The Journey of the Empress of Quick Travel

Chapter 17 Feng Qianqian’s Wedding

Chapter 17 Feng Qianqian’s Wedding
  When Feng Ling woke up from her deep sleep, she found herself trapped in a mysterious barrier.

What she saw before her eyes was a chaotic wedding scene, with Youdu Demon Guards surrounding the courtyard. The originally joyful Xitang has turned into a bloody battlefield, a mess.

In the center of the courtyard, the demon guards led by Nanchang Yue were fighting fiercely with Mo Feiming and Feng Qianqian.

Although they resisted vigorously, their disadvantages in numbers and cultivation gradually put them at a disadvantage.

At this time, Mo Feiming was seriously injured and bleeding. Although Feng Qianqian was controlled by the demon guard, she still shouted loudly,

"Nanchangyue, there is no future between us. The crimes you committed have put us on different paths. Please let me go, and let yourself go!"

"It is impossible for us to be together. You have killed so many people, and we are no longer traveling together."

Nanchang Yue glanced at the two of them with a sneer, and was about to sneer when he saw Feng Qianqian looking at Mo Feiming beside him with a worried face.

"Brother, how do you feel?" she asked softly, her eyes full of uneasiness.

Seeing the two people's appearance, the anger in Nanchang Yue's heart erupted like a volcano.

He suddenly stepped on Mo Feiming's shoulder, and murderous intent overflowed from his body.

"You two are really desperate for pretending in front of me. One is my junior fellow apprentice, and the other is my real wife.

You guys are getting married for such a big event, how dare you not invite me over for a drink? "

At this time, Mo Feiming also vomited blood due to Nanchang Yue's stampede, and his face became even paler.

"I remember that you married the second young lady Feng Ling... Feng Qianqian is not your wife, don't try to deceive me."

Nanchang Yue stepped hard again:
  "Don't think that I am easy to fool. All I want is Feng Qianqian."

Under the fierce attack, Mo Feiming's body trembled violently, and blood gurgled out from the wound.

Feng Qianqian saw this scene, she struggled and shouted loudly,

"Stop, Ah Yue, do you really want to kill him?"

"Kill him? It's too cheap for him."

Nanchang Yue sneered coldly, his eyes full of cruelty.

Feng Qianqian was taken away immediately. Seeing her being taken away, Mo Feiming looked at Nanchang Yue in horror, "Where are you taking her?"

Nanchang Yue smiled disdainfully,
  "I don't need to worry about my wife's whereabouts, Senior Brother Mo."

Then his smile turned weird and cold,
  "For the sake of friendship, I won't kill you. But I will make your life worse than death."

As he spoke, he hit Mo Feiming's Dantian hard with his palm.

This blow was so vicious and so fast that Mo Feiming could not react at all.

The moment his Dantian was hit, the spiritual energy in his body leaked out like a big hole, and his body went limp.

Nanchang Yue shattered Mo Feiming's inner elixir, ruined his cultivation, and cruelly disabled his legs.

Once, he was the immortal king in the sect with fluttering white clothes, but now he fell into the clouds in such a miserable way.

His eyes were full of shock and confusion, and he roared in a low voice,

"You... how dare you do this..."

The severe pain made Mo Feiming's consciousness begin to blur, as if he was falling into an abyss, but Nanchang Yue's words were as biting as the cold wind.

"Why don't I dare? If you desire to be ordinary, I will fulfill your wish."

On the verge of life, Mo Feiming tried his best to shout out a name, "Qianqian..."

Nanchang Yue's eyes were cold.

Remove the barrier and expose Feng Ling, who was originally trapped.
  "There is one more thing I forgot to tell you. Since I robbed you of your marriage, I will give you a bride. How you deceived your family in the first place, I will repay you."

He pushed Feng Ling to Mo Feiming on the ground, with a cruel smile on his lips.

"Now one of you is a fake and the other is disabled, so they match."

Mo Feiming squeezed his fingers hard, but the spiritual energy in his Dantian had completely disappeared.

The pain made him let out a low roar. The fingers under his sleeves dug into the wooden board due to humiliation and severe pain, and his nails were cruelly broken. Hatred instantly filled his body.

Nanchang Yue...

"Cough--" Mo Feiming coughed and opened his eyes, with blood on his eyelids. In a daze, he saw Feng who was pushed over... Qian Qian, exactly the same appearance...

When Nanchang Yue left, he just glanced at Feng Ling hastily and saw that she had no reaction and her face was tense. Then he left with the others.


When Feng Ling finally got rid of her restraints, she stood up and moved her sore hands and feet. Great, the result was as she expected.

That bitch hero personally sent her to this rotten man to save her from having to find excuses to abuse him in the future.

She walked up to Mo Feiming. The red wedding robe he was wearing had been soaked in blood. It looked like a puddle of flesh and blood. It was really horrible to look at.

She stretched out her hand to feel his breath again, but it was okay, not dead yet.

Drag him back and wash him, and you should be able to continue to abuse him.

When Mo Feiming woke up, the cultivation he was once proud of was now gone.

The severe pain in his Dantian reminded him that this was not a dream.

His Dantian was shattered, his spiritual energy dissipated, and he became a useless person.

He tried to twist his fingers to gather some spiritual energy, but his body showed no response.

This made him unable to accept that his cultivation, which he had always been proud of, was now in vain.

He held back the sharp pain in his chest and prevented the blood from rushing to his throat. He struggled to get up, but was unable to stand due to the injury to his leg.

In the end, he fell to the ground helplessly, and the blood gushing from his mouth dyed his middle coat red. He was like a helpless little animal, lying on the ground, letting the pain erode him.

Now, his cultivation and this body have completely collapsed.

After hearing the noise in the house, Feng Ling walked into the room, holding a bowl of steaming soup in her hand.

Mo Feiming in front of him has woken up. Although he looks weak, his vitality is amazing.

"Are you...Feng Ling?"

"Yes, I am Feng Ling."

Feng Ling raised her hand to help him up, but he subconsciously pushed her away.

"Why are you here?"

He asked laboriously, his voice full of doubts and wariness.

"Why can't I stay here?" Feng Ling asked him, with a hint of joking in her eyes.

Since this person has forgotten the previous turmoil, she will help him slowly recall it.

Feng Ling raised her eyebrows slightly, knelt down and asked with a smile,

"Don't Fellow Daoist Mo remember what Nanchang Yue said to you before he left?"

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised and her tone was soft,

"He said that you once proposed to the family to use a substitute to marry Feng Qianqian, so now he wants you to taste what it feels like to have your loved one snatched away on your wedding day and be replaced by a substitute."

"He also said that the reason why he gave you this substitute is just because you have become a waste with a ruined Dantian. Waste and a substitute are a match made in heaven."

It's really frustrating.

Mo Daoming's heart tightened and he clenched his fingers.

"You..." He was speechless for a moment.

"What are you?"

Feng Ling chuckled and stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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