Hidden golden branches

Chapter 116 Wrong payment

The last time Chen Rong and Yue Wanshu came here, they were both extremely beautiful at a young age and had extraordinary bearing. Everyone in Yuyintang was still impressed.

Naturally, a servant led them to the private room.

When a few people stepped in, what they saw was the elegant and unique furnishings. Incense was burning inside, giving it a sweet aroma, which actually refreshed them.

The second play was already being performed on the stage in front, and it was Xiao Jiuru who sang the leading role.

Chen Rong raised his neck and looked at Xiao Jiuru. He saw that he had an elegant demeanor and a green robe like bamboo. It was rare to see someone who could wear a winter quilted jacket so well and slenderly. She is good-looking, with eyebrows on her temples and a nose as thick as a gallbladder. Although she plays a leading role on the stage, she doesn't look like a woman at all without makeup.

Yue Wanshu was so excited that she didn't know why. She just looked at Mei Changsheng with a small grin on her face. Mei Changsheng has a quirk. Even if he is singing in the Kunyu Troupe, he will not come out to entertain the host. He usually leaves after getting off the stage. The more mysterious and arrogant he is, the more he will attract the likes of Chen Rong and Yue Wanshu. The heart of a little girl. I don't regard him as an actor, I just think he has great character.

The boy sent me the title of the opera, "Wrong Payment" in two big characters in Taige style.

The content of the play is about a cousin and his concubine, who are in love with each other.

The poor scholar's cousin stayed with his aunt, who was also not rich. He needed money to buy paper and pens to study, and he also had to pay for the tuition of the private school teacher. So, my cousin worked from dawn to dusk doing embroidery in exchange for money so that her cousin could study.

When it came time for her cousin to take the exam, her cousin chipped in money to help her go to Beijing to take the exam. Before leaving, her cousin vowed that no matter whether he passed or failed the exam, he would come back to marry her.

The cousin in the play lived up to his expectations and finally got his dream of becoming the number one scholar in high school.

Unexpectedly, the cousin who won the first prize married the prime minister's daughter. He completely forgot about his cousin from his hometown who sponsored him to study for the imperial examination.

His cousin was waiting for his return at home. When she learned that he was in high school and married to a noble woman, she was so heartbroken that she almost committed suicide.

Finally, his cousin went through all kinds of troubles to come to the capital to find him and ask for an explanation.

Unexpectedly, a thief stole some silver coins on the road, and he begged for food all the way to the capital.

When I arrived at my cousin's mansion, I was chased away by the guard guard and refused to enter.

It was the middle of winter, and heavy snow fell from the sky. My cousin fainted from the cold next to the stone lion in front of her cousin's house.

As my cousin was returning home in an official sedan, the attendants around him saw someone fainting from the cold and reported to his cousin. The cousin actually said in disgust: "Throw her away quickly!"

When Chen Rong saw this, his eyes were red and he gritted his teeth. In such a cold weather, even if you didn't know she was your cousin, you couldn't treat her like this as a human being? Isn't this going to freeze her to death?

Just when Chen Rong was filled with indignation at what happened to the heroine, he held his two small hands tightly and was covered by a pair of warm palms. A warm and low-mellow voice came from his ears: "Rong Rong, there are all kinds of people in the world, don't worry about this. It makes people angry. Besides, being an official like this cousin in the play will definitely not last long."

"Why?" Chen Rong couldn't help but turned his head and asked curiously.

With a smile on his face, Ji Yuxian explained: "A person like this is a brainless villain. No matter which dynasty he is in, no one wants to befriend him. Think about it, a person who no one wants to talk to." , wouldn’t it mean that if you don’t have friends, you won’t be able to serve as an official for a long time?”

"Oh, that's it." Chen Rong nodded his head clearly.

Yes, he is a friend with few friends who share the same political views in the officialdom. You will definitely be ostracized by your colleagues.

Either he lost his official position or he was assigned to be a minor official in a remote and wild area.

