The Journey of the Empress of Quick Travel

Chapter 68 Where is Ying Xiao 9?

Mo Lingqiu coughed twice, and a trace of bright red blood spilled out of the corner of his mouth again.

He tried his best to suppress the taste of blood in his throat. Seeing the panic on Feng Ling's face, he comforted her softly,

"I'm really fine. Don't worry too much. We still have many things to solve."

The matter that needs to be resolved naturally refers to the two people in front of him.

Feng Ling's eyes were red and she held his hand tightly.

"But your wound..."

"Ahem, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Mo Lingqiu's eyes were cold, staring at the two people in front of him, showing clear murderous intent.

Feng Ling wanted to step forward to help him, but Mo Lingqiu pushed her away carefully, fearing that she would be affected by the ensuing fight.

Feng Ling was pushed and staggered. Only then did she notice the wounds on Mo Lingqiu's body. Some of them were dried and scabbed, and her face was pale. It was obvious that she had just experienced a fierce battle.

Feng Ling's heart clenched suddenly as she watched Mo Lingqiu rush forward to fight with the two men without hesitation. Every time the swords collided, her heart beat faster, for fear that he would be hurt again.

The yard was filled with the strong smell of blood, and the sound of the clash of swords was heartbreaking.

Fortunately, Mo Lingqiu's martial arts is not weak, and he can survive for a while when fighting one against two.

In the end, at the cost of serious injury, he pierced the chest with his sword and successfully killed one person.

Another killer was also defeated by Mo Lingqiu's fierce counterattack, and was finally killed with a sword. The bloody scene made Feng Ling pale.

She bit her lip, trying not to scream.

It wasn't until the two enemies were completely defeated that Mo Lingqiu fell to the ground exhausted. Blood gushed out from the wound again, and his skin and flesh were turned out, which was horrible to look at.

Feng Ling immediately rushed forward and helped him up, carefully avoiding touching his wounds.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to call a doctor immediately?"

Mo Lingqiu shook his head slightly. He tried his best to calm his breathing and said slowly:

"No need, I can still hold on. There are still many killers outside looking for us, we can't go out yet."

"These injuries are just superficial injuries. As long as they are bandaged, they will be fine."

Hearing Mo Lingqiu's words, Feng Ling seemed to be relieved, but her face was still full of worry.

Feng Ling helped Mo Lingqiu sit down on the stone bench in the yard. After Mo Lingqiu's breath stabilized, she let go. Then she looked nervously in the direction of the door and asked eagerly.

"Where is Xiaojiu? Is he injured too? Why didn't I see him? Didn't you say you would bring him back?"

Hearing this, Mo Lingqiu's eyes were deep, his body trembled slightly, and his face became a little ugly.

He raised his head and glanced at Feng Ling, his lips moved but he didn't say anything.

After a moment of silence, he seemed to be looking for the right words, but in the end he couldn't.

And Feng Ling seemed to have had a premonition of something. Her eyes were red, and she grabbed his hand hard, trying to hide her inner panic.

His lips trembled, as if trying to convince himself,

"I know, he is seriously injured, right? You are so seriously injured, he must be more seriously injured than you..."

"Yes, that must be the case..."

Feng Ling's voice was choked with sobs, and she was almost dumb from crying.

"Mo Lingqiu, can you tell me? Is it because he was too injured and couldn't walk, so you moved him to another safe place?"

"That's why he didn't follow you back? Is that right? He's not dead, right?"

Feng Ling looked at him expectantly, her eyes full of pleading.

She was afraid that he would give the same answer as the two killers, and she almost collapsed emotionally.

Mo Lingqiu's eyes slowly calmed down. He held the emotionally broken Feng Ling tightly in his arms and remained silent for a long time.

Then he said in a hoarse voice: "I'm sorry, it was too late when I went there. Xiaojiu was too injured and couldn't survive."

"Although I was not able to see his body, the killers who were chasing him told me that Xiao Jiu did accidentally fall off the cliff."

Feng Ling really collapsed at this moment.

Tears burst out like a flood, falling on the chin one by one, and then slipped down.

Her voice was broken, filled with endless grief and helplessness.

"You lied to me……"

Feng Ling murmured in a low voice, her voice full of despair.

"Xiao Jiu will not die. He promised me that he would protect me and take care of me for the rest of his life."

"We have even agreed to get married. How could he just leave me like this?"

Before she could finish her words, Feng Ling's chest felt tight due to the huge grief, her head felt a sharp pain, and then she fainted.

Her face instantly turned pale and she looked extremely weak.

"Ling Ling!"

When Mo Lingqiu saw this scene, his heart suddenly twisted.

He hurriedly hugged her into his arms, caressing her cheek with one hand, and feeling for her pulse with the other.

After confirming that she just fainted due to emotional excitement, Mo Lingqiu carefully carried her into the house and gently placed her on the bed.

Mo Lingqiu guarded her with all his heart, and always protected her head with his hands, fearing that Feng Ling would be hurt at all.

At this moment, Mo Lingqiu had no time to care about his own injuries. He only cared about Feng Ling's safety.

Mo Lingqiu did not directly tell Feng Ling about the bloody corpses in the hospital, but quickly ordered her men to clean them up after she settled them down.

He was worried that Feng Ling would be frightened again when she woke up, so he specially invited a nearby doctor to prescribe some medicine to calm her nerves and nourish her energy.

Since women's bodies are different from men's, heart palpitations can easily lead to other illnesses, especially when Feng Ling is continuously hit and frightened.

Mo Lingqiu was very worried that she would become ill because of this.

Feng Ling slept for a whole day and night, and didn't wake up until noon the next day.

Seeing Mo Lingqiu waiting beside him, he couldn't help but be moved.

Although Mo Lingqiu's own injuries had not been properly treated and he looked very haggard, he stayed by the bedside without any complaints, always paying attention to her condition.

When he felt Feng Ling's slight movement, Mo Lingqiu immediately raised his head and asked in a soft tone:

"Are you awake? How do you feel? Are you thirsty? Do you need some water?"

As he spoke, he poured a glass of warm water from the table, carefully helped her up, and then handed the water to her lips.

Feng Ling coughed slightly, and the dryness of her throat made her almost speechless.

She took a few sips of tea through the other person's palm, and her lips gradually regained some moisture.

However, when she looked around, she saw no one else, and her eyes couldn't help but become moist.

She grabbed his clothes tightly and asked in a weak voice,

"Where's Xiaojiu, what's wrong with him?"

Mo Lingqiu paused slightly, and after a moment of silence, he whispered,

"There has been no news since Xiaojiu fell off the cliff. During the time you were unconscious, I looked for him, but I didn't find his body. I only found this one on the edge of the cliff."

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