Ying Xiaojiu covered the pain in her chest. It was the pearl hairpin given to him by Lin Ling, which was a token of their love.

He wanted to pick up the hairpin, but found that his power had disappeared.

He once heard a man in the village say that if a man likes a woman but can't tell her, he should give her a beautiful hairpin as a token of love.

He picked for a long time before he found the most beautiful hairpin. He hoped it would be worthy of Ling Ling.

It's a pity that he can't send this feeling out now.

Blood spilled from his mouth, staining the hairpin.

What should I do? He soiled the token of love, and Ling Ling would be angry if she found out.

She doesn't like dirty things...

Mo Lingqiu stood aside, watching everything with cold eyes.

His eyes were as deep as a bottomless abyss, full of murderous intent.

Mo Lingqiu looked at the people on the ground without any guilt, coldly and ruthlessly.

He gently poked the man's wound with his sword to confirm that Ying Xiaojiu had no reaction. Then he took a long breath and regained his composure.

Mo Lingqiu took out the beaded hairpin from the man's stiff fingers, carefully wiped off the blood on it, and then put it into his arms.

At this moment, Feng Ling was anxious in the wing. She didn't know the situation outside and could only wait helplessly for the return of Mo Lingqiu and Ying Xiaojiu.

Feng Ling's heart was filled with all kinds of doubts and fears, worried about whether they were injured, and worried about the next escape plan!

The uneasiness in Feng Ling's heart spread like ripples, and whenever her thoughts touched on this matter, she felt uneasy.

The heart seemed to be racing in the chest, beating like a war drum, and could never return to calm.

At this time, rapid footsteps suddenly came from the yard.

Feng Ling thought those two people were back, so she opened the door without thinking and stuck her head out eagerly.

"Xiaojiu, is that you? You are finally back..."

However, when she saw the face of the visitor clearly, her words stopped abruptly.

It turned out that the two killers were not Ying Xiaojiu and Mo Lingqiu, but two people with strange faces.

Their eyes were cold and cruel, like hunting wolves staring at their prey with murderous intent.

Feng Ling's face instantly turned pale, and her body involuntarily took a step back.

In shock and fear, Feng Ling asked with a trembling voice:

"Who are you? Why did you find this place? Where are Mo Lingqiu and Ying Xiaojiu?"

As Mo Fengling was the owner of one of the Red Leaf Valleys, the killers naturally did not dare to hide anything from her.

One of the killers stepped forward and explained expressionlessly:

"Ying Xiaojiu and Mo Lingqiu teamed up to betray the photo studio and were shot dead on the spot for resisting arrest. As the owner of the valley, I have been specially ordered to take you back."

Although their words were full of respect, their eyes were still as cold as ice.

When the word "killed on the spot" came out of the killer's mouth, Feng Ling was stunned.

It was as if he had been completely defeated by the cold reality, and all the strength in his body seemed to have been drained away.

Feng Ling subconsciously let go of the doorframe in her hand and took a step back feebly.

Instantly, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Impossible! Xiaojiu will not die! He promised me that he would come back! You are all liars! I will not go back with you!"

The killer emphasized again:

"The Valley Master has an order. Once Ying Xiaojiu resists to the end, we must take decisive action. Now Ying Xiaojiu is dead and his body is missing."

"So, Miss Fourth, please stop being so stubborn. Go back, maybe you can lessen the anger of the Valley Master."

After hearing the killer's words, Feng Ling's eyes instantly became moist, and her tears fell uncontrollably.

Feng Ling collapsed and shouted to the two of them, "You don't want me to go back with you! It's impossible in this life! You are all liars! Xiaojiu will not die, I will not leave here, I will wait for him to come back until Until he comes back..."

The two killers looked at each other expressionlessly and continued coldly,

"We were just ordered to take the Fourth Miss back. If the Fourth Miss insists on going against us, then we will only be offended. Whether she is a living person or a dead body, the Fourth Miss must go back with us today."

Feng Ling tremblingly took out a dagger from her arms, which was a self-defense weapon given to her by Ying Xiaojiu.

She yelled at the two of them with all her strength,

"Have you forgotten your identities? If you dare to take a step forward again, I will really kill you..."

However, before she could finish her words, the two killers were already approaching.

Obviously, they did not take Feng Ling's words to heart.

The long swords in their hands shone with cold light, and the sharp killing intent almost made her skin tingle.

Feng Ling found that she had nowhere to hide, and was in a panic, not knowing what to do.

He backed away in fear, his body crumbling.

Tears welled up in her eyes. Finally, Feng Ling held the dagger tightly and stabbed the killer in front of her desperately.

However, her attack was obviously full of loopholes.

She doesn't know any martial arts, and her strength is pitiful. The two killers jumped easily and easily avoided her attack.

Then, they fought back, and the back of their swords hit her wrist hard.

The dagger instantly fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Due to inertia, Feng Ling's body fell forward uncontrollably.

The sharp gravel on the ground was right in front of her, and she was about to get a bloody head.

However, at this critical moment, someone flew over and hugged her tightly.

His hug was so tight that Feng Ling could hardly breathe. It seems that she is afraid that if she is too late, she will be injured or even die.

At this moment, the attacks from behind were still continuing. As soon as the two killers saw Mo Lingqiu appearing, they immediately stepped up their offensive.

Every move and every move becomes more powerful and oppressive.

Since Mo Lingqiu was protecting Feng Ling, he could not dodge in time, so he could only block Feng Ling with his own body and protect her with all his strength.

This move undoubtedly exposed his weakness, and he was stabbed from behind by the enemy with a sword that almost penetrated his shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, he was kicked hard again, a suppressed groan came from his throat, and his face instantly turned pale.

Feng Ling heard the voice and subconsciously looked up at him, with deep worry in her eyes.

She tremblingly reached out and touched Mo Lingqiu's back, only to feel the moisture in her hands.

"Ling Qiu..."

She called his name with a trembling voice.

Mo Lingqiu felt a sharp stabbing pain in his back, which almost made him fall to his knees.

However, he still endured the pain and held Feng Ling tightly in his arms.

The two rolled around on the ground a few times, and then he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Feng Ling immediately stepped forward and covered his chest, her eyes filled with panic and worry.

"Mo Lingqiu, how are you?"

Feng Ling asked nervously, tears sliding down her cheeks.

At this critical moment, Feng Ling had no intention of asking about Xiao Jiu.

She could only focus on protecting his wound and preventing him from continuing to bleed.

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