sound.

When he saw her struggling with another man, his eyes became dangerous, and he squinted his eyes and rushed directly towards the two of them.

Feng Ling immediately ran away into the alley, but how could she be faster than the monk?

Within a moment, Nanchang Yue caught up with her. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back violently.

Feng Ling's head bumped into his chest unconsciously, and she was caught.

Feng Ling was not surprised. She had never imagined that she could escape from the hands of this Demon Lord.

All this was just to speed up her plans. Nanchang Yue questioned her,
  "You still want to run away? All your actions tonight are to escape, right? You are so courageous that you dare to deceive me again and again?"

Feng Ling's head was still leaning on his chest, and she moaned painfully, "Let me go..."

Nanchang Yue sneered, "Let you go? So what?"

However, when he looked down and saw her eyes filled with tears, his movements suddenly stopped. Fengling begged,

"Nanchangyue, I beg you... please let me go, let me go... I don't want to marry anyone else, please, okay? I will go far, never in this life. Appearing in front of you..."

Nanchang Yue refused without hesitation, "It's impossible."

As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized the real reason for his refusal - he didn't want to let her go. "I won't let you go."

"Do you hate me so much? You clearly know my intentions. If you do this, you might as well let me die..."

Nanchang Yue's hand couldn't help but become lighter, but he soon regained his firmness.

"You still want to lie to me. You have been lying to me, saying those words and doing those things, just to escape, right?"

Feng Ling's body trembled. Nanchang became more and more aware of her reaction. The anger welling up in his heart at that moment almost made him lose his mind.

"So, those things tonight were all planned in advance, right?"

Nanchang stared at her more closely, his eyes full of confusion and anger.
  "Have you been lying to me?"

Fengling hurriedly shook her head in denial.

"No, I really mean it..."

Nanchang squeezed her shoulders harder and harder.
  "Still lying to me."

This woman was a liar, and she deceived him again when he almost relented. He no longer believed her.

"Feng Ling, I warned you long ago. If you dare to use tricks, I won't let you go."

Feng Ling's tears finally fell, and she begged softly,
  "Don't do this...I beg you..."

The more Nanchang felt the warmth of her tears, he finally decided. He suppressed the discomfort in his heart and said coldly:

"It's useless to beg me, I won't be deceived by you again."

After saying that, he raised his hand and prepared to chop at the back of Feng Ling's neck. A burst of sore pain came, and Feng Ling immediately lost consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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