Hidden golden branches

Chapter 109 Rules

A memorial was left in Dali Temple to the emperor who was on guard, and he would wait until the emperor came back to submit a memorial.

Xiao Xuan saw the regulations in Dali Temple, and Long Yan was furious. Before the hunting was over, he led his ministers back to the capital.

Besides, after Yun Man came back, she began to prepare the dowry for Chen Rong's wedding and the people to marry.

Dowry is not a problem. As early as when the emperor gave Chen Rong marriage to Sun Yi, Yun Man began to prepare the dowry.

However, those who serve in marriage must be carefully screened.

When my daughter is a girl at home, no matter what she does, even if she gets into trouble, it doesn't matter. She is the mother watching over her and the Chen family is watching over her.

But when a daughter marries into her husband's family, she cannot do as she pleases.

The Ji family is a big family. Not only An Guogong's family, but also An Guogong's brothers and his family live together.

This person is a talkative person, and if something goes wrong, someone will jump out to criticize him.

It doesn't matter if you do it once or twice, as long as those interested people come out to stir up trouble every three days. Over time, it will definitely affect the relationship between the couple.

Therefore, these people who marry must be carefully selected.

A picky slave must not only be able to protect his master, but also be neither humble nor overbearing, and avoid causing trouble.

This means that you must be particularly responsible and capable.

It is said that the people who serve each have their own abilities. If not say one in a hundred, they are at least one in ten.

Mingzhu and Yuzhu, the eldest girls around Yunman back then, were both old. Yunman saw that they didn't have much ability, so she had to remain loyal. Later, she would get rid of them, either marry them outside, or marry the manager, etc. Good place to go.

The second-class girls at hand, Taohong and Cuiliu, are still young, twelve or thirteen years old, and have not yet been trained well. They can only go to the palace to treat the imperial concubine, and ask her to find a powerful nanny to come back and train her specially. Taohong and Cuiliu also taught Cuizhu and Yuzhu.

How could Chen Wanru not agree? She happily sent over the two nuns from Minghua Palace who specialized in training the maids.

The rest are the second-class girls and the rough girls, and the mother-in-law Yun Man also takes time to teach her. In this way, Yun Man can feel free to take them as dowries into the Ji family, and it will be easy and comfortable for her daughter to use them.

Cuizhu and Yuzhu did not go to the two nuns in the morning to learn the rules like the other maids, but in the afternoon when Chen Rong did not need to serve, they went to Xiangling Academy to learn the rules.

Yun Man saw several maids being trained by the two nuns in the palace, and they became more and more knowledgeable and rational.

She privately spent a lot of money to take care of the two nuns from the palace, and felt that the money was well spent.

Not only did the dowry girl and the mother-in-law have to adjust the teaching rules, but Chen Rong also had to learn housekeeping from Yun Man's side.

If Chen Rong married someone who was not the eldest son in the family, there would be no need to worry about this.

Who told Chen Rong to marry Ji Yuxian, the only legitimate son of the Anguo family?

In the future, the middle child in Duke An's palace will definitely fall into the hands of his daughter. If we don't step up our efforts to teach her now, will we have to wait until she gets married to teach her stepmother how to manage the middle child?

Wouldn't you just ask people to make irresponsible remarks?

Therefore, Chen Rong got up early and followed Yun to watch how she managed the entire family. In fact, the staff in Chen's mansion is simple. There are neither father-in-law, mother-in-law, uncles, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nor sisters-in-law.

Therefore, handing out the cards to the manager early in the morning was all the responsibility of the manager, Grandma Li, and Yun Man only checked and reconciled the accounts at the end of the month.

This is for my daughter’s sake, and I can’t muster up the energy to be a role model for her.

Learning to be a housekeeper is basically done in the morning, and after lunch, I have some free time.

On this day, Chen Rong returned to Jinxiu Courtyard after having lunch in the main courtyard.

Cuizhu served Chen Rong and changed into soft, semi-old clothes. She scattered her hair, braided it into a braid, and put on a pair of soft-soled shoes with pink beads embroidered with golden lotus flowers. She then quietly called the maid Zhuo'er. Chen Rong squeezed his legs and then quietly left to go to Xiangling Courtyard to learn the rules from the two nuns in the palace.

The little maid Ling'er walked in, gave Chen Rong a blessing ceremony, and said in a clear voice: "Miss, Miss Yue is here."

It has been seven or eight days since she came back, and she has no time to leave the house to see Yue Wanshu. Hearing this, he hurriedly said: "Quick, please come in Ashu." After saying that, he waved his hand to tell Zhui'er to stop. Remembering that Yue Wanshu liked to eat osmanthus garden seeds, he ordered: "Go to the kitchen quickly and tell them to make a bowl of red bean and osmanthus snacks." Come on Mariko."

Seeing that Zhui'er was about to lift the curtain and go out, he added, "Bring me a cup of fresh milk and honey tea first, and bring over the cherries on a plate."

"Yes, miss." Zhui'er agreed and opened the curtain and went out, thinking that the miss was so kind to Miss Yue. These cherries were sent by the royal concubine in the palace for the miss to eat. There was only one plate in total, and the miss had already eaten them. It's a small plate, I'm afraid there's only one plate left.

Chen Rong went out in person to greet Yue Wanshu. As soon as he reached the eaves of the corridor, he looked up and saw Yue Wanshu walking briskly from the path with a row of banana trees growing against the courtyard wall, followed by her eldest maid Zicuckoo.

Today, Yue Wanshu wore a pink green plum woven gold brocade skirt, a golden plum shawl of the same color, and a brown fox fur collar around her neck. There is only a white jade hairpin with butterfly love flowers inserted sideways on her head. Such simple clothes and accessories seem to add elegance and beauty to her body, as if a woman should be dressed as simply and elegantly as she is, like a hibiscus in water. Generally no carvings are added.

Chen Rong stepped forward with a smile, took Yue Wanshu's little hand and praised, "Ah Shu is so beautiful today!"

Yue Wanshu held Chen Rong's little hand with her backhand, shook it and said, "Hey, who dares to call Rong Rong beautiful?"


The two friends joked with each other and entered the greenhouse. Zijuan helped Yue Wanshu take off her silk shawl, hung it on her wrist, and stood aside.

"You just came back and you didn't know it. The Pingbohou Mansion seems to be making arrangements for Sun Yi to take concubines recently." Yue Wanshu looked at Chen Rong's face and said.

"So fast?" Chen Rong's face remained as usual, obviously he didn't care anymore. He said in a calm tone: "How long has it been since Zhang Xiuxi officially entered the house? Is the Sun family shameless?"

"If face is important, why is heir important? I heard from others that Zhang Xiuxi accidentally lost her child last time." Yue Wanshu felt that she had made a mistake, and was afraid of hitting Chen Rong's taboo, so she hesitated to say anything more.

"After she lost her son, she became Princess Cheng'en and was married to Pingbohou Mansion for less than a month. Although it was difficult to conceive, she didn't say she was dead. So what if we wait a year or two before discussing the matter of taking concubines? The family is really unkind." Chen Rong didn't care, and said lightly, already feeling bored with the Sun family.

Chen Rong then asked, "Why are the Sun family so anxious?"

"Why, it's not that Zhang Xiuxi, a woman with no family background whose origins are unknown, will not help Sun Yi in his career. What else could be the reason?" Yue Wanshu looked at Chen Rong's blank expression, sighed and said bluntly.

Yun Man: I have a headache. When my daughter marries Anguo Gong’s eldest son, she will be the mistress of the house. Therefore, we must learn how to provide feedback in order to manage the entire Anguo Palace well.

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