The Journey of the Empress of Quick Travel

Chapter 30 1 It’s too late!

Chapter 30 It’s too late!
  Mo Feiming watched the departing figure in silence. After stopping for a while, he realized that Feng Ling had disappeared from sight.

He felt as though he had made an irreversible mistake.

A decision he may regret for the rest of his life.

Until now, Feng Ling's expression still clearly appeared in his mind, like an invisible chain, trapping him firmly in place, and he didn't even have the courage to chase him out.

A sharp pain suddenly surged in his heart, as well as unspeakable panic and uneasiness, rushing towards him like a cold tide, making him feel suffocated.

Mo Feiming tried hard to suppress this emotion, trying to convince himself that Fei Ling would understand.

When the matter is over, he will go to her and promise not to leave her to face Nanchang Yue alone.

As this thought deepened, Mo Feiming's mood calmed down a little.

During this period, Feng Qianqian came to see him, and they discussed the plan to escape from the marriage.

But during this period of time, Mo Feiming was always absent-minded, even unconsciously distracted when talking to her.

"Brother, are you listening to me?"

Feng Qianqian called Mo Feiming several times but got no response. Finally, she simply reached out to hold his hand.

However, Feng Qianqian's hand was subconsciously slapped away by Mo Feiming.

Feng Qianqian was stunned.

Hearing Feng Qianqian's slightly confused voice, Mingcai suddenly came back to his senses.
  "Sorry...what did you just say?"

He didn't even realize he had just photographed her.

Looking at the reddish back of her hand, Feng Qianqian felt that her senior brother was so cold for the first time, and she suddenly felt the panic of being abandoned by her senior brother.

Holding her senior brother's hand tightly again, Feng Qianqian asked uneasily:

"Senior brother, you think I'm troublesome? Will you leave me?"

Seeing Feng Qianqian's nervous expression, Mo Feiming fell silent.

Could it be that Qian Qian is also worried that he will leave her?

Looking at Feng Qianqian's lips as pale as snow, Mo Feiming suddenly said:
  "Qianqian, you don't need to worry so much. I'm not hesitating because of your trouble, it's just that something worries me. I will help you leave, you don't need to think too much."

On the eve of the wedding, the night was dark, and even if there was some movement while escaping, it would not be easily noticed.

At this time, Mo Feiming's cultivation level has recovered most of it.

On the last night, he couldn't help but went to Feng Ling's residence.

But at the door, he suddenly felt fear. They hadn't seen each other for a long time. Since the last time, Feng Ling had never come to see him again.

Mo Feiming hesitated and hesitated, and finally knocked on Feng Ling's door.

Feng Ling opened the door and saw Mo Feiming. She was a little surprised, but she still let Mo Feiming enter the house.

He turned around and poured a cup of tea and handed it to him.

"It's so late, why did you come to see me?"

The room was quiet for a while.

After a long time, Mo Fei Ming finally spoke in a hoarse voice,
  "Actually, it's nothing. I just want to tell you what happened last time..."

However, before he could finish his words, he was gently interrupted by Feng Ling.

"You don't need to talk about what happened last time."

Feng Ling shook her head, seeming to have misunderstood what he meant. She frowned and said directly,

"Don't worry, I won't go back on what I promised you. You just need to... take good care of her."

Mo Feiming's expression suddenly solidified.

Did she think that was all he would say?
  Why do you feel so uncomfortable?

Especially Feng Ling's calm and cold attitude made Mo Feiming's heart feel like it was soaked in ice water. When did they become so strange? Mo Feiming would rather be scolded by Feng Ling, even if it meant scolding him, he really didn't want to just be so cold, like two strangers, with no contact with each other again.

Mo Feiming recalled what Fei Ling said that day between them so far...

Thinking of these, Mo Feiming's heart felt empty, as if everything was meaningless.

At this time, Mo Feiming's eyes flashed with sadness. He himself didn't know why he felt so uncomfortable. He just felt that something was blocked in his heart, and even breathing became difficult.

Looking at Feng Ling, he subconsciously said,
  "it's not like that……"

Mo Feiming pursed her lips, tried her best to suppress the pain in her heart, and held her wrist tightly.

"That's not what I meant."

Feng Ling looked at him with doubts in her eyes.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Mo Feiming took a deep breath and looked firmly into her eyes,

"I regret it... I don't want to leave you here alone. I want to take you with me. Let's leave here together, okay?"

When Mo Feiming said those words, even he was shocked.

Only then did he realize that this was his true thought deep in his heart.

I deeply like Feng Ling and long to take her away and protect her from harm.

Worried that she would be scared, worried that she would be bullied.

Therefore, he was restless all day long.

Mo Feiming's mind was filled with every detail of the two getting along. Although they had not known each other for a long time, he felt as if he had spent a lifetime with her.

Especially during that time in the human world, I once thought it was the most painful and darkest stage.

Now it has become the time he misses the most. He shouldn't be bothered by those messy things, let alone make excessive demands on her.

She never owed him anything, but they, he and Feng Qianqian owed her a lot.

There are so many ways to solve problems in the world, why must she be a substitute?
  He could obviously think of other ways to help Feng Qianqian, so why would he hurt her?

He also made such excessive demands on her, telling her not to force her, because it was obviously him who was forcing her!

Mo Feiming had never felt so regretful, and he really wanted to punch himself hard.

How could he say that to her, how could he hurt her so unscrupulously?

Feng Ling was also surprised when she heard what he said.

I originally thought that Mo Feiming's regret would come later, at least not until the two of them escaped.

However, the man suddenly seemed to have an enlightenment.

However, to Feng Ling, everything didn't matter.

Feng Ling was stunned for a moment before she seemed to react.
  "Do you really know what you're talking about?"

Mo Feiming stared at Feng Ling seriously, fearing to miss any expression on her face.
  "I understand, I want to take you away."

After being silent for a long time, Feng Ling finally shook her head.
  "……Too late."

Her voice was very soft, like the sweep of a willow branch, which made his heart tremble slightly.

His expression suddenly stiffened inexplicably, and the panic in his heart kept rising, and he clenched Feng Ling's hand unconsciously.

"We haven't started yet, how could it be late? In fact, there is one more thing I haven't told you. My cultivation has already..."

Mo Feiming's words were gently interrupted by Feng Ling.

Feng Ling raised her eyes slightly, staring deeply at him,
  "So, are you planning to hurt another woman in the same way after hurting me?"

(End of this chapter)

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