Chapter 31 Battle
  Fengling used a little force to pull her wrist out of Mo Feiming's hand.
  "You know that Feng Qianqian can only rely on you now. Are you planning to give up on her completely when you say this at this time?"

Could it be that there was a sudden movement?
  "That's not what I meant..."

Feng Ling laughed,
  "Look, you are still like this. You can neither let go of Feng Qianqian nor let go of me."

"Don't you understand that your hesitation will only cause more harm to everyone..."

"Actually, no matter who you choose at the time, you will regret it later. So, just do it according to your original idea."

"What's more, you don't have to feel guilty, because..."

There was no expression on Feng Ling's face, but there was a trace of determination in her eyes.
  "There's something I haven't told you all this time... The person I like is Nanchang Yue, and it's him I've liked from the beginning to the end... So, even if it is a substitute marriage, I am willing to do so."

As soon as these words were spoken, Mo Feiming's expression changed drastically.

At that moment, his whole body seemed to be soaked from beginning to end by a large bucket of ice water, and his heart felt cold.

He let go of the hand he had been holding tightly, but in a daze he accidentally knocked over the cup on the table.

"Do you like...Nanchangyue?"

he asked in a low voice, confusion and loss in his voice.

Feng Ling lowered her eyes and responded softly.

Then he said:

"I liked him from the beginning, otherwise I wouldn't have agreed to marry him. I also thought about giving up, but I found that I couldn't..."

Listening to Fei Ling telling her love for Nanchang Yue, Mo Fei Ming's heart was filled with desolation and despair.

He didn't know how to face this situation, he just felt a feeling of jealousy spreading crazily in his heart.

"Is he that good?"

Ming Ming was thinking silently, but couldn't find the answer.

I just felt that my heart was tightly bound by a painful emotion and I couldn't breathe.

Mo Feiming's departure became heavy and difficult, and his heart was filled with confusion and pain.

Keep thinking about what Feng Ling just said, her love for Na Changyue was like a thorn in his heart, and the pain was beyond words.


The wedding is coming, and the originally deserted palace is now looking brand new and full of joy.

The red walls, green tiles, carved railings and jade inlays all display unparalleled sophistication and magnificence.

In the past few days, Demon Lord always had a smile on his face, and that gentle and friendly smile made people feel extremely warm.

His temper has also become much gentler, and he no longer gets angry as often as before, which makes all the creatures in the magic city feel afraid.

All these changes are due to the person who is about to become the Demon Queen.

Nanchang knew more deeply that he owed Fengling Ling, and he would spend the rest of his life to compensate her and protect her so that she would not be harmed again.

Nanchang was immersed in the joy of his wedding when he suddenly received a report from a maid:

"Sir, something happened! Feng Qianqian and Feng Ling are both missing!"

The original plan was disrupted, and now there is no longer just one person missing, but two people.

Nanchang tried his best to control his panic. He knew that Fengling would not leave him for no reason.

Someone must have taken the opportunity to kidnap her. Turns out his guess was right.

An hour ago, Feng Qianqian and her sisters exchanged identities.

Feng Qianqian waited quietly in the house, looking forward to Mo Feiming's arrival.

However, she did not wait for her senior brother, but encountered a demon monk wearing a black robe.

Both of them failed to escape the clutches of this demonic cultivator and were easily subdued by him. This scene is exactly the same as the plot in the original text, except this time Feng Qianqian was unable to survive alone and was trapped by the demon cultivator.

Her cultivation has been imprisoned, and she is in a copper tripod full of strange aura, surrounded by a layer of enchantment.

Faced with a sudden crisis, I feel helpless.

Nanchang Yue closed his eyes and concentrated, his consciousness wandering in the void, and finally settled on the Bixiao Palace where they got married.

The brightly lit hall has red-painted wooden pillars and jade walls engraved with exquisite patterns of exotic animals. The candlelight on the bronze platform flickered, making the entire hall look even more eerie and strange.

A hint of the monster's aura quietly leaked out, and an ominous premonition filled Nanchang Yue's heart.

The premonition soon came true. He saw Mo Feiming's figure in the center of the hall, but that trace of demonic energy did not come from him.

It seems that Mo Feiming is not acting alone, there are other monsters secretly assisting.

All the demon guards around him had fallen, and the smell of blood filled the entire hall.

The cold light on the sword tip reflected the dripping blood, and every drop of blood told the story of the brutality of the battle.

Nanchang frowned more, and he could tell at a glance that the other party was abnormal. He had obviously practiced the magic way and used the magic core to restore his cultivation.

However, at this moment, his mind was not on that, but on where Fei Ming had hidden Feng Ling.

When he thought of this, Nanchang Yue's face became more and more gloomy, and the aura on his body became more intense.
  "Did you catch her?"

"She? Who is it?"

Mo Feiming sneered and fiddled with the sword in his hand casually, with deep sarcasm in his tone.
  "I really want to know, who is she that Lord Demon King is referring to?"

New and old grudges are intertwined. At this moment, Mo Feiming just wants Nanchang Yue to experience the humiliation he has experienced.

However, before that, he had to let Fengling see Nanchang Yue's true face. Nanchang Yue had never really liked her.

Mo Feiming smiled and said,

"Speaking of which, the majestic Demon Lord has so many magical powers, why can't he even protect a woman?"

This provocative statement made the atmosphere at the scene tense instantly.

Nanchang Yue's patience had reached its limit, but he held it back because he had not yet found Feng Ling's whereabouts.

Now after hearing these words, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly waved his wrist, pointing a coldly shining sword directly at the opponent's eyebrows.

Their eyes met, and the atmosphere was as tense as a string, on the verge of breaking out.

"You tell me where you hid her, or I can make you lose everything again at any time."

Nanchang Yue's tone was cold and hard, filled with murderous intent. His gaze was like a knife, piercing Mo Feiming's heart.

Mo Feiming's eyes flashed with complex emotions, including hatred and determination.

"Do you think you can manipulate me at will? If you want to destroy me, you must have enough strength."

The air suddenly solidified, and the tense atmosphere spread between the two.

The surrounding scenery seemed to have lost its color, leaving only a tense atmosphere.

Suddenly, a sharp sword energy streaked across the sky, leaving a dazzling silver trail.

The pillars of the palace were hit by the powerful sword energy, making a deafening sound, and then collapsed completely.

Countless pieces of jade fell like raindrops, and many monsters had no time to escape and were smashed to pieces.

Mo Feiming struggled to resist in this earth-shattering battle, but in the face of absolute strength, he began to seem powerless.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and his figure began to shake.

(End of this chapter)

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