Hidden golden branches

Chapter 144 Congratulations

No matter how envious Chen Fu was, she didn't dare to show it.

She will get married next month and will have to rely on her parents' family from now on, no, she will rely on her second uncle's family.

After all, he has a crown prince, a second uncle who is the Minister of Household Affairs, a cousin who is about to become the concubine of Anguo Gong, and the emperor's favorite concubine, his aunt and the young prince's cousin.
Who dares to bully me?
It's just that none of these prominent masters want to get along with her, which is sad!

Chen Fu turned her heartbreak into appetite, and next she had a cup of sea cucumber and abalone soup for each person. Chen Fu not only ate her own cup, but also the cup that Chen Rong didn't eat.

Not only that, she also ate a lot of the pastries and fruits that were served at the end.

Yun Man was worried that she had accumulated food, and planned to let her drink the digestion tea before letting her go home. Otherwise, it will hurt your stomach.

Chen Youyu and Ji Yuxian whispered to Yun Man and Chen Rong respectively, and they left as quietly as they followed.

Yun Man and Chen Rong, mother and daughter, understood very well that if they had not had important business to attend to, they would not have left them alone and left early.

Just as everyone was finishing eating, Prince Xiao Jinchen, who was wearing a red python robe, came over holding the hand of the sixth prince Xiao Jamyan, who was in red uniform.

This afternoon, Jamel Xiao had to take the prince's brother to the riding and shooting range to learn riding and shooting. Aren't you tired? He didn't wake up until the palace banquet started. Xiao Jinchen was worried that his brother would wake up and see that they all went to the palace banquet without him. sad. Then wait for him to wake up and bring him over.

When these two brothers, dressed in festive and cute outfits, walked in, everyone's eyes lit up.

The sharp-eyed man hurried over to greet him: "I have met the prince, Prince Jin An."

Xiao Jinchen nodded with a small face: "Yes, no courtesy."

The little prince knew that Chen Rong would definitely come back from today's palace banquet, so he turned his little head and looked for it at the banquet. The small hair bun on his head was tied with a red headband, and there were two small bells tied to it. As his head shook, it jingled. The soft jingle of the bell looks cute and childlike.


The sixth prince, who was wearing red embroidered with yellow gold thread patterns, let go of the prince's brother's little hand and rushed toward Chen Rong with his short legs.

Chen Rong was deeply afraid that the little guy would run away and fall, so he quickly stood up and went to meet him.

This was the second time Chen Fu met the little prince. The last time she saw the little prince was when he arrested Zhou.

She was sitting next to her mouth and saw the little prince flying towards him. She quickly stood up and stretched out her arms to catch him. Unexpectedly, the little prince ran over happily, and when he saw a strange woman stopping him, he quickly twisted his little body around and threw himself into the arms of Chen Rong who rushed over to pick her up.

When Chen Fu saw this, her heart felt sour again.
They are both cousins ​​of the little prince, so why are they so different?

The Sixth Prince snuggled tightly into Chen Rong's arms. He did not forget to glance at Chen Fu and asked, "Cousin, who is that woman? Humph! Just now she stretched out her arms to stop me."

Chen Rong glanced at Chen Fu's envious and flattering eyes, and introduced to the sixth prince: "Her name is Chen Fu. She is your uncle's daughter, and she is also the sixth prince's cousin."

When the little prince heard this, he nodded his head and said, "Hmm." He turned his head away from looking at Chen Fu who looked expectant.

"Sixth Prince, have you eaten your dinner?" Chen Rong asked as he took the Sixth Prince to his seat and looked at the few pastries left on the plate on the table in front of him.

The little prince said in a soft voice: "I ate a bowl of wontons and rolls when I came back from riding and shooting in the afternoon. When I came here just now, the prince brother also fed me a bowl of bird's nest. I'm not hungry now."