Chen Rong and Ji Yuxian were just talking in whispers. Chen Rong didn't watch the whole ending of "The Wrong Payment" and then started a new drama.

"Wanshu, I want to go back." Chen Rong's little hand was still covered by Ji Yuxian's palm, so he could only turn around and say to Yue Wanshu, who was sitting on his right hand.

Yue Wanshu was also in a bad mood after watching the last drama "The Wrong Payment". After hearing the voice, she nodded her head and said: "Okay." In fact, she was also fed enough dog food by the two of them showing affection from time to time. I guess There is no need to eat dinner when I go home tonight.

As soon as the three of them walked out of the box door, they saw two familiar figures in the distance, who seemed to have just come out of the box.

When Chen Rong was about to shout "big brother", Ji Yuxian quickly reached out and covered his mouth.

Ji Yuxian only felt a warm and soft feeling like cheese in his palm. When he took his palm back, he also felt the warm and sweet feeling in his palm.

Chen Rong suddenly felt a refreshing fragrance coming from his palm, and his face suddenly turned red.

Ji Yuxian also really wanted to taste this long-lost sweet and soft mouth again. Thinking of the benefits at Fahua Temple that time, his heart became soft. The base of his ears also turned suspiciously red.

"Eh? Aren't those Brother Chen and Cui Yinyin?" sharp-eyed Yue Wanshu said in surprise.

Chen Rong also responded in surprise: "Hey, it's really eldest brother and Cui Yinyin!"

However, I don’t know when the eldest brother and Cui Yinyin saw eye to eye.

I think my parents had to deal with them before, but my brother didn't agree at that time.


Things like fate are unpredictable.

I remember that I loved Sun Yi to death, but now when I see him, isn't he just like a stranger?

Chen Rong couldn't help but glance at his elder brother in the distance: Hehe, elder brother doesn't mind that Cui Yinyin is illiterate?

Ji Yuxian looked at the little girl next to him who had a small mouth, the corners of her mouth curved beautifully, and he couldn't help but stretched out his palm to rub her delicately combed hair.

"Ahem, Brother Ji!" He successfully attracted someone's disgusted eyes.

Yue Wanshu glanced at Ji Yuxian without saying anything. Alas, where did her serious, mature, and self-possessed cousin from Zhilan Yushu go?

The rain has stopped, and the steps are wet and stained with some fallen flowers. The late autumn wind was mixed with moisture. Ji Yuxian took Chen Rong's peacock green satin chinchilla cloak from Ling'er and put it on Chen Rong.

In front of the tall porch of Yuyintang, only the breeze and the two horses tied to the horse posts could be seen, but no bright moon could be seen.

Qingfeng took a step forward and bowed to Ji Yuxian, cupping his hands and saying, "Your Majesty, Mr. Zhang is here to visit."

Ji Yuxian nodded: "Yes."

Mr. Zhang must be Zhang Juzheng, the minister of Dali Temple who just left office. He has something to explain to him before leaving office. Therefore, we cannot delay asking him to wait for a long time. In this way, it seems that I am not very polite to my seniors.

Ji Yuxian, who was originally going to send Chen Rong back, could only send Chen Rong to the carriage with apology.

Seeing that Ji Yuxian refused to send Chen Rong back, Yue Wanshu happily boarded Chen Rong's carriage, drove Zhui'er and Ling'er out of the carriage, and sat in her own carriage behind.

"Let's go, I'll take you back." Chen Rong put his arm around Yue Wanshu's and put his head on Yue Wanshu's shoulder affectionately.

Of course Yue Wanshu agreed.

From Yuyintang to Yuefu, passing by Pingbohou Mansion, Chen Rong originally lifted the car curtain to see if there was any fresh food on the roadside, but he saw the familiar maid next to Zhang Xiuxi, who was with two women in Pingbohou. There are entanglements on the side of the mansion door.

An eternal theme, a love story between a cousin and a cousin.

It is also an eternal topic that a woman entrusts her to wrongdoers and wrongly pays them to bad people.

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