Hidden golden branches

Chapter 123 Letters

Zhang Xiuxi slapped Zhang Xiuyuan on the face. Before the astonished Zhang Xiuyuan could recover, Zhang Xiuxi threatened fiercely: "Zhang Xiuyuan! I'm warning you, you'd better stop thinking like this. I am now Ping Bohou. The third wife of the Ming Dynasty is marrying, and she is also the princess whom the emperor has decreed. If I want to kill you in the capital without anyone noticing, it will be easy. Think about your two sons, don't mess with me, you know?"

Zhang Xiuxi's eyes were as terrifying as wanting to eat people, which shocked Zhang Xiuyuan to the point of palpitations. At this moment, she finally believed that her concubine, who had always been a pitiful concubine, really had murderous intentions towards her.

After Zhang Xiuxi left, Zhang Xiuyuan hugged her knees and cried bitterly in extreme fear and helplessness.

After returning to Pingbohou Mansion, Zhang Xiuxi still looked unhappy and sat in her courtyard. After calming down, she beckoned Reiko to come over.

After Zhang Xiuxi finished speaking, Lingzi turned a little pale and said, "Miss, you really want to..."

In fact, Zhang Xiuxi was extremely uneasy, but what Zhang Xiuyuan said to her really made her sleepless and uneasy.

Although with the current relationship and affection between her and Sun Yi, he may not believe Zhang Xiuyuan's words without any evidence, but nothing is absolute. She couldn't leave such a disaster behind, otherwise, wouldn't she have to be controlled by Zhang Xiuyuan for the rest of her life?

In this case, it would be better to eradicate the root cause and avoid future troubles forever!

In fact, how did Zhang Xiuxi know that every move she made was under Sun Yi's supervision?

Except for Lingzi, who was brought from the border, the others around her were arranged by Sun Yi.

He sent someone to be by her side just to take good care of her. He was deeply afraid that she would not be used to being away from home and coming to the capital alone.

How did Sun Yi know that the cute and weak woman in his eyes was actually a snake-hearted woman?
"I heard that a distant visitor came to Pingbohou Mansion these days." Yu Zhu squatted on the ground and trimmed Chen Rong's nails, seeming to say it unintentionally.

Suddenly hearing the words "Ping Bohou Mansion", Chen Rong felt like he had been away from this world for many years.

Since she completely broke off her wishful friendship with Sun Yi, she has deliberately stayed away from everyone or anything related to Sun Yi. Even her interactions with Sun Yuting are no longer as close as before.

"What else do you want to say? Why are you staring at Ping Bohou Mansion all day long?" Chen Rong glanced at Yu Zhu, withdrew his hand and watched him trimming his round nails, turned around, and looked at the bronze mirror , held up the hairpin on her bun.

Cuizhu also glanced at Yuzhu, which meant she disliked Yuzhu for talking too much.

My young lady finally forgot about that ungrateful man. She fell in love with the prince and was getting married in a few months. Hey, why would the brainless Yu Zhu mention that bastard now?
Yu Zhu hurriedly said that he had said the wrong thing. He stood behind Chen Rong and looked at Chen Rong's face in the bronze mirror that was gradually losing its tenderness and becoming more beautiful. He only felt that Sun Yi was a useless person who was very hateful. It's just right to be blind-eyed and blind-hearted. Otherwise, how could my young lady be engaged to that handsome, noble prince?
Xiaobai called out "meow" and jumped onto Chen Rong's lap at the right time. Interrupting Chen Rong's brief thoughts, Chen Rong happily stroked the fat little white cat on his lap.

Aunt Zhong came over with a smile holding a letter in her hand, bowed to Chen Rong and said, "Miss, this is a letter from the second young master."

Aunt Zhong got up early and went to the front yard to meet Butler Wu. Butler Wu was about to send someone to deliver the letter written by the second young master to the young lady to Jinxiu Courtyard. She happened to see the real Aunt Zhong and asked her to bring the letter to Chen Rong.

After Chen Rong opened the letter, he stroked Xiaobai while reading the letter. He watched his eyes curve into a crescent shape, and he dropped the hand that was licking Xiaobai.