After the little guy finished speaking, he saw Yun Man looking at him with a smile and greeted him politely: "Second aunt, happy New Year."

Yun Man walked over and said to the little prince with a smile: "Hey, the sixth prince is good. My second aunt also wishes the sixth prince happiness and growth." After saying that, he took out a big red envelope from his sleeve pocket and handed it to the six princes. The prince said: "Here, this is the red envelope given to you by my second aunt."

The Sixth Prince stretched out his chubby hand to take the red envelope. He felt heavy and did not forget to say to Yun Man: "Thank you, Second Aunt."

Chen Rong took out an exquisitely crafted palm-sized tumbler from his sleeve pocket. There was a small mechanism underneath the tumbler. When he gently twisted the mechanism, the tumbler not only swayed back and forth, but also spun around in circles.

The little prince couldn't put it down immediately
The dinner party was over and everyone was not in a hurry to leave. The ministers all talked freely in front of the emperor about this year's plans and prospects, and complimented the young prince on his intelligence.
The female relatives gathered in front of the imperial concubine and said words of compliments and blessings.

The queen had left the palace banquet on the pretext of being dizzy, so these female relatives had no scruples in getting close to the imperial concubine.

Only the female relatives of General Cui's family had a cold face and quietly left to go to Queen Cui Ying's Fengzao Palace to talk to her about their family's shortcomings and hope that the queen would be happy.

As for the emperor's exclusive love for the imperial concubine over the years, they did not dare to comment.

Who said the Queen was childless?

There's nothing she can do about her natal family members helping her!

No matter how much the emperor dotes on the imperial concubine, she is still a concubine after all.

Isn’t Cui Ying still in the middle palace position?

Her natal family could only come to the palace to visit her during palace banquets or when the queen summoned her to comfort her lonely soul.

Chen Rong raised his eyes and saw many officials and family members surrounding the imperial concubine's aunt, all saying congratulations and other words to make the imperial concubine happy.

Everyone else was complimenting the Imperial Concubine's aunt. As a niece who was deeply loved by the Imperial Concubine's aunt, I couldn't just sit here and not go to the Imperial Concubine's aunt to say some auspicious words. I felt bad, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Rong held the sixth prince holding the tumbler in his hand and approached the imperial concubine.

"Auntie the Imperial Concubine!" Chen Rong stood on tiptoes, leaned her head across the crowd, and shouted to Chen Wanru who was sitting at the top.

Seeing Chen Wanru nodding and looking towards her, she hurriedly called out: "Auntie, the imperial concubine, my niece wishes you to have a daughter soon and a little princess this year!"

Chen Wanru smiled.
When ordinary people say congratulations, don't they say: "Have a son soon"?
What did you say about giving birth to a daughter?

How stupid!

Doesn’t the emperor just not have a little princess?

I would like to ask which dynasty and generation in the palace did not have a princess?

Not to mention other things, just talking about the Jin Dynasty, the princess was ranked seventeenth.

They can no longer see the marriages of princesses from past dynasties.

Xiao Xuan, who was in harmony with his ministers, heard Chen Rong's blessing with sharp ears, and laughed and said: "Okay, okay, what a blessing from the Lord Jiahe County!"

The little prince, who stood upright in front of his ministers and smiled informally, also showed expectant eyes.

The sixth prince was even more excited: "Okay, okay, I have a sister!"

This year was the most enjoyable palace banquet, and both the monarch and his ministers left the banquet happily.

It is said that the second day of the Lunar New Year this year was the most red envelope ever received by Chen Rong, and the amount of red envelopes was much larger than before.

Chen Rong, a little money fan who went back to count the money, was smiling even when he fell asleep. In my dream, red envelopes are flying all over the place.
Chen Rong: I wish the imperial concubine and her aunt to have a daughter soon.

Xiao Xuan: Haha, it’s from the bottom of my heart.

Sixth Prince: I would be happiest if my mother-in-law gave birth to a younger sister!

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