The cat was naughty by nature, so when its owner stopped playing with it, it jumped up on the beam and ran out.

Cuizhu used copper clips to hold a few pieces of silver charcoal and placed them in the peony-engraved copper charcoal stove, fearing that Chen Rong would catch cold.

Chen Rongzhan, who was sitting on a rosewood chair with a peony pattern, read about the landscape, local customs and customs that she had never seen from her second brother's letters. "It rains a lot and is covered by haze. The wind is often warm but unclear, the moon is often dim and unclear, it rains a lot in summer and autumn, and there is little snow in spring and winter. The grass and trees are luxuriant, and there are many huge trees in the mountains, all of which can grow to hundreds of feet, and the trees can reach four Those who are around fifty... Between the ravines in the west, there are grasses like orchids, sprouting ears and blooming, shaped like butterflies..."

"Birds include parrots and sika deer... fish are as big as cows, and shrimps are as big as ducks... The land is fertile, but rice, grain, and wood are cheap..."

"All the people live in bamboo buildings. People live upstairs, livestock live below...men wear long clothes with long skirts; women wear buns, short clothes and barrel skirts. Both men and women, regardless of high or low, wear ears and bare skirts...Marriage does not require wealth, and marriage requires no money." With it. Marry first by your parents, then marry at your own discretion. The rest of the barbarians, with the same surname, marry each other, regardless of whether they are uncles, nephews, concubines, or sisters..."

After reading this, Chen Rong was surprised and envious. The scenery was like flowers and the customs could still be like this.

Not only that, Chen An also painted the scenery, flowers, birds and animals he passed along the way.

He knew his sister would definitely like to watch it.

Chen An is good at painting. He draws parrots, sika deer and other animals, birds, fish and insects, as well as exotic flowers and plants that are not found in the prefectures near the capital. He uses meticulous brushwork to draw the branches and leaves, bird feathers and fish scales, and the details are vivid. I also specially marked the actual size and color on the side, and even included a few feathers from birds that are not available here, and a few pieces of dried flowers and leaves, and sent them to my sister for appreciation.

"Hey, why are the sika deer so cute? How much effort did he have to put into painting such a detailed painting?" Chen Rong exclaimed in amazement. The second brother traveled with the teacher and found time to describe the scenery along the way for her. He couldn't help but admire the second brother. I can't put it down with the painstakingly painted little paintings.

Chen Rong looked at the small painting in her hand and couldn't help but think of her friend Yue Wanshu. She wondered if the letter her second brother had written to her was the same as hers.

Cuizhu was very happy to see Chen Rong receiving the letter from the second young master. She couldn't help but miss Ping'er who was far away in the farm in Qingpu. After Ping'er went to Qingpu, he only sent a letter reporting that he was safe. After seeing her for nearly a month, she also There was no letter telling her how she was doing, which was really worrying.

Chen Rong wanted to reply to his second brother, but saw that there was a lot of letter paper left.

Moreover, these stationery papers were originally intended to write letters to Sun Yi. Since Sun Yi broke off the engagement, these stationery papers have been shelved.

Chen Rong randomly grabbed the letter paper in his hand, rubbed it vigorously, and threw it into the wastebasket.

After walking out of the study, she said to Cuizhu who was following her: "Follow me to the bookstore to buy letter paper."

Aunt Zhong, who was wearing a thick gray coat, had just come in from outside. Seeing that Chen Rong was about to go out, she hurriedly said: "Miss, I'll tell someone to prepare the car."

"Well, thank you, mama." Chen Rong nodded.

Aunt Zhong hurriedly waved her hands and said: "Hey, miss, this is what an old slave should do." After saying that, she put her hands into the cotton sleeves and hurriedly turned around and walked towards the stable.

The bookstore Chen Rong went to today is the second brother Chen An's shop, Yage Bookstore.

Unexpectedly, when I entered the door, I met Yue Aoting, who also came to the shop to buy paper.

Chen Rong: Touched, second brother is better! The second brother went out to travel, and he also knew how to send her descriptions of the scenery and birds and animals he passed.

Chen Zhao: Little white-eyed wolf, isn’t your elder brother treating you badly?
Chen Rong:.

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